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^[Jailbreak #1968: Time: 1H+]
~[Outbreak Members:]~(maroon) @kiraa @django @Aveyro @Rainy @joakito @Evans @BosnianPower @kikas @Ovallees @cocko
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~[Outbreak Helpers :]~(maroon) @CeSaR @Yazan @SkuLL @fadi-semre12 @Alone210 @Liberty @Rieeria
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~[Other ScreenShot:]~(maroon)
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^[Jailbreak #1970: Time: 1H+]
~[Outbreak Members:]~(maroon) @kiraa @Mr-Zinyak @kikas @Rainy @Noisyboy @Andrew @Evans @BosnianPower
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~[Outbreak Helpers :]~(maroon) @yazan123 @alone @SkuLL
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~[Other ScreenShot:]~(maroon)
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Jailbreak #1971: Time: 30 mins+

Outbreak Members: Me @Rainy @Evans

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Outbreak Helpers: @Liberty @Alone

Screenshots: [s=]https://i.imgur.com/q5mKmDC.png

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^[~[J]~(maroon)ailbreak ~[#1975]~(red) ~[(]~(maroon)1 hour~[)]~(maroon)]

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~[O]~(maroon)utbreak Members: @Stay @Gonza @PerroLoco @cocko @Aveyro @Evans @tokiits

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~[O]~(maroon)utbreak Helpers: @alone @BOB @CeSaR @Liberty @Oussama-dz22 @Rezzy @ceviche

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^[Jailbreak #1976: Time: 1H+]
~[Outbreak Members:]~(maroon) @kiraa @Killer @kikas @PinkyyyTinkyyy @Douglass @Andrew @Evans @Colo @Corpseeeeeeee @django @BosnianPower @Law
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~[Outbreak Helpers :]~(maroon) @CeSaR @alone @ceviche @Amrosh @Fasito @Rezzy @AndreaS @Liberty @SkuLL

~[Other ScreenShot:]~(maroon)
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^[Jailbreak #1979: Time: 1h+]

~[Outbreak Members:]~(511b1b) @tokiits @Rainy @Corpseeeeeeee @koko @PinkyyyTinkyyy @BosnianPower @Aveyro @Killer @kikas
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~[Outbreak Helpers:]~(511b1b) @AndreaS @CeSaR @alone @SK-N
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Jailbreak #1981 -04/07/2022-
Time : from 22:53 to 23:03 and from 23:10 to 23:42 ----> 42 mins
Outbreak Members: @Lorch, @Evans, @Rowdy35, @tokiits, @Aveyro, and @[AA]William[=R=]

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Outbreak Helpers: @Hash, @alone, @fadi-semre12 and @Tweaks

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Screenshots taken during the Jailbreak:

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Jailbreak #1984 - 09/07/2022

Time : from 19:14 to 21:00 ------> 1 hour and 46 mins

Outbreak Members: @Lorch , @Zodiac , @Aveyro @Candy ,@kikas , @Colobria , @django , @Evans and @kiraa

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Outbreak Helpers: @alone , @Tweaks , @Lisner , @CeSaR and @ceviche

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Screenshots taken during the Jailbreak:

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Jailbreak #1985 -13/08/2022
Time : 2h
Outbreak Members: @django @Evans @Aveyro @tokiits @Blackyy @Mackey @Mayhem @Zodiac @Judyes @Corpseeeeeeee @Douglass
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Outbreak Helpers: @CeSaR @Ammar @yazan123
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Screenshots taken during the Jailbreak:
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Jailbreak #1986 -04/08/2022
Time : 1h+
Outbreak Members: @Colo @Blackyy @kikas @Andrew @django @Edgar @PinkyyyTinkyyy @Mayhem @tokiits @Aveyro @MaRoO
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Outbreak Helpers: @SkuLL @Loka @Fatroucha @valete @enuma
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Screenshots taken during the Jailbreak:
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