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San Andreas Conservative Party
"Government of the people, by the people, and for the people"

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San Andreas Conservative Party is an old party that was funded to change the view the citizens of San Andreas had of the Government to bring them the better enviroment possible, peace and a good way of life.

We organize several kinds of events, take part on the elections and speeches. Our main goal is to reach the Government to achieve our objectives related to the people and their happiness.


SACP believes in a strong protectionist economy and a reduced ammount of importations from external countries. It's also very protectionist with the work. Everyone MUST work but everyone MUST have the right to keep their jobs in a satisfying way.
SACP believes in a strong support for big corporations of our country. Supporting them with special regimes of taxation and statewide conferences on businessmen matters.


Security is the pillar of SACP, that's why the police units and squads of the country receive extra funding whenever it's seen neccessary. Protests aren't allowed, the party believes in the direct meeting with the citizens that demand a change and that's why protests are considered as riot situations.


SACP was once in coalition with Cuban Liberation Party and has close relationship with Cubans, always trying to maintain a friendly relation and at the same time far enough from their political ideology.


It's seen as the major power of the Government and this power should be increased to avoid dead points. Also, we refuse the coalitions against the majority.

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The party was funded in 2013 by Mr.Franco and Mr.Henry to show the citizens of San Andreas could do something else than staring at eachother for changes waiting for the next elections and meanwhile try to hold the power. SACP believes on the changes. It has been running for the past years until the merge with National Action Party. Now in 2018 it comes back to the political scene.

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Party Management Members:

  • Secretary General or President: @Henry (Edward.Thatch)

  • Vice-Secretary General or Vicepresident: @zaza

  • Spokesman of the party:

  • Secretary of the party:

  • Coordinator of events & activities:

  • Treasurer of the party:

  • Public relations:

Regional Delegates

  • Los Santos Delegate:

  • Red County Vicedelegate:

  • Las Venturas Delegate:

  • Bone County Vicedelegate:

  • Flint County Vicedelegate:

  • San Fierro Delegate:

Party Staff

  • Militant's manager:

  • Militants:

  • Lawyers:

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All the members MUST follow the rules below or face a kick/warning coming from the SACP HQ.
Know and obey the server rules stated in F1.
Obey your higher ranked.
Speak English.
Do not DM.
Use common sense

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RP Name:
Login Name:
General Information:
English skill (1/10):
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words):
What rank would you like to obtain:
Current roleplay groups:
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain)
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words):

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Name: Mahmoud Elnashar

Nickname: FireFox

RP Name: David Cameron Jr.

Login Name: firefox201791

Age: 20 Born on the 2nd of April 1998.

Nationality: Egyptian

General Information: Hello, I'm Mahmoud Elnashar an Egyptian Young man, I'm studying in the faculty of Islamic sharia and in my spare time ( which is a lot ) i either drive around, scroll through social media apps, or play MTA, i work as a Freelance Information Technology specialist sadly the economic status of Egypt is in a really bad shape and i rarely got orders from any client, i lost my job, my college and the cash i invested from my job in 2018 and i hope 2019 will be better for me, thanks for your time.

English skill (1/10): 8.5 out of 10

Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The San Andreas Conservative Party is an old party that was funded back in 2013 by Mr.Henry and Mr.Franco, the party was funded to change the General view that our citizens had about the old governments and to bring them a better Political,Environmental and Peaceful life, so if you ask how we are going/how we do that then i got your answer, we basically do by organzing different types of events, making Public Speeches and take part in the elections, our party looks to provide a better Economy, Strong and Powerful security along with the External affairs to achieve our main goal " Presidency".

What rank would you like to obtain: i guess it's better if we leave this upon your choice, but if it was for me i think that i might fit in the positions of (VC) or (Secretary).

Current roleplay groups: Pro Cop Officers, Invest Arms Corp. and Cuban Cars.

Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) 2 bans, 1 for Multi Accounting and the other one was for hosting a sensual lesbian nude yoga YouTube Video in the SA cinema.

Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Well, i have been a part of the Previous Government, i was holding the position of Department of Justice staff but I was removed along with all the members, also I can offer neat and decent rp ideas, finally I would like to sat that I've worked in the pervious residential campaign in Egypt for a period of 7 continues days and I'm into politics but can't speak about it irl due to laws, that's why I hope I could achieve my political dream in your party.


David Cameron Jr. [AKA FireFox]
Private First Class
Fox Operations X


Name: My names Enes.
Nickname: You mustve seen me known as Unique in game.
RP Name: The name I use while roleplaying is Frank Kirkman
Login Name: I have a weird loginname which is hollykille
Age: Im currently 20.
Nationality: Im a Turkish guy
General Information: Im a 20 year old male guy from Turkey, studying in med school to become a pharmacist. I come in game to have fun, chill and relax.
English skill (1/10: I believe that my English is quite good as I am understandable by everyone. However, if you still want me to rate it out of 10, then a 8 or maybe a 9 would be the perfect choice.
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): San Andreas Conservative Party was founded in 2013 by Mr.Franco and Mr.Henry to bring more peaceful and happy life for citizens of SA. The party focuses on four main topics, including economy, security, external affairs and presidency. For economy of the country, SACP believes that for a strong economy, the government should come to an agreement with domestic big companies and help them in any way to increase exportation over importation, like re-arranging taxation. For security of the country, SACP doesnt consider protests against government a good thing, as they believe that whenever there is a demand by citizens, they connect to people directly. For external affairs, SACP manipulates the balance between Cubans and citizens of SA. For presidency, they prefer majority over coalitions.
What rank would you like to obtain: Id like to take a role in party staff.
Current roleplay groups: I currently have pharmacist role in SAM and worker role in ZIP.
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) : Yes, I have been banned twice before. First one was because of leaking some classified information and the second one was for deathmatching.
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): I am really into politics, I read and watch every stuff regarding it. I strongly believe that I would be the right choice for the partys campaigns.


Name: Vincenzo
Nickname: Vincy
RP Name: Al Poretti
Login Name: xvincyx
Age: 19
Nationality: Italian
General Information: Hi all, I'm Vincenzo, i study "Medicine and Surgery" in Italy, I started to play in SAES in 2012 for 1 year, then i didn't have the time to play because of the study. I re-started to play 2 months ago and I re-falled in love with SAES.
English skill (1/10): 8/10
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): SACP stands for San Andreas Conservative Party, one of the older parties in SA. People must be safeguarded! SACP can ensure people's welfare. Through a protectionist economy people can have a dignitous job in dignitous condition. Any form of protest or revolt is not allowed. SACP will keep the relation with the "Cuban Liberation Party" without being influenced by their ideology. More power to the president for increase SA's welfare!
SACP for the win! Government of the people, by the people, and for the people!
What rank would you like to obtain: I prefer "Public relations" but i can stay in every rank, You can choose for me.
Current roleplay groups: San Andreas Medics, Cluckin' Bells
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) N/A
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): SAES is the first and only MTA server that i played in my life. I wanna try to be part of the government as "Public Relations" because i'm friendly, i know when be funny and when be serious.


Name: Shadi Dakhli

Nickname: XpooKs

RP Name: Raymond M Taylor

Login Name: chadi147

Age: 16

Nationality: Tunisian

General Information: Hello guys, I'm shady, I am from Tunisia, I'm 16 years old, I study in the High-School ''

data processing.'' I Play MTA for 3 years now, I started playing SAES/RPG about 7 months now, I'm addicted to video games so I play many games but mostly SAES is my main game, Thank you for reading ^^

English skill (1/10): 7.5 out of 10

Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The San Andreas Conservative Party is an old party. Mister.Henry and Mr.franco created it back in 2013. they brought many changes, Like a fair and happy life for the citizens of san Andreas. The Conservative party main roles are four, security, external affairs, including economy and presidency. I will start with security. The SAN ANDREAS CONSERVATIVE PARTY found that Protests aren't allowed, since they believe in meeting with the citizens directly, for external affairs, The SAN ANDREAS CONSERVATIVE PARTY had a close relationship with Cubans they try to stay friendly as much as they can and at the same time they stay away from their political ideology, for economy, The SAN ANDREAS CONSERVATIVE PARTY believes in a strong protectionist economy, they believe also that everyone has Rights and duties. The SACP believe and support the businessmen with special regimes of taxations so they can work more and more. for the Presidency It's the power of the government and it should increase every time and they prefer majority over coalitions.

What rank would you like to obtain: Well, It's back to you, Id accept any rank but I prefer a (Secretary)

Current roleplay groups: The Motor Heads.

Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) 1 ban, I got a mute for speaking Arabic in the main chat and
they I avoided it by talking with /ad so I got a 6 hours ban as a punishment.

Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Well first, I like the government, I know It's Inactive but Id like to help to
make it alive again and better of course, second, I really like politics roleplays and I am sure that I will be useful for the Party

Thank you for reading,
Best regards,


Name: Oleg
Nickname: Bones
RP Name: Barry Bones
Login Name: barryb
Age: 17 years old
Nationality: Ossetian
General Information: My name is Oleg. I'm studying hard in the last class of the High school. I can't tell a lot about myself: I just learn, I try to spend time with benefit, and if possible I play, if I need more information - I will add everything
English skill (1/10): 6-6.5
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The story of the party started in 2013 by Mr.Franco and Mr.Henry. Party's main goal is to reach the place in the government to bring to the people the better enviroment. Party ecenomy system says that everyone must work and keep their places to avoid external corporations superiors and believes in our state companies to support economy. The main power of Party is security which means that Party will protect state from protests and anything similiar and try to find peaceful way to solve citizens' problems. Party in the coalition with Cuban Party and refuse coalitions with another parties. Party rules says that you must follow state(server) rules.
What rank would you like to obtain: I will strive to get the role of senator but I will take the role that I deserve
Current roleplay groups: Licensed police officer(PC), Homeland Security - Undercover Unit
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) I was banned once by Kenny for using /coord panel to find him on the map and get 5mils
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Earlier, I was accepted into the Department of Foreign Affairs, but then the government destroyed itself and they simply refused to accept me because of their reluctance. Soon, I stood up against the government, which made the pseudo-president gather an army and kill my people. Now, seeing a potentially good candidate, I want to return to political activities and try to maximize the life of state society, to contribute to the development of the state. Also, I repeat, I like the party members, which can serve the best interaction.


Name: Adik
Nickname: Lightning
RP Name: Edward Morello
Login Name: lightning12
Age: I'm currently 17 years old.
Nationality: Israeli.
General Information: Greeting everyone , I'm Adik and I'm 17 years old I was born in Russia and moved to Israel when I was about 2 years old , I have been playing SAES almost one year , I have a younger brother that doesn't playing SAES and I have a dog.
English skill (1/10): I would rate it 9 out of 10.
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): This topic is about the San Andreas Conservative Party , Its an old party that was founded back in the year 2013 by Mr.Henry and by Mr.Franco , It was founded for few reason , the first reason is to keep our State of San Andreas, Peaceful and Safe, and do stuff that really will help the citizens. Also make the current economy better , build new schools and other educational buildings also increase the Officers in the streets and train them better so they will elected to Pro Cop [PC] also it was made up for doing public events for the citizens as Speeches and make everyone to join on the voting stage.
What rank would you like to obtain: I think that I will fit in the position of (VC) , But its under your choice to choose.
Current roleplay groups: I'm currently in ProCop[PC] , San Andreas Interceptors[SAI] and Military Civilian Components[MCC]
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) No I dont have any.
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): I want to join this party because I have heard good stuff about this party and also I have some people that recommended this Party to me , and I also love being interrupted In any Politics actions.


Name: Ogulcan
Nickname: Flusha^
RP Name: Roy Trager
Login Name: ogulcan01
Age: 17
Nationality: Turkey
General Information: My name is Ogulcan, I like to play table tennis and basketball in my free times, also I like to play video games such as related to GTA. I am in the last class of the high school and preparing for the university.
English skill (1/10): I'd rate my english skills as 7
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): Well, SACP is the one of the oldest parties in the whole community, it was funded back in 2013 by Mr.Henry and Mr.Framco, it was also funded to change the view of the party for the citizens of San Andreas, also their another goal was bring the peace and such as good news. SACP's economic situtation is pretty good, that makes it a strong party with respectful decisions. They agree at every citizen should work, also they support the business mans. About the security, security is the main of SACP, also thats why it gives extra funds, benefits to the police forces and squads when its necessary.
What rank would you like to obtain: Well, I would like to be part of "Coordinator of events & activities. But I can role myself as you wish to rank me.
Current roleplay groups: PC, MCC, SAFD, SAI.
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) One ban for a couple hours due to trolling around.
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Well, to be honestly I have really interests towards the Government. I also want to help the party and the city to let citizens breath fresh! I have good ideas to improve the government and the city. I am also really good at roleplaying, sometimes i can do grammar mistakes on english, but I'm really good at Roleplaying to be honestly.


RP Name:David_Woods
Login Name:specialist12
General Information:Hey, my name is David, I am Twenty-One years old, I have been playing in saes for about three-four years. Let's start with my hobbies, I like to go out to bars with my friends in the weekends, I like to play video games and play soccer sometimes. So, yeah that is it.
English skill (1/10): I would say around 8/10
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words):Alright, this is a topic about San Andreas Conservative, a Government party, founded back in around 2013, its director/founder is Henry. Furthermore this party is very active, when I am saying active, like doing their best to track-down crime activities and Organizations, such as CLO and CeM. Furthermore security is one of the important unit in this party, because it's the treasury of the Government, and it benefits the Police Departments, such with guns,armor and more.
What rank would you like to obtain: Treasurer of the party
Current roleplay groups: DE,IAC,SAi,PC.
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain)N/A
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words):I would like to join this party, because a friend suggested me to join this party,furthermore I really like how the party treats its member and respect the country, also I would like to help to party to clear criminal activities from this country. Furthermore, if I would be accepted as a Treasury Ministry, I would think twice before spending the money on something, mostly I will invest for the equipment of the military and Police Departments.


Name: Emanuel
Nickname: Elegant
RP Name: Charles Hudson
Login Name: elegant09
Age: 16
Nationality: Israeli
General Information: Well hey, I'm Emanuel I was born and raised in Israel, I've also two twin brothers which annoy me and they're 8 years old right now and I'm currently 16, I currently spend my free time in playing SAES, I've started playing here like a year ago or something like that and I've been enjoying it so far, I go with my friends also to hang out when we get the chance too.
English skill (1/10): I'd rate myself 7/10
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): This topic is speaking of San Andreas Conservative, was founded back in the days in 2013 by Henry and Franco it was made to make peace in SA and good way of life
What rank would you like to obtain: Coordinator of events & activities
Current roleplay groups: SAi, DE, IAC, PC, SAM, CS
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: No
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): I would like to join this particular party because I like their aims and I would support all the way in it because I agree with them and I'II give my best shot to this party as I also have gained a decent roleplaying skills from RP servers

  • 3 months later...


Elections will be coming up soon, if your party intends to run please register at the below topic;


Your manifesto may be closed due to party inactivity if you are not registered.


  • 7 months later...

Name: Ismail

Nickname: duff

RP Name: Duff_Gaviria

Login Name: fener1907

Age: 23

Nationality: Turkey

General Information: Hello Dear Staff, I'm Ismail and Im 23 years old. Im from Turkey/Istanbul also im living the current country. Im working at the hospital; actually we are leading the clinic inside of the hospital and our clinic working on the different projects such as personal cancer vaccine and infections causes transmissions. also about the general information about SAES: yeah Im playing SAES since 2012, I started to play saes with my friends at the begining we were just chilling around and everyday i wanted to play more sadly my friends has left the server and they didint continue to play on here so i joined many gangs before joining cripz. at the 2013 when i joined the cripz and i met with zaza my journey started on here so after 7 almost 8 years we are here and still playing as cripz

English skill (1/10): 8

Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): San Andreas Conservative Party was founded back in days 2013 by Frank and Henry. Their goal was stabled on changes for the San Andreas Citizens and to bring the peace around SA. first of all they started with the economy part and they announced the economy system how must be : Everyone must work but must have the right keep their jobs in sa satisfying way. also for the Economic moves was planned on supporting big corporations of SA Country. they knew that special regimes of taxation will help the big corporations it was planned to SA Citizens their goal was supporting the economy in that ways to PURPOSE ELIMINATE THE UNEMPLOYMENT ISSUE. About the Security actually peace declaration was also common in this decleration since SACP has funding the extra funding whenever its seen neccessary for police units and squads of the SA. they disallowed the protests to avoid from a war between citizens and police units. SACP believes in direct meeting from each side with the Citizens and if there is a needed a chance they have to hear the demand thats how they were planned to control peace and security around SA

What rank would you like to obtain: Well yeah, I would like to be Senator in any Country

Current roleplay groups: ZIP

Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) Back in 2014 I have been banned by SAES>Bone. it was all about my bank account someone from turks has been reported me to him about having 102m on my bank account. after the discussing and sharing all details about my bank account Bone has unbanned me after 6 hours

Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): I would like to be part of SACP because that I wanted to help you around to growing up this community again like we did before. also I thought it was time to enter politics and I was searching a group so Im applying to SACP since you guys have more experiences from past and I wanted to bring new ideas to my own party ( who is open for the changes all the time ) and what is best for the our country


RP Name:Joe Barbaro
Login Name:jerome11
General Information:I'm Emirhan,I am 15 years old.I was born in Turkey.I am studying at highschool.I am living with my family.I have been playing saes for 5-6 months and i know the rules etc.
English skill (1/10):7/10
Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The San Andreas Conservative Party is an old party that Mr.Franco founded by Henry and Franco.This party's main goals are just like that,economy,security and presidency.SACP believes in a strong support for big corporations of our country.SACP can ensure the welfare of people.With the SACP Prostest aren't allowed.Also SACP only coalition with Cuban Liberation Party and they are refuses the other parties for coalition.
What rank would you like to obtain:Treasurer or Secratary of party
Current roleplay groups:Al-Munazama
Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain):N/A
Why do you want to join (Min 30 words):I would like to join this party,because i like the goal of party and these goals are suits to me.


Name: Deniz

Nickname: Sneijder

RP Name: Antonio Banderas

Login Name: snjader

Age: 21

Nationality: Turkish

General Information: Hey there, my name is Deniz and I am 21 years old. I am from Istanbul, born and raised. I am studying law in university and its currently my 3rd year. I spend most of my time either with my girlfriend or playing games. About my SAES career (just the highlights), I started playing on SAES more than 7 years ago. You may know me from RDMC, it has been my home for many years. Hopefully, CripZ is my new home now and its my already my 2nd year in CripZ.

English skill (1/10): 8

Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): The party was founded by Mr. Henry and Mr. Franco to actually make changes happen instead of doing nothing. The main goal of the party is basically happiness of the whole nation. To reach this goal, San Andreas Conservative Party has its own way in governmental sections such as economy, security, external affairs and presidency. Lets go one by one, on Economy the ideology of SACP is a bit like communist ideology, in other words the goal is an internal strong economy. On security, SACP really cares about the security forces, also it has no tolerance to protests. SACP prefers the hamdle peoples problems by talking with them, instead of protests. On external affaris, SACP has close relationsip with CLP but there is no similarity in the ideologies of both parties. On Presidency, SACP believes that the head of the government should be as powerful as it can be to avoid dead points.

What rank would you like to obtain: Well to be honest I would like to be senator and ready to work for the spot.

Current roleplay groups: ZIP

Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain): I actually have one. I was banned by XgangstersX(he was my leader back in the day). I was really drunk and decided to come online because why not lol. Anyway, he banned me for 6 hours to prevent any bad actions from me.

Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Well as I mentioned above I am studying law in real life so I kinda have some sympaty to politics. Real life politics are too complicated but in SAES it would be a nice similator for me, simply it would be fun.


Name: Adem

Nickname: AdemBygt

RP Name: Muhsin Writerson

Login Name: adembyt

Age: 17

Nationality: Turkey

General Information: Hello I'm adem im 17 years old. Im living in Turkey. When i can always im listening music. Im IT studyent in highschool. Im in cripz gang already 3 months. Im in so many group for friend ship. When im bored in the saes i will spawn as my groups for activity

English skill (1/10): 7

Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): San Andreas Conservative Party is an old party that was funded back in 2013 by Mr.Henry. For economy of the country, SACP believes that for a strong economy, the government should come to an agreement with domestic big companies and help them with any way to increase exportation over importation, like re-arranging taxation.

What rank would you like to obtain: Senator

Current roleplay groups:

  • RadioSADJ

  • Cluckin' BellMember

  • The Motor HeadsRacer

  • San Andreas StudiosSaS Actor

  • Centrino TransportationLogistic

  • InvestArms CorporationDivisonal HQ MW

  • Al-MunazamaAskary

Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) N/A

Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): Because I joined too last elections. And i lose with 8 votes. I need good party for this elections. And I look sacp party i think this party for me. I want to join for next elections.

  • 5 weeks later...

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