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[LWS Staff] Alex' LWS Events


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^[~[INORMATION ABOUT ME:]~(lime,green,lime)]

^[~[Hello everyone. My name is Alex. I live in Bulgaria, Bourgas. In this topic I will post the events which I'm hosting. I am 11 years old. I am playing MTA since 2016 - 2017. I play SAES since I play MTA ( 2016-2017 ) . Here are the organizations in which I was and the reason of leaving / kicked. My first gang was FXR. This gang wasn't with topic and left them. I played more time and wanted to join a gang which is 0,1 or 2lvl, because I needed to play more to join lvl 4-5 gang. I had a lot of friends there and more of them are in Blood Brothers MC now. I don't know why, but Fastyoung closed it. As I said earlier I wanted to join 0 or 1 lvl. I joined Confero's. They kicked me. It was a normal day and UE and more one gang turfed I don't remember who. I was helping UE and on the next day they kicked me without reason. In November or December, 2017 I joined UE. They kicked me, because my friend and I went to the BR as cops. It wasn't our and someone and my friend told us that we can join it as cops. And they kicked me. Then my friend Mrwan asked for a help to his gang named The Corleone. After 1-2 weeks it was closed. I joined WA and left it, because UE told me to come back again and other people told me to apply for them. I joined UE again and was staying around 2-3 months. I was bored of crim side and went to the cop side. I joined SAPA , I got my PC Diploma and left it. Then I joined Special Task Force - STF. I left and will tell you why in the game :). After that I went inactive for 4-5 months. I joined OC and after 3-4 months I left , because I wanted to go in FOX to my brother. Now I'm a FOX agent 2 lvl for those who care. FOX and NNB FTW. Thanks for reading and enjoy.]

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^[ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:]~(lime,green,lime)]

~[Maturity :]~(lime,green,lime) ~[I am 11 years old soon 12 and I'm acting good.]~(lime,green,lime)
~[Behavior,Attitudes :]~(lime,green,lime) ~[I haven't any problems with anyone in the server. I am friendly and like almost everyone.]~(lime,teal,lime)
~[Quality:]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[I am hosting many LMS's , because I see many players like and coming. The events are organized.]~(lime,green,lime)
~[Quantity :]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[I hosted and posted 60 events.]~(lime,green,lime)
~[Skills:]~(lime,green,lime) ~[I won't build that perfect , but I will learn and do it.]~(lime,green,lime)
~[Creativity:]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[Will try to make new types of events and will make events who aren't hosted that usually.]~(lime,green,lime)
~[Originality:]~(lime,teal,lime) ~[I will use different builds for the types , and not only Chicken Shooter.]~(lime,green,lime)
~[Activity:]~(lime,green,lime) ~[If I'm not at school or on a trip , I'm active all the day.]~(lime,green,lime)

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~[Money spent: 108.000.000$]~(green,teal,lime,lime,green,green,green)

~[Alex' LWS Events: 88]~(green,lime,green)

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~[Here is the link to my previous Lighting World Sports' topic in the previous forum]~(lime,green,lime): ~[https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/96705-alexs-lws-events/]~(lime,green,lime)

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