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Additional level added to G/S/C


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Yup, we talked alot about this and its been controversial. 5 levels is plenty for a new started gang, but gangs like TT, AA been lvl 5 forever, and the org has nothing to strive for.

I remember when i started my squad, the squad levling was bringing us together, it felt like a challenge and we all was working towards a goal. Now, its been business as usual the past year, and i miss the challenge.

What im proposing is, get us a lvl 6, the grand level.

Maybe 1-2 modded vehicles? 1 Camo paint?
1 modded skin?

Skyhigh. Regular rps, big, through ones. Events, activity etc. GMs know where to set the bar.

Not only will this get the orgs working again, it will increase RP among other things. And most importantly, a goal to strive for. Boredom is lethal :)

20 answers to this question

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With ThC reaching level 5 recently we dont plan on stopping our activities and productivity on forums at all. There will still be doing rps/events and everything else so this would be great. There are some gangs that reached max level and went basically inactive and died. Not only would this give active level 5 gangs something to strive for but it would get some inactive ones off there ass and make the server more lively again. However I dont think it should be acquired just like any other level. Some major things should be required and would need a lot of GM support. (Putting @Hesha to work ) But it would be fun. Also it shouldnt be called Level 6 it should have a cool name, but Im all for this idea. +1

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I support the idea, but if it's gonna bring activity back, gaining lvl 6 should be reallllllly difficult or it'll become the new lvl 5. Could provide things like a second spawn point or third spawn, maybe some future scripts (a shield one would be sick), maybe ammo-restock from organisation cars. There's a lot of possibilities to make lvl 6 special, so I'm all for this idea, reiterating that it should be extremely difficult to get it. +1

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Since many orgs already are level 5, all of them will obviously give 6 a try and as soon as they achieve it we'll be back to the same old cycle. Like Pilcrow ^ said, it should be really difficult to get level 6, but also very rewarding, with .dff skin modifications, extra features etc. Very supportive of this idea, rewarding g/s/c that put in the work, and improve the overall effort put into RPs, activities etc. around the server.

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my "technical input" for the rewards area of the suggestion...

@Sam_ said in Additional level added to G/S/C:

Maybe 1-2 modded vehicles? 1 Camo paint?
1 modded skin?

Vehicle shading is fine, doesnt cause any harm (say shaders in general)

Mods is difficult, (but doable) as far as im aware you cannot load in a custom mod for Enforcer restricted to SWAT class and keep default model loaded in for the public use (or using multiple mods on same vehicle simultaneously). so expect your new mod to be used and shared among other high level orgs + groups

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@Tut-Greco said in Additional level added to G/S/C:

my "technical input" for the rewards area of the suggestion...

@Sam_ said in Additional level added to G/S/C:

Maybe 1-2 modded vehicles? 1 Camo paint?
1 modded skin?

Vehicle shading is fine, doesnt cause any harm (say shaders in general)

Mods is difficult, (but doable) as far as im aware you cannot load in a custom mod for Enforcer restricted to SWAT class and keep default model loaded in for the public use (or using multiple mods on same vehicle simultaneously). so expect your new mod to be used and shared among other high level orgs + groups

Mods in the meaning of say, DE patriots (with extra speed), or the bigass helicopter Groups have. Not neccesarily cosmetic modding, but that might also work - but in general for everyone like you say.

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In SWAT we considered merging with another lvl 5 squad and one of the ideas was a 3rd spawn or spawn in different location or 2 bases so it would be great if those were lvl 6 rewards, think about someone like AA having another spawn and a small base in LV or something with extra kb they haven't used

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All of official gangs capable of doing bank robbery . What about adding a new robbery access to the level 6 gangs . Like someone already suggested casino robbery . That would make level 6 more interesting .

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I think having only 5 levels is fine, level 5 gangs just need to be held to a higher standard.

Speaking as the leader of a level 5 gang, once you get Level 5 you seem to coast. For awhile O was very inactive, we did pretty much nothing and just fucked around - nothing was said. We noticed ourselves the gang was getting more & more inactive so we fixed it but this is something that should be jumped on by gang management. Lots of gangs just retain position based on name power.

I think having 5 levels is fine, it's a nice number to have. Maybe just improve rewards for existing tiers.

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Maybe after the G/S/C keeps highest level for a while (one year?) it could have a right on improved rewards, 2nd base (more kbs to use), additional spawn etc

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Username: zerato
Age: 16
Nationality: Tunise
Languages you can speak: arabe ,English
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How long have you been playing on SAES? : I'm playin 2017
(i was inactive so i have low game hours) Modifier

Username: zerato
Age: 16
Nationality: Tunise
Languages you can speak: arabe ,English
Player SAES Career Information :

How long have you been playing on SAES? : I'm playin 2017
(i was inactive so i have low game hours)

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since the topic got bumped, what about getting a /voice panel for level 6 organisations? Like the one DE/CLO/Police has, with short audios. Would be fun to have some extra funny quotes or something.

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