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Event number: 428
Prize(s): $1.000.000
LWS Helper(s): @Sneijder
Winner(s): pabloPueblo alt text
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/RBQr4y6


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Date: 06/03/2020
Roleplay story: First of all , Our friends from @Hell-Soldiers gang called us offering new kind of high quality cocaine , Then i accepted their kind offer which had a special discount due to our long friendship since 2009 , Then we chose to meet at their base at LS at 20:55 . After greeting each other i went to there van and tested their cocaine which was indeed high quality . After that Someone leaked our meeting and FBI came . We instantly raised our hands and surrendered waiting for our chance to turn on them , Mr.Stargame gave me a signal to turn on them when they were busy with something than us and Boom , tables turned. We killed the FBI agent and returned out friend @Henry after getting arrested by FBI , Later we continued our deal and shake each others hands (of course after using hand sanitizers due to corona outbreak ) and left with the cocaine package .
B~B Participants : Bodo , @Raf0 .
HS Participants: @alex0107 , @Henry , @Leb , @Nobodyknows , @Candy , @FXY , @Petrow .
FBI Participants : @snoopys , @kirosa , @Diesel .
ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/tRDoKmX


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Assisting The Company at Las Venturas Bank Robbery 05.06.2020


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Assisting Clandestine Mob at Tiearra Robada Bank Robbery 06.06.2020


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08-06-2020 : CAMELS BR SF 8/8


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~[Special thanks to tt for giving us @Colo best defender with 0 kill also went afk during safes]~(violet)


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Roleplay with @Los-Inkas

Date: 06/09/2020

Roleplay story: First of all , I got a Call from My friend Mr.Chaf in which he requested to meet at our base for a deal . After greeting each others i knew from him that he wanted to provide his gang With our Weapons&Drugs . I told him immediately to follow me to Black Bullets' Factory inside our base , after I showed him the area inside our factory , I gave him some cocaine to test . He apparently Liked it too much and requested 5 bags of our Cocaine . Also he requested some explosives from our factory , i gave him 5 bags of TNT as a trial with a good discount . He bought 5 bags of Cocaine for 5000$ and 5 Bags of TNT for 16000$ (after 20% discount ) . At last , I Packed the drugs in a black bag and put it inside their Car's trunk . We shaked our hands for a good farewell and waved for them , hoping they would like our decent products .

B~B Participants : @Bodo420 , @Faysal
Los-Inkas Participants : @chafloque , @Pedro , @Kodigo , @Alessio

ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/9s48s8H
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^[~[09-06-2020 : CAMELS BR SF 8/8]~(ff4500)]

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^[~[09-06-2020 : CAMELS BR RC 8/8]~(ff4500)]

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^[~[09-06-2020 : Assisting TT at LV Bank Robbery]~(ff4500)]

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^[~[09-06-2020 : Assisting TT at LS Bank Robbery]~(ff4500)]

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^[~[10-06-2020 : CAMELS BR SF 8/8]~(ff4500)]

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Special thanks to tt for giving us @Colo best defender with 0 kill also went afk during safes :face_with_cowboy_hat:



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Roleplay with @Los-Inkas & @The-Company

Date: 06/11/2020

Roleplay story: It was at the early morning when our friends from Los-Inkas called us to help them with their plan . It's known at the morning that security weaken especially at Red Country's stores . So i got a call from Mr.Chaf at 6:05 AM asking me to get ready to execute our small plan . He asked me to bring one more person that i trust , so i brought a friend that i really trust from The~Company . We grouped at Los-Inkas base planing how to rob this store perfectly . after that we set off at 6:40 to the store holding our guns , ready to rob it without mistake . When we arrived there , we rushed the store aiming at the Cashier meanwhile Mr.Chaf is taking the money from the safe they used to hide their money at . after our robbery we made sure to cut all methods of connection between the store and police department and left with our money package back to Los-Inkas base where we shared our money fairly , at last we shaked our hands then We left their base with the money we shared together .

Participants : @Bodo420 , @chafloque , @hazy , @Asexyno .

ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/o0Bgllj
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@hazy said in Los INKAS Media Archive:

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Roleplay with: @Black-Bullets & @Los-Inkas & @San-Andreas-Pirates
Participants: ME & @DarkMan & @Beckham
Date: 12/06/2020
Story + Screenshot(s)
On the morning of the 12th Beckham came to me, saying that he has a plan to steal a ship full of weapons that was anchored in San Fierro. Beckham explained his plan to me, said he could take a boat to the side of the ship with the cargo and sneak in there. We then called DarkMan so that he could help us at sea. He has more experience at sea and also has a boat very fast and perfect for theft.
We went by boat to the edge of the ship that was anchored in San Fierro, we were hidden so that nobody could see us, we went sneaky to the captain's room. We saw his map and where he was going with all that load. He intended to take another gang to the Los Santos Docks. Together with Beckham and DarkMan we went to the hold of the ship and there was all the cargo with weapons. We stole a big part and put it in the DarkMan's boat.
After leaving the Ship with a few loads of weapon Backham drove his boat to a location near the base of the INKAS, where he had a car waiting to be able to put the cargo inside. Backham helped me get the load into the car. We paid a certain amount to DarkMan for breaking our branch with the boat and for driving there. After saying goodbye to DarkMan, Beckham went to INKAS base and he paid me a sum of $ 100,000 for helping him with the theft and I got some weapons stolen from the ship.

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