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Mrwan's Application for SAHA


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Your ingame username: jaycee2015
Your ingame alias: Mrwan
Your real name: Marwan Zean
Your year of birth: 2000
Your gender: Male

Nationality: Egyptian
Country of residence: Egypt
Language skills: I'm pretty good In Arabic for sure and also my English skills are not the best but It's decent.
English Proficiency: I would say 7/10

How long you have been playing: 4 Years till now, Will be 5 years In the next March.
Your strengths: Well, I would say that I am learning really fast and most Importantly I learn from my mistakes and re work It and make It better, Despite that I am also a calm person sometimes I lose control but I get back to who I am quickly, I am a hard-worker, I work very hard to achieve what I want In the best possible way.
Your weaknesses: Sometimes I lose control, especially when someone insults my mother.

Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): SAHA

Teamspeak Installed: Yes.
Discord Installed: Yes.
Do you frequently get involved on Discord: All the time.

Reason for application: Well, I've been very Interested In SAHA ever since I came Into this server, I liked housing and I liked to be someone who can sort stuff like this, Despite that I am very helpful and I really like to help people If I can, so ofcourse with being SAHA I'll be able to help most of the people with their requests regarding SAHA, I am also very active In the server that I can help everyone In anytime I am online ofcourse.

Unique qualities you can offer: Activity, Being helpful and mature to everyone who wants my help, work hard on sorting out requests as fast as possible.

Server Memberships:

OverdoseCrime - Leader
Lightning World Sports - Trusted
Outbreak - Sub HQ
San Andreas Pirates - Member

Additional information: " Attempt the Impossible In order to Improve your work "

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: N/A
Previous (legitimate) bans: N/A

Are you a muslim?: Yes, and proud of It.

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