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Roleplay Number: 44
Title: Tryna sell some bracK bobaine and sellin' LSD at the end
Participants: BloodZ & U nigga
Story: It was a nice tuesday afternoon with good Cali weather 'n' me and ma niggas were just chillin' round the blocK 'n' some young dude approached us. So, we talk bout our shit 'n' he tries it and likes it. Well, how couldn't he? That's blood shit and the fuckin' best. We discuss bout bobaine and it's consistency, but shiet... Nigga was kolumbian 'n' didn't want any, so we start discussing LSD with homies. he tries that aswell and thinks its good shit. At the end, we make a deal 'n' sell him a pound of pure LSD, directly from the bold streetz for 60k US greenz.


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Event number: 63
Event Type: Arrest BloodZ members for X amount of $$$ (prize kept rising to increase participant count (100K-1M))
Prize(s): 100k --> 200k --> 1M
LWS Helper(s): @Teller
Winner(s): 2x 3aTwani, once for 200k then for 1M


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Bank Robbery: SF 8/8

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Activity Check: 28/01/20

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Roleplay Number: 45
Title: Exchanging drugs
Participants: BloodZ & Peaky-Blinders
Story: Our stock of cocaine was quite high, but we were running low on the heroine, so we gave a call to Peaky Blinders. We made a deal to meet on the Los Santos streets, so it wouldn't be soo obvious that something was spicing up. As we ran into each other, we drove to our base, to exchange drugs. I gave ma nigga a Sowoop welcoming, and we had a little chat, about our drug supplies. I showed them our big stock of cocaine, and they showed me their stock of heroin, and on end, we made a deal to exchange 100 kilos of cocaine for 200 kilos of heroin. As we completed with exchanging drugs to our cars, we had nice little chat again before they drove off and everyone was happy on end with the deal.


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Activity check: 06/02/2020
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Roleplay Number: 46
Title: Raided by SWAT
Participants: Dustyloc,@Jake,@Lightning
Story: So it was a pretty normal day for us b'z,me and jake were chillin' on the base just thinking about our succes and business so far. So out of no where swat came to our base. Me and jake just looked and eachother with our glock-17's in our pockets and were ready to gun him down. So we decided to have a talk with him. He said that he got a report,of us bloodz sellin' some drugs at our base. He decided to check our trunks,thankfully he didnt cehck our pockets. He didnt find anything in the first car,but he did find some grams of cocaine in the second car. So he asked my why was I carrying that in our gang cars. I was lucky that my car was at the mechanic and it was being fixed. Because Im sure he would some more grams in my trunk if he would've checked it. Then he proceedes to walk away without giving us any jail time. But gangstas like we are me and jake decide to gun him down with our glock's and combat shotguns. We burried his body underground.

Sreenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KWYWZrm

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Roleplay Number: 47
Title: Having a fight with Peaky Blinders
Participants: BloodZ, Peaky Blinders
Story: Me 'n' ma homies were just chillin' in the hood talkin' bout some shit that had to be done in the next week. Then, some niggaz called us up and we went to eir' hood. There, we talked business. It was a small meeting and there wasn't many homies around. So, after we left we saw a car full of some gangstas following us. We pulled over to the side of the road to a more quiet place 'n' started talkin' wid' those niggaz. Apparently, they were Peaky Blinders 'n' wanted to fight us. Ma nigga Makaveli was ready for some action right away. They pulled out eir' bats, we pulled out our brass knuckles n shit happened. We knocked out 3 of eir' homies n the last one ran away. That just shows how we are always ready to fight no matter what. Hood is most important yo'. Althought, respect for the other gang for fighting the red set. Takes some balls.


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