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[LWS Staff] Filippo's Events


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Event# : ( N84)
Event Type: Make it to the end
Price: 12.000.000$
Helper: @Sam_
Winner(s): Arma's team won ( 69 )
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SZfhIca


This is a special event , hosted by me , @Pilcrow & @Sparrow
Details: This event is a new/ special one, named " Make it to the end " the participants had to run till from a start point till a finish point , they had some cover of objects and they were able to use and defend them selves with M4/AK-47 while we were using " BC Baron " and shooting each team that is in the track
special thanks to @Sam_ for the great architecture .


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Event# : ( N89)
Event Type: The Legandary Traps
Price: 5.000.000$
Helper: @Sam_
Winner(s): @Dodoo
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/h5u1Zve
Description: This event is kinda new one, a parkour build contains so many traps and different fake tracks, also weapons were enabled ( only deagle ) and the first who reached the top or the roses at the top won this competition
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