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TXN ID: 69B22092K76940204

Donation: 50.00 GBP

Requested rewards:

5mil Ingame.

Infernus [will show ingame] (Color: #28061D and add @Mrwan (jaycee2015) @Siper_ (s1p3r) @Lincoln (abdivdbf))
Stuntplane LV airport (Color: #28061D and add @Mrwan (jaycee2015) @Siper_ (s1p3r) @Lincoln (abdivdbf))
Shamal LV Airport (Color: #28061D and add @Mrwan (jaycee2015) @Siper_ (s1p3r) @Lincoln (abdivdbf))
S-GT [will show ingame] (Color: #28061D and add @Mrwan (jaycee2015) @Siper_ (s1p3r) @Lincoln (abdivdbf))
Dodo LV Airport (Color: #28061D and add @Mrwan (jaycee2015) @Siper_ (s1p3r) @Lincoln (abdivdbf))

Donation spawn to these fellas:

  1. @Kurupted (psytic)

  2. @JohnnyEnglish (johnnyenglish)

  3. @Elyes (elyeslayes)

  4. @Swiggity (sosaboy)

  5. @Siper_ (s1p3r)

  6. @N1kkeX (snipu78)

  7. @Adistar (99mason99)

  8. @TaJ (taj125)

  9. @Blu (blue35)

  10. @alex0107 (alex0107)

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