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@Wwitti said in World Farming Supply - Media Archive:

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Roleplay #56
Division: Delivery Man
Participants: @RESIST4NT @Black-Bullets

Story: It was a nice day , i was doing my job as a delivery man and when i arrived to Bon Country i find criminal known as Resistant he stoped his car near mine and told me to stop driving the car right now . I stoped the car and get out from it because he was aiming on me i was sacred because he can kill me , he told me to open the trunk he though that i have drugs or arms which is important for his gang , i did that but there is no thing important there . Resistant shot me with deagle and when stoped moving because of the bullet , he went to my car and get all the money which i won from my hard work and went back to his car and moved away
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/QrzK23Z


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Event number: 452

Event type: AvD (Attackers vs Defenders)

Prize(s): $1.200.00 (200k each)
LWS Helper(s): @Dexter

Winner(s): |06 team



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Event number: #453
Event type: Last Man Standing
Prize(s): $1.000.000
LWS Helper(s): @Dexter
Winner(s): @Hassoni

Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/hthPKgI


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Event number: 455

Event type: TDM, team of 2

Prize(s): $666.666 each ($1.333.332 total)
LWS Helper(s): @Colo

Winner(s): @Matthews @eagle_



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Event number: 456

Event type: AvD (Attackers vs Defenders)

Prize(s): $222.222 each ( $1.111.110 total)
LWS Helper(s): @Colo

Winner(s): Team 420


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