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Power Hour this Sunday (10/02/19) at approx. 15:00 in game time.... lasting ONE FULL HOUR!..

Any reports made during the hour and contains one of the above mentioned rules-skip will be ignored

Note: Those who don't feel comfortable with others having fun please refrain from connecting for a hour or its at own risk if you do.

~[Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.]~(red)

What can you possibly expect during the power hour:

  • hydras/hunters/seasparrows around airports ( Will be spawned shortly before the event starts )

  • Given out "banished" weapons to everyone

  • Any BR during the hour will not count on top daily limit for gangs ( Banks will be reset when the event start so whoever gets it first has it )

  • Squads are free to camp around and will be handed tools to make work more easier

  • and more fun what the hour brings, speed etc etc

During the hour certain rules will not apply to the server

  • Deathmatching

  • Revenge-killing

  • Avoid arrest

~[And please don't end up spawn-killing at spawns/hospitals like on previous power hour]~(red)

~[Anyone caught spawn-kiling at Hospitals/Spawns will be served with a hour ban resulting in no more fun for you.]~(red)

For questions and shit give @Bone a mention in #saes-support on our discord server : https://discord.gg/MR64u4T

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