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Activity date: 20/10/2021

^[Los Santos Store Robbery]

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^[Los Santos Store Robbery #2]

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^[Bone County Store Robbery]

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^[Bayside Store Robbery]

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^[~[AA:p Assiting BR UE TR 21,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Ban @joakito @Licano
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^[~[AA:p Assiting BR O RC 21,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Ban @joakito @Licano @BurakO
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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store Robery LS 21,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Logi @BurakO
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Date: 23/10/2021
Event: T.D.M
Total Prize: 1.000.000 $
LWS: @Judyes
Winners: @juky & @eagle
Screenshots :

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Date: 23/10/2021
Event: a vd d
Total Prize: 1.000.000 $
LWS: @Judyes
Winners: Team 444
Screenshots :
[s=]alt textalt text[/s]

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Date: 23/10/2021
Event: The first one brings a BMX to AA base wins
Total Prize: 1.000.000 $
LWS: @Judyes
Winners: @brotherhoodman
Screenshots :

[s=]alt textalt textalt text[/s]

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Date: 23/10/2021
Event: Hydra shooter
Total Prize: 1.000.000 $
LWS: @Judyes
Winners: @Rondaw
Screenshots :

[s=]alt textalt text[/s]

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Date: 23/10/2021
Event: Lucky RPG
Total Prize: 1.000.000 $
LWS: @Judyes
Winners: LA7BITAR
Screenshots :

[s=]alt textalt text[/s]

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~[|| !!!]~(99004d)


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Activity date: 22.10.2021
^[Tierra Robada Store Robbery]

@Ban @MrGamer @joakito
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^[Las Venturas Store Robbery]

@Ban @Reggi @MrGamer @joakito
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Activity date: 23.10.2021 ^[Assisting Bank Robbery]

@Ban @Reggi @MrGamer @joakito
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^[~[AA:p Assiting BR BB LV 23,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Linkan @Crash @Cristian @Terry
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^[~[AA:p Assiting BR UE SF 23,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Linkan @Crash @Cristian @Terry @koko
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^[~[AA:p Assiting BR HS TR 23,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Linkan @Cristian @Terry
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^[~[AA:p Assiting STore Robery TR 23,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Cristian @Terry
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^[~[AA:p Assiting STore Robery LV 23,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Cristian @Terry
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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store robery TR 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Yoko @Hotfire
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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store robery TR 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Yoko @Hotfire
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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store robery Whenstone 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Yoko @Hotfire
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^[~[AA:p Assiting JB 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Yoko @Hotfire
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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store robery LV 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@Yoko @Hotfire
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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store robery LS 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@MrGamer @Reeyzee

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^[~[AA:p Assiting Store robery TR 24,10,2021]~(,white)]
@CheeZzy @Reeyzee

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