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Your ingame username: xr3gg1x
Your ingame alias: Reggi
Your real name: Reginald C.
Your year of birth: 1990
Your gender: Male

Nationality: American
Country of residence: USA
Language skills: English
English Proficiency: I speak very fluent English. As it's my only language.

How long you have been playing: I joined SAES in July of 2017. So for 1 year and 5 months.
Your strengths: I'd say a big part of my strengths would be my age and maturity. I have a drive for success and confidence to conquer anything that stand in my way. I'm very goal oriented and I enjoy facing my challenges head-on. I can easily adapt to different situations that I may face. I learn very new things fast, and I'm very efficient. I'm very trustworthy, decisive, attendant & hardworking. I like to treat everyone with respect as I believe firmly that you should treat everyone how you want to be treated. And lastly as basic strengths, I'm honest and I consider myself a great leader.

Your weaknesses: Sometimes I think like I take things too seriously. Being lied on or accused of something can really tend to upset me. I also have trust issues and that can affect the way I think about a person who has done wrong. I won't display it in any way but it takes a lot to regain trust and I give it back easily. I wouldn't always call that a weakness but I've missed certain opportunities on not trusting someone who could have possibly changed.

Preferred Position (SAHA/CS/SAES): Community Staff is my preferred position.

Teamspeak Installed: Surely if needed.
Discord Installed: Yes
Do you frequently get involved on Discord: I'm on discord daily.

Reason for application: I'd really love to join the CS team. I think that I'm very qualified to handle this position, I really enjoying spending my time on this server. I know that I would be an asset SAES and I'm thankful for having this opportunity to apply and help in any way I could. I know and follow the rules every day and I know how the server flows. I'm all about fairness and equality and I'm willing and prepared to face the position gracefully.

Unique qualities you can offer: My creativity and conflict resolution skills. I know how to speak with people in a way that anyone can understand. I have a great amount of confidence in myself and I try to show and teach others to be that way. I can be motivational and strict at the same time. I'm never afraid to say what I think because I believe that honesty is the best policy. I like to view situations from both sides and always take the time to solve problems properly

Server Memberships:

  • The Company - High Council

  • Lightning World Sports -Trusted Staff

  • Cuban Cars - Mecanico

  • The Motor Heads - Vice Leader

  • San Andreas Fire Dept. - Battalion Chief

  • Invest Arms Corp - HQ

  • SAP - Raider

  • All Load Trucking - Mechanic*

  • ZIP - Worker

Additional information: My name is Reginald Castillo mostly known as Reggi, I'm 28 years old (29 in January) A little more about me I have a full-time job in customer relations and I recently was promoted to a manager position. On the side of that, I'm a freelance graphic designer when I have the time. One side of the serious thanks I'm a really cool person to be around. Always known to crack jokes (mostly at the expense of my gang members), and in always down to have fun. In my free time, I like to build things for the community be it events, chill areas or RP zones. I handle everything with professionalism rather its gang/group management or creating something new. If there's anything here you want to know more about or something I didn't answer I'm always free on discord.

Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None
Previous (legitimate) bans: None

Are you a Muslim?: No

  • 3 weeks later...

Excellent quality application.

Unfortunately you haven't been successful this time around.
Again, another dark horse application though. While I believe you possess the qualities to be a good addition to the CS team, you need to demonstrate that to us by getting your name out there amongst the community and helping people out!
Best of luck for next time and keep up the decent work.

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