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Roleplay Number : #7 A Fast Repair
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hounds MC]~(purple) & ~[Cuban Cars]~(#63282e)
Roleplay Story : On this snowy day in San Andreas the Hell Hounds were on their way to Bone County where Mr.Sneijder start hear some noise in the bike engine. The first think that he tought, that he should take his Bike to the best mechanics servises around SA. Cuban Cars garage at San Fierro. After a long ride cause of the low speed he came to the location, thier he meet with the mechanic, he was called Mr.Johnnson. First of all, Mr.Johnnson ask him what happend exactly, if it was an accident or something else. When Mr.Sneijder explain to him that he was drive and suddenly he starts hear some noise also a black smoke come out from the engine. The mechanic went to his toolbox, pick up some keys and come check out the pane. It was difficult at first but cause of the experience he found it fainaly. It was a Bottle Cap fell into the fuel tank which disrupts the flow of fuel. When he get it out, he turn on the engine, it works as well. They shake their hands pay him and back to their way.
Screenshots of Roleplay :

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Roleplay Number : #8 Delivering Weapons To Wild Angels And Getting Some Drugs
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b)( @Radio_ ) & ~[Wild Angels]~(#a00aab) ( @PewD )
Roleplay Story : Hell Hound MC members were working the whole day on creating some types of modren weapons to deliver them around san andreas to gang members but sadly this time we didnit recive a call from any gang. Suddenly, a Biker Knocked the door and said :Sir an Wild Angels guy called us and invited us to their base then it went greate ,members were so happy to get some cash after a lot of working then Hell Hound MC Sergeant At Arms Mr.RadiO invited the Biker to help him to load the weapons into the van that will be used to deliver the huge ammount of weapoons to Wild Angels Base, when the bikers done from loding Ammo Cartels Inside the van, Mr.RadiO take his way to the location without company.
When he arrive to the Base a young guy was waiting for him immediately opened the gate so he moved his van inside and park it. The converstation started with the young guy we opened the van trunk and showed him our modren weapons coming from Cuban and he choosed to take some boxes of M4, Snipers and Grangdes the boxes costed 75k but Mr.RadiO make an dicsount for that guy because it is the second time he buys weapons from The Club so it costed 65k. After holdding the deal Mr.RadiO told the guy that he want to take some drugs instead of the weapons because The Club members were out of drugs at that moment so the payment wasnt needed
After that the young guy showed him Wild Angels Factory and the drugs they made so he choosed 2 types of Drugs, Cocaine and Weed he said that he want give the members a new thing cause they work hard. Whe both agreed. He helps the guy to Pick up the weed,cocaine from the Factory, load them on our van and go back to his ClubHouse.

Screenshots of Roleplay :


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Roleplay Number : #9 Transporting Favours
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b)( @Radio_ , @Gladiator and Sup88| @Avanger ) & ~[Black~Bullet]~(#d9480f) ( @K2rhym ) & ~[All Load Tracking]~(#b8b851) ( @Rainy )
Roleplay Story : Blackmailing, dealing with weapons and drugs, keeping Black Market going,.... and also Transporting services. Thats the list of top things that Hell Hound MC deals with, and whats better to do on a boring day than something thats not so illegal? Transporting equipment, vehicles, weapons and other things ofcourse. But even better for Black Bullet family, gang that contacted us today for transportation services. They knew, that when it comes to illegal transportating, our Club is the best. You call in ( no questions asked and we make sure, no problems will apear when doing our job ). Regarding that we already have many transporting agencies, what makes us special is how we deal with our job. We take care of anything: Evidence, vitnesses, cops, raiding criminals and other things, that could potencially endanger our job. But even better for our customer, we take care of security too ( most of the time, we take our helpers, who are well trained and know how to deal with things ). And thats exactly. why Black Bullet's hired us today.

Simple phone call. Only basic informations needed: Where do we come, who do we bring in, what do you need, what will we be doing. Thats all what a well organised club needs, and thats exactly how we do it every time, for each person ( if customer is rich or poor, it will get best people to do with their job ) specifficaly. I took Glad with me also Avanger well tested and probably equal trained Hell Hounds MC helper, who has been very active for past time, also proved himself that he is capable of doing job on his own. Straight to point then... we were called to give transporting services to upcomming gang. We spoke to their member K2rhym, about the problem and job they had. We spoke, we chat a little about info. of our job and we erranged the meeting. We meet at their base, where we got the info about our job. We had to transport stolen bikes from Los Santos Warehouse to their Base. We got to know each other, talked more where and how we should transport our load and then left the scene of crime, that has not been yet made, but was already in progress ( about 60% done, all we had to do, was go to Los Santos wearhouse, take the trailer that had to be transported to Black Bullet Base ). We were on our way, checking the map, when we finally found the spot we were looking for. We attached the trailer and go to the nearest Highway, and start our journey. Trip was nice and easy, no cops spotted, no troubles and absolutely no traffic of any kind. We were kinda in a hurry, there was another costumer waiting for our assistance, so we just parked the truck in the base, that we talked before about and went straight to the point. We calculated how much time we spend, fuel, troubles we may accured in,... and came to the number 10.000$,.. for each one of us. Good for us, they were fine with price we said, so we finished the deal with shaking our hands and then left, and they started unloading thier truck ( as we heard, motorbikes were already sold to Cuban dictator, who was really interested in american bikes, so I guess he was very pleased, because as always.... Hell Hound MC only transports best of the best, top quality and most of the time, most dangerous loads ).
Screenshots of Roleplay :

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Event Number : #14
Event Type : Lucky Tubes
Event Prize : 1.000.000 $
LWS/G6 Helper : brondy
Winner : @M7mod
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/7juzUiX


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Event Number : #15
Event Type : Hydra Shooter
Event Prize : 1.000.000 $
LWS/G6 Helper : @Sneijder
Winner : @EazyCube
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/r9spg0j


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Event Number : #16
Event Type : Rahino Shooter
Event Prize : 1.000.000 $
LWS/G6 Helper : @Sneijder
Winner : @Griffin
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/p4yVPcn


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Roleplay Number : #10 Heavy Weaponary Deal
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) ( @Radio_ , @Gladiator, @zaza, @Sneijder, @Disaster, @Avanger and Sup88| @Judyes ) & ~[Organization Zero]~(#576b2c) ( @Meegan )
Roleplay Story : 26th January of the year 2019. Hell Hounds MC recieved information about their new cargo, which just arrived to Los Santos docks straight from Cuban. A container filled with quality weapons like automatic "M4a1" and "AK-47" weapons, hand pistols "Colt 45", "Colt 45 with silencer", Sniper "AWP type" custom aiming system, Heavy weaponary including RPG with ammo and miniguns with ammo... After getting the instructions and the location of our container we went straight away to pick up our cargo. Signed the paperwork at the docks and loaded our goods over to our trucks.. Later loaded all weaponary into locker room at our property.
After getting big shipments we are always looking forward for a big deal. Todays main clients were one of the famoust SA gangs "Organization Zero". We make a long talk on the phone. Later same day we had meeting. Meeting place was at our weaponary storage , and we arranged high security over the property to avoid meeting some unexpected visitorslike Cops, Invstigation, etc
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Since we arrive, we showed Mr.Meegan our Weaponary Market , where we had all prepared.There were all the samples of our products were placed out. Starting from drugs, weapons and finishing with explosives. As the selection was very big, this time they chose to buy 10 "AWP type" sniper weapons and 15 "Colt 45" weapons with additional sliencers.
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We negotiated the details about amoumnt of weapons and ammos needs when Mr.Meegan where traing our weapons
and make sure that they are a kind of the best quality.

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After his choices were made, our guys started to pack their weapons in the crates until heads went to our office to discuss further things in business. Also the weapons costed them 20% less as this is our first deal with him. If we were back from discussions and sharing thoughts, we loaded their van and they were ready to go.

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After holding the deal, Mr.Meegan ask for a company cause he was alone so our bikers decide to head with him to Zero Base. The trip went clear and soft. Our guys was driving behind him and was checking the whole time that everything is going as planned. One police patrol drived next to the partners, but they didn't stop them and they found nothing suspicious.

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After some time and a long ride they finnaly arrived at Zebras Base. They loaded all weaponary into Zero's Storage . After they done, they went to Bone County bar to have some drinks and enjoy their day.

Special Thanks To ZCB Architect ( @DaLi )


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Roleplay Number : #11 The Drug Deal
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b)( @Radio_ ) & ~[Wild Angels]~(#a00aab) ( @PewD )
Roleplay Story : It was 28/01/2019, time: 11:32, Mr.RadiO was searching for marijuana at Hell Hounds MC house, he was trying to find drugs for more than an hour. He was pissed, he gathered some members of the club there and he told them that they were run out of drugs. They would make a deal with CripZ but RadiO wanted to try something new. He heard that a new gang was growing called Wild Angels. He called them for the meeting.

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They agreed to meet under Palomino Creek bridge so there wont be police or generally danger. The meet up was on 12:00. Hell Hounds arrived there first as they're base is in Dillmore.

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When they arrived, they saw there was nothing there. Maybe they got there too early for the delivery or maybe the Wild Angels were taking their precautions first, to ensure that no cops were around. Mr.Radio didn't get angered for not seeing them at the meetpoint , the time that they both agreed on. He's been too many years in the business and sometimes patience is the key.The two friends and partners, for this mission lit a cigarrete and smoked it, while waiting
for them. They were not in a hurry and they liked the view, so they could wait a little bit longer.

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After some time the guy finally showed up. Mr.Radio was shocked that it was just one of them taking care of the drug delivery. He understood why it took him so long to show up, probably cause engaging in illegal activites alone requires taking more precautions. A discussion followed and the buyer had a quick look at the general delivery sheet, to see if everything they agreed on was written in it.

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Wild Angels guy arrived after a few minutes and he started talking about the drug deal.

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They showed the Drugs, " seems fine" said PewD. Mr.RadiO wanted to taste marijuana before they make the deal, he wanted to be sure about they product he is going to buy.
The deal was made. Hell Hounds MC would pay 35.000$ for 3 boxes of marijuana and 2 boxes of cocaine. It was fair enough.
He picked up the boxes and putted them in the van, RadiO gave the briefcase to PewD and it was over.

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Event Number : #20
Event Type : Bat Fight All vs All
Event Prize : 1.000.000 $
LWS/G6 Helper : Brondy
Winner : Yamiiy
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/HL9XkO9


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Activity Number : #9(Roadtrip) ~[L]~(#470747)eaving ~[O]~(#470747)ur ~[M]~(#470747)arks ~[O]~(#470747)n ~[T]~(#470747)he ~[R]~(#470747)oad
The Hell Hounds were on their way for another roadtrip. It was a sunny day in San Andreas, a group of 7 people had gathered at the usual meeting place in Bone County. Tire smoke was created and off they went. The trip went through the district of Red County, Flint County, Bone County, Las Venturas and Los Santos. And many of the best places for bikers to ride were visited. The roadtrip was led by MC Sergeant At Arms RadiO, together with his Secretary Ardron , and Gladiator MC Treasurer. There was also few patched member involved and a few supporters. The trip was a success and did not cause some trouble with Rebels MC but we find a solution with our Bats.
Screenshots of Activity :

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Roleplay Number : #12 ~[B]~(#610261)ehind ~[T]~(#610261)he ~[S]~(#610261)cenes
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) ( @Radio_ and Sup88| @xDarkMan ) & ~[Underground Empire]~(#570b11) ( @ShaGGy, @Dexter, @Castiel and 215|InFy^ )
Roleplay Story : The Hell Hounds were in need of fast cash, legal activities only were not going to cut the expenses of the club. Sergeant At Arms RadiO decided to give an old contact of him, he was known as Shaggy, a nickname that was given to him. Shaggy is in charge of one of the biggest drug trafficking gangs in San Andreas. In order to get cocaine, one needs to be at them. As RadiO called him, he immediately responded and moved to our location which was the church in Bone County. As Mr.RadiO was praying, they were led inside by some other members.

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RadiO turned around to greet Shaggy, they started to talk about business. The Club were in need of quick cash, and cocaine is the best-sold drug on the market right now. 3 kilos were necessary to have a sustainable profit for the Club. The price of the shipment was set to $3 million. However, RadiO assured Shaggy for future business, which he replied to since they were in need of specialized army Hell Hounds always up to do a job for them. A 10% discount was set up which brought the amount back to $2.7 million.

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After negotiating the deal, the plan was made. 3 hours from then, at the abandoned airport, a pilot was waiting to ship the narcotics to Los Santos, where the drugs eventually would be sold. Both parties agreed to this deal and went to work.

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3 hours later...

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When RadiO and xDarkMan arrived at the airport, the pilot was there ready with the plane, they were early so waited a few minutes for Shaggy to arrive with his crew. Once he arrived, the narcotics were shown and tasted, as promised the cocaine was top notch and gave an immediate high.

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The drugs were loaded into the plane, and after that, RadiO and Shaggy walked towards the small office at the airport, here the deal was finished and the $2.7 million was paid to the Underground Empire.

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At the end of the day, it was a good deal made by the Hell Hounds MC, at this moment they had entered a strong market that could cause future business with gangsters all over the state. The hardest part for the Club is, to stay out of the picture and be the normal Harley Enthusiasts that they were before, or to make it easier, act Behind the Scenes.


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Roleplay Number : #13 ~[T]~(#571557)he ~[L]~(#571557)ucky ~[C]~(#571557)lover
Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) ( @Radio_ ) & ~[The Motor Heads]~(#4b9c0c) ( @chemist )
Roleplay Story : It was a warm morning, beer had just ran out from Hell Hounds MC. It was a perfect time to hit the liquor store after I bought a new mildly light black Walton from a local farmer.. So I started my engine and hit the road. Since there was a huge sale in the Flint County store I decided to go there just to save up some money.

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While driving to Flint County from the Farm with my newly bought Black Walton. I heard a noise from the hood. I decided to ignore it and drive on, because the store would have been closed in 1 hour. After a minute or two the engine stopped and so I was forced to park by the side of the road. I opened up my hood and started to look for the problem which caused my engine to stop working properly..

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The Lucky Clover decided to help me out with this problem. Luckily there was a TMH mechanic near me who spotted the incident. He immediately offered me assistance.. He drove to me with his white towtruck and asked what the problem was. So I explained the situation to him..

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After few minutes of chatting and looking for the problem, he offered to make an inspection for the Walton. So I went to the towtrucks passenger seat and waited for him to connect the Walton with the hook of the towtruck. And so we drove into TMH base to have the inspection.

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In the TMH garage he engaged on with the checkup just because I wasn't aware of my newly bought Waltons status. The inspection took some time.. The Walton had cost under 500$. I was pretty happy with the deal, but after this incident I was anxious just because I got this vehicle 1 hour ago and it already had a problem. So meanwhile I decided to smoke to calm my nerves.

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After 10 minutes the mechanic was done.. Everything seemed to be okay except for the engine. The mechanic didn't explain all the details, but there seemed to be a problem with a pipe which lead into the engine. He immediately found the same piece and changed the old part with the new one.

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The lucky clover gave me a hand for the second time today. The mechanic was in a such a good mood that he said that I don't need to pay for the inspection and only for the new pipe which cost around 30$. So we went to his desk to deal with the money part.

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The inspection and the payment was complete so I slowly drove out from TMH garage..

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Event Number : #25
Event Type : Fallout with Freeway
Event Prize : 1.000.000 $
LWS/G6 Helper : Brondy
Winner : @Leblanc
Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/ine86tR


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Activity Number : #10(Roadtrip)
Hell Hounds MC gathered up at Bone County Bar. They were planning to do a big roadtrip for some days. Many Bikers went there as well as many Supporters. They didn't have a destination, they just started riding their bikes because that's what they love to do..
Screenshots of Activity :

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