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@XpookS said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive:

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~[Role Play Number]~: 189
~[Participants in The RP]~ @Jamal420
~[RP Scenario]~:
Once, at 9 Am in the morning, I just opened my garage waiting for a client and suddenly my phone ring, It was Officer. Jordan From a squad called NNB he said '' Hello Mr.James, I have some work for you today, I and NNB want from you to Edit and modify few cars with the last engines models V8, and a Nitro X10 I heard that The Motor Heads brought Some new models from the factory So We will appreciate it if u come to visit us to check the cars and we deal about the money later''. Of course, I accepted the challenge and I went to NNB base to check the cars, after 1 Hour, I arrived there and I found Officer. jordan waiting for me there I went to talk to him and then he showed me the cars that I have to modify, after few minutes of checkings I told him that I have to go back to my garage to bring the Engines and the nitro and I will come back in 1Hour.
I went back to my garage and put the equipment in my towtruck's trunk and I went back to NNB base and of course, Mr. Jordan waiting for me I started with the first car, I asked the officer to open the car's hood to replace the engine and the nitro after couple hours of hard working I went to the next car it was a truck actually so its pretty hard to work on it I asked again Mr. Jordan to open the truck's hood and I had to go up to replace the engine.
After about 6 Hours I finally finished my Work and I went talking with The officer he said '' thank you Mr.James for this Hard work I know you are exhausted and tired and we will give u More money for this great work and again we appreciate your help and that why we only trust The Motor Heads and Their great members and about the payment we will pay in TMH bank account about 15.000$ and we will give you about 3.000$ For this work'' of course I was happy with this work but tired in the same time so I end this deal and I went back to my Home after a nonstop work today.

ScreenShot(s): https://imgur.com/a/POplYpQ

  • 2 weeks later...

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Roleplay Name: Operation Bravo - Risk Part 1.
Participants : @Lucifer @Alperreis @xJamal Quique @Mootje @NORI999
Story :
8th December , Year 2018, Early that Day Agent McAndrew received an Information About National Narcotics bureau last Operation wich we were working for a couple of months, the one who made the call was an Specialist of NNB he has been doing undercover for a period traying to get that last clue, he told us There was a huge Net of Cuba, Dealers, Murderes and the Infamous negotation between C.L.O And Tuga Thugs. In this call he mentioned a Name that he was following for a month or so, this guy was Lucifer belong to TugaThugs.

Once we'd got this Information Myself , Started to Run the Operation Bravo Risk. wich was related to the case before told, Agents Hex and xJamal Inmediately went Undercover, one of them as an Agent , and one of them as an Civilian. Their Orders were when they Located the Subject, they'll Call the Special Tactical Unit of NNBs. Therefore we would procces with Mission They Did as planed....

Later That same Day. Agent Hex xJamal were located down town San Fierro, Nearby Chinese Zone, When they spoted the Subject they proceeded

Unit 001, and 002 were hidden some where near,

Radio: Here Agent.Hex, Confirming Subject Arrived.
Radio: Unit 001, Waiting For the Call to get into the Action, Over.
Radio: Agent. Hex> Process with the part 1 Over.
Radio: Unit 001: 10-4 Agent.


Once all the Agents arrived the placed, Procced to Take down the Subject and started to have the Situation Undercontrol when it was done Units procced to Get back to the MainHeadQuarters where we would've looking for the Interrogation.


When we Arrived, This Subject tried to avoid the Interrogation and started to play us as a fools so , we moved him to the cell Rooms where we made movements to make him want to talk.

The guy started to Speak. we moved him to the Interrogation Room where we'd recoird all he said. Myself Agent Andrew made the Interrogation when we got the information we needed, we were above to leave and move him back to cell, and He gave us a one Name that we were hoping for, Cubano Slaine, He was The Head of this Drug Net. With this information we could've working for the Takedown of this Drug Net.



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National Narcotics Bureau Roleplay - December 10, 2018
Player involved: [FOX]Knele, [FOX]Ha$$oni<HQ>, [FOX*]Anas, SAES>Henry, [NNB]Alper<vL>, [FOX]Curvy, [FOX]Kristiina, [FOX]Dyam<SV*>, [FOX*]Predator, [FOX]Pilcrows<sHQ>.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rwGr5l0
NNB HQ received relevant information about drug transport from Las Venturas to Vice City in order to stablish a commercial route. All the privates were called to wear the tactical uniform and regroup inside FOX HQ to initiate a cooperative operative and stop the drug transport. They get information that The Company were to hangout at a abandoned slaughterhouse to load their merchandise to an airplane.

The strategy accorded was irrupt in the place with flashbangs and weapons with rubber bullets.

We were designed un 4 groups: Alpha (me), Beta, Charlie and Delta. We went into the place and realize the strategy. The detention of the suspects was successful. Suspects were moved to FOX HQ to be interrogated and known the origin of the drugs.


National Narcotics Bureau Activity - December 10, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hLjASOk
Information: The agent was responding a backup call for jailbreak. So, I went to help to control the situation.


National Narcotics Bureau Event: December 10, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/duwJRU7
Event Type: Rhino Shooter
Prize: $2.000.000
Winner(s): [ALT]MrSolrac<M>
Helper(s)(LWS/G6): [AA]Velona[=OB=] (LWS)
Location: Las Venturas dessert

  • 2 weeks later...

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Roleplay : 18.12.2018
Participants : @Alperreis , @mrquique, @Rake, @Orten, @Curvy and @NORI999 .

  • Our agency has received some information About a drug dealer who transporing his drugs around Los santos. After reviewing the information and conducting the investigation around LS , It turned out that he forces a group of youngs to move his drugs to the rest of the city.

  • We got a call about a suspecte who's driving from LS going to city , after 15 minuts of chase we pulled him over the suspect was transporting a bag of drugs from Los Santos to whetstone our agents arrested him and took him to our headquarters for further investigation . One of our agents brought to the young guy a set of questions : who the group leader and where is his location , The suspect was confused and after many question he gave us the necessary information about the real seller , the name of criminal is rake member of TugaThugs ,We took a car and went on patrol around LS , An hour later we saw the suspect near base IAC, we chased him for a while then we stopped him and checked the car , one of our agents found some drugs inside his trunk and then we arrested him .

  • now , Rake in our jail for more investigations and discovery of other names of drug barons.
    Screens by Alper: https://imgur.com/a/HSWovsu.


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@Zei said in The Company | Media Archive:

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RP Title: Transporting With ThC


Participents: @MortalSupreme aka [WA]PewD / @Zei / @AnouSa / @NORI999
A Wild Angels member contaced David from The Company to buy from him some high quality drugs made in The Company laboratries and to put them in the specific adress that the Wild Angels member wanted which is called a drop so David put the Cocain there then PewD go there and take it.
They had a meet on Bone Country Airport and talked about the deal.

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when they arrived to the lab it was David's House where he showed the Wild Angels' member the Cocain that he will buy and he even tested it a bit.
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After David got the order confirmation he told PewD to go chill and that he will deliver the goods alone to avoid suspecions.
After the confirmation he started putting the COCAIN is several special and he hided the packets in the car's chassis and this didn't even took him 15 minutes.
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When David was driving from the LAB to the destination he was chilling when a NNB member stoped him to search the vehicle, like anyone he got a bit nervous but he was self confident about his skill in hiding the drugs.
So the police officer was wearing a NNB suit and was with his dog, He talked to David and ordered him to open the trunk that he searched by his hands and that the dog sniffed searching for drugs and type of these things.The Officier didn't find anything so he asked for his ID that he checked and then
he let him go.
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After this little situtation David rejoined his car and felt relieved and drove to the destination where he dropped the drugs and hided the min a small romm so the Wild Angels member can take it too.
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National Narcotics Bureau Event: December 20, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aXSO1VL
Event Type: Team Death Matching.
Prize: $3.000.000
Winner(s): Team 48: Hari/Michael
Helper(s)(LWS/G6): [NNB]Stay(LWS)
Location: Las Venturas Caligulas Casino.


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National Narcotics Bureau Event: December 21, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/y3j600K
Event Type: Para-Landing 'Bus'
Prize: $2.000.000 500k Each Winner/ 4 total.
Winner(s): Crash twice, Disaster, Scorpyo.
Helper(s)(LWS/G6): [NNB]Stay(LWS)
Location: Las Venturas Streets


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National Narcotics Bureau Event: December 23, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xWJxday
Event Type: Lucky Tube.
Prize: $2.000.000
Winner(s): Pilcrow.
Helper(s)(LWS/G6): [NNB]Stay(LWS)
Location: Las Venturas Stadium


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Narcotics Bureau Event: December 24, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WZnXyCj
Event Type: True False NNB Version
Prize: $5.000.000
Winner(s): [TT]Barras
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Helper(s)(LWS/G6): [NNB]Stay(LWS)
Location: G6 Area


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Event Type: Find the Christmas Tree (Xmas special)
Prize: $1.000.000
Winner(s): OC|>kakashi
Date: December 25, 2018
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HnYenYH
Helper(LWS/G6): [NNB]Louis


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Event Type: 1 vs 1 Olympic Swims.
Prize: $1.000.000
Winner(s): Elegant.
Date: December 25, 2018
Helper(LWS/G6): [NNB]stay


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NNB :: Snowball Fight


Event Type: Snowball Fight
Prize: $1.000.000
Winner(s): [STF*]Xpooks
Date: December 26, 2018
LWS: [NNB]Louis
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/e4gnDos


NNB :: Snowbike Race


Event Type: Snowbike Race
Prize: $1.000.000
Winner(s): CripZ*>Radrick
Date: December 26, 2018
LWS: [NNB]Louis
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/7k7kmfh


NNB :: Santa's Reindeer Race


Event Type: Santa's reindeer race
Prize: $1.000.000
Winner(s): [CDC]VinnyBL[=HQ=]
Date: December 26, 2018
LWS: [NNB]Louis
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6ag7VeY


NNB :: SnowBike Fallout


Event Type: Snowbike Fallout
Prize: $1.000.000
Winner(s): BS|MeDai
Date: December 26, 2018
LWS: [NNB]Louis
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/CoBCi5B



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Roleplay : 28.12.2018
Participants : @Alperreis @mrquique @NORI999 @Louis Keptlix.
Background Story:
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Date December 26 of 2018, Early that same morning , the Department Central of Police contacted us, they were very anxious and the reason of that was that Actually the Magistrate of the PCD was sequestered by an unknown criminal organization they've called us as their best option as Third Echelon and RRT were actually the most efectives for this type of Operations.

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Phase 1. NNB Intelligence was Inmediately contacted by the executive team. they were throwen in order to get clues about their current Location, so they did it Effectively, they gave Agent.hextech the Full Si-rep / Information after that we procceded with the operation itself.

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Phase 2. Plan elaboration. Agent Hextech within Agent.Andrew inmediately explained the plan to the rest of the Units so therefore we could proceed with the Hostage Recuperation, This Current sequesters were located at the Mountain chilliad. Altitude 24 Noth 15 West, at the werehouse there Hidden.

2.1 the Tactic we were about to use was Para-Jumping Deployment Units.
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Phase 3- Securing/Eliminate the Suspects AKA Targets. Once we arrived the LOCATION. we figureout that there was hidden Ambush Units from the Sequesters, Marksman played by 003 succesfully took them down- In a less than a mint. therefore ground Units could keep the Assault to the Werehouse, Without any mistake Agent.Hextech leaded the movements there made, we managed to eliminate every single one of them.

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there inside the hut we were surprised obout the goods/suplies there founded. heavy weaponary AK47, and 16 Pounds of white Cocaine. NNB Narcotics unit took the evidence aswell FOX did. and aftert that. we checked for the magistrate's life, Fortunately he was Alive, just with a couple of punches and a blood eye-

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Phase 4. The Pick up Call, After we took all the Evidence. The Team of Rescue arrived the Zone, we checked out the wounds of the magistrate and after that we helped him get into the heli in order to leave the zone as we didnt know if there was a Radio or something they may hear us. so we quickly leaved it, and we left Magistrate at the Hospital of Los Santos.

After it we went back NNBHQ with the Evidence/Goods, where they would be Investigate.
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Screens https://imgur.com/a/d0lokCb


National Narcotics Bureau Event activity - 28.12.2018

Event Type: True or False
Prize: 2.000.000 $
Winner(s): JouGou
Helper(s)(LWS/G6): [NNB]Louis
Location: G6 Area
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/HpXVMIq



Screenshots of activity - https://imgur.com/a/8tKg4Zm

Ps: We were responding to bank robbery, however it didn't end happy for robbers as they expected.

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