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Citizens of San Andreas.

As I am sure many of you are aware, the crime levels in San Andreas are reaching crisis level. In response to this, Homeland Security has started the 'Heightened response' programme to combat the most volatile and highly wanted criminals on the server.

Homeland Security General Agents will be tracking highly wanted criminals, ordering RP stops and also arresting the more consistently high wanted and dangerous criminals in an effort to help bring the crime levels back down in SA.

The Agents will working with other units in joint operations, and also working together as a HLS team.

Below is a breakdown of the information around HLS and arresting that players should be aware of, so as to avoid confusion and problems, but also so HLS are being held to the high standard I personally do my best to hold them to.

HLS Contract when responding to regular criminals:

  1. HLS will NOT be using armour when arresting regular server criminals who have no access to armour pickups.

  2. HLS will be working in a minimum of pairs or higher

  3. HLS will NOT be allowed to use blipless when coming to arrest you.

  4. HLS will attempt to Roleplay on occasions, this is at the discretion of the HLS agent, though they are expected to engage in roleplay, not just arrest constantly.

  5. "High wanted criminals" are deemed to be anyone with 36-42 wanted level. HLS should not arrest anyone with less than 36 stars unless they are attempting to help another criminal evade HLS justice.

HLS Contract when responding to DDT/CLO

  1. HLS are authorised to use armour to counter the large increase in firepower both groups have access too.

  2. HLS will be working in pairs or higher.

  3. HLS will NOT be allowed to use blipless when attempting to arrest you.

  4. HLS will attempt to Roleplay on occasions, this is at the discretion of the HLS agent, though they are expected to engage in roleplay, not just arrest constantly.

  5. "High wanted criminals" are deemed to be anyone with 36-42 wanted level. HLS should not arrest anyone with less than 36 stars unless they are attempting to help another criminal evade HLS justice.

Criminals who attempt to assist CLO or DDT forfeit any right to complain if they are arrested by a HLS member with armour, it is your choice if you help them or not.

Homeland Security will not be attending bank robberies, or store robberies when there is a CLO or DDT presence due to DE being the first response to this. If there is NO DE online at all, or DE is vastly outnumbered and officialy requesting HLS help, then HLS may respond.

Due to it being a response to CLO/DDT presence, HLS WILL be wearing armour.

There will be a list of players created who are known to not participate when HLS attempt to do a roleplay with them. While players are not obliged to join in roleplays, please be aware that this will simply mean you are put on the 'Doesn't RP list', meaning you will be arrested only with no RP efforts made.

Also, a database is being constructed to hold the names of players who are constantly sat at a high wanted level, so we are able to track and keep these criminals on the run constantly, and under the threat of a long prison sentence.

If you have any questions, concerns, need to report agents who are violating the rules, please get in touch with me as soon as possible. Make sure you have evidence in the form of screenshots and witnesses if possible. Abuse of this priveledged position will not be tolerated.


Director of Homeland Security

  • Director.A

  • Director.J

Additional note:

HLS units will not be involved in this, it is a activity allowed for General Agent spawn only.

HLS will still be making roleplays and training exercises for players to come and join in with also, this is just something to give HLS members motivation to enjoy playing the spawn outside of RP or training exercises.

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