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-=(black,red,maroon)First Day Activity=-
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-=(black,red,olive,olive,olive,red,red,red,black,black)Road Trip [ Organization Zero ~ Road Knights MC]=-
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-=(black,red,sienna,olive,olive,olive,red,black,black)RP Story 1=- :

When I was watching television, one of my gang men came and told me that the weapons store was over.

My colleague called me @flappppyyy and he was famous for selling weapons of high quality and at
reasonable prices. We decided to meet at our headquarters.

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After a few hours he had He arrived at the
required location loaded with weapons and ammunition. After a few moments, I decided to buy 20 rifles And 30 explosives

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After talking to him about prices, it was suitable despite its high quality. When I bought the
weapons I thanked him for his reputation

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-=(red,black,maroon)-Activity 2=-: -=(red,black,maroon)LV PBR=-

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-=(red,maroon,maroon,maroon,black)Road Trip :=-

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-=(black,red,maroon,black,red) Evening Road Trip Started at 22:00 With 10 Members For an Hou=-r :
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-=(black,red,maroon,black,red,maroon)Las venturas Crossroad=-s


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participants: @Mistigun @warwick @Scar
Story:"Organization Zero" became one of the most celebrated gangs cuz of their experience in turfing, stealing banks ... and especially selling their modern bikes, this area gives our gang a lot of money, all San Andreas want to buy our bikes cuz they are the best bikes in saes.
one day when I was guarding our treasury, I received a call from "Road knigh MC", they told me that they want to buy some bikes and they will come to our base to choose them,
after a while, they came with their freeways, I showed them where they can park their bikes, then they told me that they want to see the best type of our modern bikes cuz they have a big road trip today, so I decide to show them our best bikes ,they were surprised when they saw our best model and they decide to buy 3 bikes with 95841$ ,then I decide to help them in transporting them to their base in "bone county" ,and there they gave me the money and they thanks us for our help .
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  • -=(black,red,maroon,sienna,black,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,red,maroon,maroon,maroon,maroon,sienna)Activity=- :9/6/2018

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-=(black,red,maroon)*Road trip=-
-=(red,gray,maroon,maroon,maroon)Activity=- 10/6/2018 :
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-=(black,red,orange,sienna,maroon,olive)In Los Santos (RT)=- :
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-=(black,red,olive)Members:=- : @Reus @Scar @DaLi @zommra

*-=(black,red,maroon,black)Story=- :
My gang has been working on illicit drug trafficking in recent months. We have been through a financial crisis until the police shut down the neighboring countries and I have not been able to bring the goods into the country, but some of the information we received from members of our group is that there are other smuggling groups working on arms and drug trafficking they can help us to sell the drugs. as I know they
are buying excellent quality and we decided to buy from them

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A few hours later, we met at the representative company's headquarters, which would sell us the drugs and enter the factory's income to see what they own. We purchased 3 bags of Indian cane and two bags of drugs.
Then we left for our headquarters.

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-=(black,gray,red,maroon,maroon)winner=- : @Madra
-=(black,gray,red,maroon)LWS=- @Zombie
-=(black,silver,red,maroon)Event type=- : Chicken Shooter
-=(black,red,gray,silver,maroon)Price=- 1.000.000$
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-=(black,red,red,red,maroon,maroon,maroon)Members=- : @Reus @Br3nA @wariwck

-=(black,black,black,red,red,red,maroon,maroon,maroon,sienna,olive,red,orange)Role Play Story:=- :
The organization known -=(red,black,maroon,gray)Road Knights=- control of the city of Los Santos in terms of criminality
classified as one of the most dangerous gangs based on the bandits and private property, also
known as drug trafficking and the sale of arms and liquor. One day, two members of the gang
were lurking on a sports car. The story took place in the liquor store where the targets were
drunk. This made the process easy for members who followed them to their home on their own
car and some Moments when I was enough to hit the property of the target and the right
number of dead after they converse with words of modesty causing the dead in a state of
hysteria and about half an hour passed federal police on the spot and Camat analyzed the
bodies and passed to forensic medicine.

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-=(black,red,gray)Winner=- : @ludaka
-=(black,gray,red,maroon,olive)LWS=- : @Zombie

-=(black,red,maroon,sienna)Event type=- : chicken Nader
-=(silver,orange,red)Screens=- :
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-=(gray,black,maroon,yellow,red)Evening Activities :=- Road Trip
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-=(orange,red,maroon)Flint county=- :
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-=(black,gray,silver,red,sienna,sienna,sienna,,maroon,maroon,maroon)Evening Activities=- :12/6/2018
-=(gray,silver,red,maroon)Road Trip=- :
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7/14 Members :

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-=(black,gray,red,maroon)Role Play=- :
Story : In 1989, a new gang formed in Los Santos, where they robbed banks and organized smuggling operations outside the country illegally. On a rainy evening, news of a kidnapping in the north of Las Venturas Road Knights MC was announced officially behind the operation, making Las Venturaas Living on the reality of shock days later he decided to re-represent what happened today and with the developments and reached a thread that leads them to killers
The events were re-represented after Mr. Paul was on his way home until the bandits intercepted him and tried to seize his property and his money, but he refused,
The killers were in a state of anger and turned him to a place that was out of sight after they destroyed his car. After the investigation, it was found that the killers asked for his bank number to take it, but he also refused. The gang members threw pistols in the direction of his head and shot him until he died.

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-=(black,orange,red)Activities:=- 14/6/2018 :
-=(gray,silver,maroon,black)Road Trip=- : -=(black,orange)we went up to MC Top /SF=- :

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-=(black,gray,maroon,red)Winner :=- @TonZZa

-=(black,gray,olive,green,maroon)LWS=- ; @Zombie
-=(black,gray,orange,red)Event type :=- Marathon
-=(black,gray,sienna,maroon)Price=- 1.000.000 $
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