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Roleplay Date: 21.07.2024
Roleplay Participants: @Carlos(Cameraman) - @Green@Dodoo@MaGma
Roleplay Story: 

The Pizzeria Drug Deal - (The Pizzeria Part 3)

One evening, while hanging around the neighborhood, we were approached by the manager of The Well Stacked Pizzeria. He had a proposition for us: the Midnight Wolves would supply drugs, and he’d use his pizza delivery service to distribute them. We saw the potential for a lucrative partnership and agreed to meet him at the pizzeria to finalize the deal.

We arrived at The Well Stacked Pizzeria just after closing time. The place was quiet, the kitchen lights casting a dim glow. The manager himself, was waiting for us near the counter. We exchanged a few words, discussing the logistics and potential profits. After shaking hands to seal the agreement, The manager led us to the back where the delivery motorbikes were parked.

We had brought a few packages with us for a test run. Carefully, we loaded the drugs into the compartments of the pizza delivery boy’s motorcycle, hiding them beneath a stack of pizza boxes. Manager ensured us that his delivery boys were reliable and would follow our instructions to the letter.

The first run was set to go out immediately. One of The Well Stacked’s delivery boys arrived right on time, unsuspecting of the cargo he was about to carry. We gave him the address and watched as he sped off into the night, pizza boxes stacked high on his bike.

As pizzaguy disappeared down the street, we knew we had just started something big. With the The Well Stacked pizzeria’s reach and our supply, the Midnight Wolves were about to expand their territory. We left the pizzeria that night with plans for our next steps, confident that this partnership would bring in a steady stream of profit.

We returned to our hideout, a rundown warehouse on the outskirts of town. There, we celebrated the success of our new venture. As we planned our next move, we felt the thrill of the game and the promise of easy money. The Midnight Wolves were ready to take over the streets, one pizza delivery at a time.











Edited by Carlos
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Roleplay Date: 21.07.2024
Roleplay Participants: @Carlos(Cameraman) - @Green@Dodoo
Roleplay Story: 

The Recycling Operation

The Midnight Wolves had a new operation in play. We had a truckload of stolen motorcycles, ready to be stripped for parts and sold for a hefty profit. Our destination: the LS Recycling Center. It was the perfect place to dismantle and recycle the stolen goods in our own place.

Under the cover of night, we rolled into the recycling center with our cargo. The place was vast, filled with heaps of scrap metal and machinery. We backed the truck up to one of the large metal sheds where we usually conducted our business.

Once inside, we got to work. The shed was equipped with all the tools we needed. With the precision of seasoned professionals, we started disassembling the motorcycles, separating out the valuable parts. Engines, wheels, frames—everything had a buyer, and we knew exactly who to contact.

Hours passed, and the shed was soon filled with neatly organized piles of motorcycle parts. We loaded the parts into smaller crates, ready for transport. The recycling center was just the first step. From here, we would take the parts to the Midnight Wolves Warehouse, where the real transactions would take place.

As dawn approached, we loaded the crates back onto the Burrito. The operation had gone smoothly, and we were ready to move the goods to our warehouse. The drive was quick and uneventful. Once we arrived, we unloaded the crates and started contacting our buyers.

Each transaction was quick and efficient. We handed over the parts and pocketed the cash. The stolen motorcycles were now nothing but a memory, their components spread across the city, each piece bringing us closer to our goal.

By the end of the day, the warehouse was empty, and our pockets were full. The Midnight Wolves had pulled off another successful heist. As we planned our next move, we felt the satisfaction of a job well done and the anticipation of the profits yet to come. Our facilities had served its purpose, and we were ready for whatever came next.












Edited by Carlos
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Roleplay Date: 23.07.2024
Roleplay Participants: @Carlos @Dodoo
Roleplay Story: 

Dodoo's Big Release

Dodoo was finally getting out of prison. The day had come for him to step into freedom. Waiting for him outside the prison was Carlos, his brother in the hood. Today, Carlos had a surprise for Dodoo.

As soon as Dodoo stepped out, Carlos greeted him. "I've got a surprise for you." Carlos said, his eyes twinkling. "I’ve arranged something special with our good friend Ahmed Usta. We're going to get your Burrito customized."

Dodoo, filled with excitement, hopped into Dodoo's Burrito. This was one of those moments he had been dreaming of for years. Together, they sped off towards Ahmed Usta’s workshop. Ahmed Usta was the trusted mechanic of the neighborhood, renowned for his expertise in painting and customizing cars.

When they arrived at Ahmed Usta’s place, he welcomed them with a broad smile. "Welcome, Dodoo! Today is your day," he said, immediately getting to work. Dodoo’s Burrito began to transform under the skilled hands of Ahmed Usta. The painting and wrapping process was done with great care. Dodoo watched every step.

After hours of work, Ahmed Usta finally completed the job and unveiled the vehicle to Dodoo. Dodoo’s eyes sparkled. "This is amazing! I love it!" he said.

Carlos and Dodoo got back into the newly wrapped Burrito and drove back to the neighborhood. Dodoo had not only regained his freedom but also got the car of his dreams.











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