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AA RP Hard!

@Jairzinho said in Los Escondidos | Media Archive:

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RolePlay: Bussines Launched~

The suburbs of the city are wide, the urban arteries host many hoodlums of the underworld with the ability to lead a territory at the expense of honor and respect. Many of these actions lead to war consequences in the street like confrontations with other bandits. We in full swing and boom, saw ourselves in the immediate obligation to supply our home shelves and our coves with an arsenal of war for self-defense and to contribute to the smuggling of black market weapons and expand routes for drug marketing.

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I contacted Mr.Calle to accommodate a negotiation start in which we could supply them with a quantity of weapons every 30 calendar days for the negotiable purpose of them enabling us to route the ship to move cocaine through the ship, an innovative strategy of the mind of the bandits of Los Escondidos to make money. This move would not call as much suspicion of the police being a "fishing transport ship" as moving it along the track.

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I personally went to the house of the gunslayers in San Fierro to erect the first step of the business, then we moved to some safe place in some dark alley, I would bring you a large shipment of Israeli-made weapons because we know that at the moment they are fighting territorial war. It was the first step of a great alliance.

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By averaging and organizing everything according to its course, we opened the ship's route, since the AAs controlled that maritime territory and by land. We were able to transport the coca through the waters of Bayside and Tierra Robada where we would contact our suppliers and continue to generate money.

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(Crowning the first delivery from the maritime side of San Fierro to cross to Bayside.)

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RP Info: Participants: Mr. Calle / Spartan the bandit!


@Jairzinho said in Los Escondidos | Media Archive:

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~[RolePlay:]~(black) Business .
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Negotiation 2 weeks ago we reached an agreement with a member of a drug organization, a large company that adapts to the gangs of Los Escondidos, a part of San Fierro already belongs to us and was used for the arrival of money from Mr. Chapo.
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The agreement was as follows
He sent us 5 million dollars through an armored vehicle.

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We were at an abandoned train station, I thought it was an early trap but everything turned out better than we had planned, yet we came to a clear agreement with Mr. Chapo.
After his magnificent escape, he needs high quality weapons. Then he contacted Los Escondidos.
The agreement was as follows
He sent us 5 million dollars through an armored vehicle.

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We agreed to send the weapons through a yacht with incognito workers and the delivery was made as agreed successfully.

~[RP Info: Participants: Mr. Chapo / Spartan !]~(black,black)


@Venom said in Undisputed Command | Media Archive:

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Roleplay #: 34
Date: 21/11/2019
Participants: @Pontias , @Zodiac , @Douglass , @Stark , @Venom
Roleplay Story:

The Undisputed Command contacted a member of other organization to get a huge amount of weapons for their next missions, the General Marulanda and the Major Gonzlez have been planning many missions against the current government and their enemies, as result of this they ordered their Cabos to count the number of weapons they had available in the warehouse and they got a very low number for all they wanted to do.

After this they contacted an old friend from an organization called Arms Assassins his name was Mr.Stark, they contacted him one week before they met at the base of this organization "Arms Assassins" after this week the Comandantes DeLeon and DeLaCruz, the Cabo Peterson and the Major Gonzlez went to their base to finish this deal they had previously discussed.

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Once they arrived at the base they called Mr.Stark and quickly he answered the call, the open the door for them and received them in his base.

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They started looking and testing the weapons they were going to need and then they got a surprise for the high quality of these weapons, Mr.Stark offered one box of Combat Shotgun for a price of 500.000$.

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They told Mr.Stark these weapons were expensive but this is still a good price for the high quality they're offering to them, they finished the deal with this price.

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Then they started carrying the weapons to their Burrito and started loading them, once they finished Mr.Stark open the door for them again and they came back to their Comando.

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They arrived at the Comando and started placing the weapons in their warehouse very carefully

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@Arms-Assassins 's special 40.000.000$ Event for SAES's Birthday!

Event's fortunate name was @Terry and his squad @Five-0

Stay with AA, live with AA!


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@Nexroth said in Gladiators MC | Media Archive:

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RolePlay Number: <13>
Participant organizations: @Rowdy35 - @GladiatorsMC
RolePlay Story: We learned today that new weapons have arrived from Cuba. In San Fierro, we found out that a gang called AA was going to the Armory. We heard the incoming weapons were new models. They said the new models had a long magazine ,silencer, laser and red dot shot. It would be very risky and lucrative for us to steal them because they are more advanced than the weapons we have. We gathered with our brothers at the club and went to San Fierro. We went to the Armory. We made plans before we went in with our brothers. We went inside and asked the price of the guns in a normal way. He asked for $ 20,000 for the AK47 and $ 15,000 in sniper. I said I wanted to look at the AK47. As soon as he went to get the gun, we pulled out our guns and threatened him. He shot at our brother with the gun he took to show us and wounded him. We necessarily we had to kill him. After we killed him, we looked at our brother's condition and the bullets were just grazed. We immediately started collecting guns and bullets from the store. After we got everything, we put it in the trunk of the car and drove away.


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  • 2 weeks later...

forced to upload cuz some judges activitys on posts only..

RIFLE LMS 2 ROUNDS (2 days ago):
first round: no screens
second round: illy winner
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#shitting on O wildlife toilets
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selling O guns
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trying orginaze PBR
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~[Arms Assassins FTW]~(99004d,black)

Event: AA Last Man Standing
Prize: $ 1.000.000
LWS/G6: @Kybali0n
Winners: @Zodiac
Screenshots: :::



~[Arms Assassins FTW]~(99004d,black)

Event: Sawed-Off & Deagle LMS
Prize: $ 1.000.001
LWS/G6: @Kybali0n
Winners: @Nightmare
Screenshots: :::


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Selling weapons with @ILLUSION at Cuban Liberation Organisation base so they can finally use true quality guns against sand soldiers :gun:


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