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@hazy said in Los INKAS Media Archive:

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# 66
*Roleplay with: @Los-Inkas & @Black-Bullets
Participants: Me & @Dippo
Date: 25/05/2000
Story + Screenshot(s)
Some time ago a certain guy took a lot of drugs with INKAS. This guy promised to pay in installments, it was 3 installments of $ 500,000. But it had been a while since he paid. This guy paid for only the first installment of the big drug shipment.
So on the 24th I decided that he would have to die. But I wouldn't know how to get in or how to kill him. I then hired a professional assassin to do this job. I called him to my base so I can tell him what to do. We negotiated a price and I paid him $ 90,000 to kill the guy who owed me money. He then went after the guy and found out where he trained. After a time of espionage, the killer found the right moment to act. On the evening of the 25th he followed BOB who was going to train at the Los Santos academy. Then he waited until everyone left to act. BOB was alone at the gym so it was easy to murder him there. Dippo sneaked in without BOB and seeing, went behind the ring and shot him three times and left the scene.

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@Petrow said in Hell Soldiers | Roleplay Archive:

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Roleplay# 35
Deal after deal, Hell Soldiers started to get exhausted

As the sun rised, Hell Soldiers got contacted by one of its best friends, namely Black~Bullets. They knew who to contact for best material all around SA. Both gangs fastly arranged a meeting and met up there. BB despirately were in need of drug as they have recently ran out of such. Hell Soldiers understood their situation and provided them with the best rock for very cheap. The deal was made and it was time for Hell Soldiers to now rest abit.

Screenshots taken during the Roleplay:


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