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Rebels MC

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@felicia, Felix, @Morde, and the new prospect @DaZaii were out riding through San Andreas, with Dazai following behind in the Picador. The ride was smooth until Felicia’s phone buzzed in her pocket. She signaled the crew to pull over, cutting the engines as she answered the call.

It was @Tapi, a mechanic who had helped the Rebels out a few times before. His voice sounded tense. “Felicia, I need more customers. If I don’t bring in new business, I’m not getting my raise.” Felicia listened quietly, glancing over at Felix as Tapi kept talking. “Figured maybe you guys could throw some work my way.”

Felicia covered the phone with her hand and looked at Felix. “Tapi needs work. Says he’s in a tough spot.”

Felix nodded, taking a drag from his cigarette. “We can get some mods done on the Picador. Might as well help him out.”

Felicia returned to the call. “Alright, we’ve got a car that needs some upgrades. We’ll swing by.”

A short while later, they rolled into Tapi’s shop. Dazai parked the Picador and got out while the others stood nearby, watching Tapi approach. Felix tapped the side of the truck and got straight to the point. “We need a ramp to load the bikes onto the back, and we’ll need some fittings to keep them stable once they’re up there. Needs to be solid.”

Tapi walked around the Picador, inspecting it carefully. “I can get it done, but it’s gonna cost you $3,500.”

Felix shook his head, smirking. “Nah. We’ll give you 2,000.”

Tapi crossed his arms, standing his ground. “3,250. That’s as low as I’ll go.”

Felix let the silence hang for a moment before flicking his cigarette to the ground. “Alright. You’ll get 3,000 now, and the rest later—if the job’s done right.”

Tapi sighed but nodded. “Deal.”

Felix turned to Dazai. “Prospect, give Tapi your number. You’re handling this.” Dazai didn’t hesitate, handing over his number to Tapi, who pocketed the keys to the Picador. “I’ll call when it’s done,” Tapi said.

Felix gave a final nod. “We’ll be back. Don’t screw it up.”

With that, the Rebels kicked their engines back to life and took off, leaving the Picador behind at the shop. Just another favor, just another deal.



Edited by Felix
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It was a quiet night at The Clubhouse, the Rebels kicking back with beers in hand and the smell of smoke thick in the air. Conversations flowed lazily, stories of past rides and close calls filling the space. Just as things started to wind down, Felix spotted something unusual through the window — a car parked just outside, its engine idling. The driver sat motionless inside, his face hidden in the shadows.

Felix stepped out, the crunch of his boots on gravel breaking the silence. Approaching the car, he knocked on the window and leaned in. "What are you doing out here, brother? Come in and grab a beer."

The driver paused for a moment before nodding. He killed the engine, stepped out, and followed Felix inside. Once at the bar, surrounded by leather jackets and the low hum of conversation, he loosened up. A few drinks in, he started talking — he’d just gotten out of prison, doing time for assaulting a cop. That got the Rebels' attention.

Felix eyed the tattoos on the man’s arms. They were hard to miss. "I know those tats… You’re with the Renegados, aren’t you?" The man nodded. The room tensed for a moment, but nobody reached for their guns just yet.

The man leaned back, taking a long swig from his beer. "Still am. Prison didn’t change that. If anything, I hate the pigs more now. I’ll kill any cop that crosses my path."

The Rebels exchanged glances and nodded in approval. A man with that kind of grudge was someone they could work with — but there was business to clear up first. Felix kept his tone calm but direct. "There’s been a lot of chatter about guns getting into the hands of the other party who calls themselves "club" even though they don't know the necessities of an MC. We’ve got a problem with that. It wouldn’t happen to be you, would it?"

The man shook his head immediately. "No way. That sounds like something the Arms Assassins would do. We don’t deal with the Sons."

His answer seemed genuine, which eased the tension in the room. But while the others relaxed, Felicia leaned forward, her eyes sharp with interest. "Guns are one thing. I’m more interested in the product your crew’s been pushing lately. Let’s talk business."

The man, still nameless, gave a smirk. "If you’re serious, best you come see for yourselves. We’ve got a warehouse nearby." The Rebels agreed, finishing their drinks before grabbing their jackets and heading outside.

But as soon as they stepped out, blue lights flashed in the dark.

The cops had been waiting for them as a surprise

The Rebels scattered, some trying to resist, but there was no getting out of it this time. The cops moved fast, slapping cuffs on anyone they could catch. The Rebels were taken into custody by officer @Crossma, spending hours in the station. But the pigs didn’t have anything to hold them on — not this time. The crew walked free, shaken but determined to finish the night’s business.

Without wasting any time, they rode straight to the Renegados’ warehouse. When they arrived, Felix turned to the man who had led them there. "We’ve been through a lot tonight, and I still don’t know your name. I’m Felix."

The man grinned, shaking Felix’s hand firmly. "Call me Joseph." (Stalin)

Inside the warehouse, the smell of oil and steel hung heavy in the air. They asked for beer, but Joseph shrugged. "No beer right now. Vodka?" and they settled on whiskey, pouring drinks as the conversation turned serious.

@felicia got straight to the point. "What’s the price for five kilos?"

Stalin grabbed a sample from a crate and tossed it on the table. The crew tested it — even @DaZaii, the prospect, got a hit. He’d earned it, and this was as much a test for him as it was for the product.

The stuff was good. No doubt about it.

Felicia nodded in approval. "We’ll take it. What’s the cost?" The two sides quickly agreed on a price. Felix signaled to Dazai, who fetched the money bag from the truck. Stalin counted the cash, satisfied, before loading the product into their car. Business was done, and both sides seemed pleased.

As they prepared to leave, Felix turned to Joseph one last time. "Thanks for the hospitality, brother." Joseph nodded, his expression serious but respectful. "Next time, I’ll make sure we’ve got beer."

With that, the Rebels climbed into their car and rode off into the night. The deal was done, and for once, the night ended peacefully.



Edited by Felix
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As Felix pulled up to the bar, two cops approached, introducing themselves as @Maniu and @ThunderWing. They asked for his license and registration. Felix reached under his bike seat, briefly considering grabbing the gun hidden there, but decided against it.

Handing over his license, he said, "The bike’s club property — registration’s probably inside. I can grab it." The cops waved it off, saying it wasn’t necessary.

After running his name, they mentioned an arrest order but assured him it was likely a mistake. (They did /offerbribe to lower his wanted level.)

"Appreciate it," Felix replied, keeping it cool as the cops walked away.



Edited by Felix
  • Thanks 1




Felix and Bas were driving through San Andreas, talking about a rumor they’d heard. Word was, a guy who used to be in the Mongols MC was back in town, going by a new name—Coyote—and robbing places.

“Why change your face and name unless you’re hiding something?” Bas muttered.

“Let’s find out,” Felix replied.

They tracked him to a motel in Las Venturas. He was outside, drinking a beer, and didn’t look surprised when they grabbed him. They drove him to a rooftop in the city and started asking questions.

“Why the new face? What’s your deal?” Bas asked.

Coyote didn’t look worried. “I was known as @Star (I hope i tagged the correct star) and I was in the Mongols. When they went down, I had to get out of San Andreas. Cops forced me to work as an informant and i had no other options for a while but that didn't work out well... Cops were after me, and I needed a clean start. I came back because I missed this place.”

Felix and Bas weren’t sure if he was telling the truth. They decided to see what he could do and took him along on a store robbery. They left their bikes behind since this wasn’t about being flashy.

Coyote handled himself well, proving he had talent.

After the job, they stopped in the middle of nowhere. Felix handed him a prospect patch.

“Welcome to the Rebels,” he said.

Bas grinned. “But you’re walking home.”

They drove off, leaving Coyote behind. He didn’t care—he had a new family now.







Posted (edited)




Felix, @felicia and @Baswere, as always, annoyed by the constant raids from the SPC. This new law enforcement unit was becoming a real headache, so they decided it was time to gather some intel. Knowing FBI Agent @Snoopymade things easier.

They tracked him down, kidnapped him, and took him to one of their hideouts. The questioning began quickly. Felix tried his best to look scary and aggressive, even though it was so over-the-top that it was almost funny. While Felicia was locked on the federal and Bas was handling the questioning.

Snoopy didn’t put up much resistance. He was more interested in the food which was being served in the hide-out restaurant. “These SPC guys are already a pain in the ass for us at the FBI,” he said. “I’ll be honest—I’m happy to help you boys out.”

After that, they loaded Snoopy into an ambulance -which was the perfect cover-. Bas worked emergency services during the day, so the vehicle was conveniently on hand. Snoopy was going to show them where they needed to go.

While driving, Bas dozed off and crashed the ambulance. Snoopy used the moment to escape in the chaos.

(What really happened: First, Bas lost his network connection and ambulance crashed, so Felix, Felicia and Snoopy waited for him patiently. When Bas returned, Snoopy’s internet connection dropped, and he couldn’t come back to finish the RP.)







Edited by Felix



The tension in Los Santos was palpable after the recent run-in with the FBI. Felix, @Bas, and @felicia knew that their stronghold needed to be fortified—not just physically but strategically.  With that in mind, they called in @Pancy, a seasoned Rebel who had seen more fights and negotiations than most, to join them for an important meeting.

The destination: the Outlaws’ base. The gang had expressed interest in forming an alliance with the Rebels, but they weren’t a smaller operation—they were a formidable group with a reputation to match. 

At the Outlaws’ base, the Rebels were greeted by @Baheryesand @HRIZEN, two representatives of the gang. They exchanged pleasantries, though the undertones of tension were impossible to miss. Baheryes took the lead, exuding confidence that turned into arrogance. Hrizen, meanwhile, observed quietly, his demeanor more calculating.

Discussions began civilly, with both sides feeling each other out. Felix kept his composure, steering the conversation toward collaboration. In a gesture of goodwill, he invited Baheryes and Hrizen to visit the Rebels’ bar, offering them drinks to break the ice. The Outlaws accepted, and the group moved to the Rebels’ turf.

Back at the bar, @DaZaiihad just finished cleaning when the group walked in. Felix motioned for him to grab beers for their guests. The Outlaws settled in, scanning the room with a mix of curiosity and scrutiny. Felix made an effort to keep the conversation light, but as negotiations turned to specifics, the tone shifted.

Baheryes began to push for tribute, framing it as a necessary condition for their cooperation. Felix brushed it off the first time, choosing not to escalate. Bas, however, was visibly annoyed, his sharp gaze locking onto Baheryes. When Hrizen echoed the demand, all other's subtle shift in posture signaled that he, too, was ready for trouble. Rebels knew what to do so just in case Pancy and Felicia made sure to stay around Hrizen ready to oblige him while Dazai and Bas stood close to Felix which was talking to Baheryes.

After seeing Felix getting angry and heated, Pancy said "let me remind them of our history" and took the conversation on his hands. The third strike came when Baheryes made a snide remark about how the Rebels might not be able to “keep their bar standing without help.”  That was all it took.

The Rebels exploded into action. Bats swung, fists flew, and bottles shattered as the fight erupted in the bar. Dazai, caught off guard at first, quickly stepped up, grabbing a bat and joining the fray. Baheryes and Hrizen, though skilled, were no match for the coordinated onslaught. Felix’s strikes were precise, Bas and Felicia fought with fiery determination, and Pancy’s veteran experience shone through. Even Dazai landed a few solid hits, earning a nod of approval from Bas amidst the chaos.

When the dust settled, Baheryes and Hrizen lay bloodied and beaten on the bar floor. 

The Rebels had sent a clear message: alliances with them were built on mutual respect, not coercion. And in Los Santos, the Rebels were a force no one could afford to underestimate.











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Biggest, baddest, strongest and coolest motherfucking MC of San Andreas. (And the only MC, sad. Wish we had some competition.)

As Rebels MC we would like to remind everyone that our first base was a Driving School and we can give riding lessons to any other motorcycle enthusiasts in San Andreas 🙂





Edited by Felix
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Just visiting the toilet as a pack


























Edited by Felix



Internal boxing tournament and bike race












Sexually assaulting a prostitue who walked into our bar by accident.



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Felix heard that Adistar—old allies of Rebels MC—were gathered at their base. He called @felicia, and they rode there together.

@Adistarwelcomed them with Japanese hospitality. After exchanging greetings, they introduced Felix to the crew and showed him around the place.

Once seated, Adistar offered sake. Felix accepted and asked for a sample bottle to test if it could be served at the Rebels’ bar. They handed him a bottle.

The conversation moved to business. @Reed, in charge of dealings, explained what was available and what wasn’t. After some discussion, Rebels decided to return next week for a shipment.

During the meeting, the Yakuza also offered some crystal. Felicia accepted, but after taking it, she passed out for a few seconds before coming back to herself.

With business settled, Rebels thanked Adistar for their hospitality and long-standing loyalty. Adistar expressed gratitude for the visit, and they parted ways.





Edited by Felix
StoreRob #1
Filling our pockets at the airport lounge

Roleplay #1
Our reserves were running dry as the last beer Pancy drafted was full foam
I went to ALT base and grabbed the keys of the "special" fuel tanker
Together with my sister Felicia and Pancy, we rode around untill we found a suitable place to hook our tanker up
We tried LS but it was too hot as there were cops everywhere
In Blueberry we noticed the SoA base looked abandoned and didn't hesitate a moment
We laid the hose out and connected it to their tap and started pumping the goods into the truck
After Pancy did some weird rituals we moved back to our base where we drank a big one! Thanks neighbours!

Total activities: 2

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