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Date: 15 / 01 /2019
Main characters: @RadiO and @tasteblooood
Story:I was walking along the road and found a player have a stars. I asked him to stop and then asked him to give me his driver's license and then to the police station. I talked to him and his campaign to jail.
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Main characters:@X-luffy-X @ANAS @Max-you12 @Zeus @Raf @MaXx @winston FXR ( And 3 criminals but idk they accoutn on saes)
Story:Was a good day for relax with my members ( want to go at Gym or make a patroll with them ) , but after 10 min , Boos called us and tell why at Los Santos Docs are any criminls with drugs , want to grab a garage . I called unit patroll , air unit and Naval unit . In 4 mins we was at Los Santos docs , 1 criminal dead becouse was shooted in Head accidentaly , but is good for us becouse we arrested them and puted in Jail .

~[On the sea and on earth, nobody and nothing breathes or moves without our knowledge.]~

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Date: 15 /20/2019
Main characters: @Norbert
Story:Was a nice day for NSWC , i and my member patrolling on San Fiero , after 10 mins we saw a small island , Here was panted drugs , weed and more ammo and big guns , who was here we don't know , but in plants we will see a guy. I took him to San Fiero base and interrogated him, we put him in prison.
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~[date: 18/01/2019
type of activity: stopped store robbery with @Maxyou12 ........14 cops / 0 robbers
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~[ACTIVITY (N11)]~

~[Date: 19 / 01 / 2019]~(black,gray,black)
~[Type of Activity:]~(maroon,sienna,maroon) stoped SR
~[with NSWC :]~(blue,cyan) @anas
~[with other squad :]~(lime,cyan,lime) ~[ICE]~(blue) @Ryder and ~[SWAT]~(navy) @Niceez
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Main characters: with ICE / @Zeus , @klay , @baligh_WA and me
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@X-luffy-X @Winston-FXR @Anas_ @Beast and all members NSWC good luck and good work
~[i want say NSWC and here members my love]~(purple,red,orange)


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~[ACTIVITY (N12)]~

~[Date: 25 / 01 / 2019]~(black,gray,black)
~[Type of Activity:]~(maroon,sienna,maroon) only NSWC stoped the JB
~[with NSWC :]~(blue,cyan) @anas and @raefmlaih
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