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Underground Empire

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~[RolePlay Number:#27]~(maroon)
Title: Drug Dealing
Participants: @Sanya & @JackDaniels
Story: I was at the base where I received a call from a person and said he was a member of the Z gang. He said he needed some medication. I took the truck and put some good things in it. I went to Z base. When I arrived a few minutes later I found him waiting. We talked a bit about the types he wanted and about the price, then he asked me to see the goods ... everything was fine after the deal was over, then I went back to my base until I relaxed a bit
ScreenShots: ~[https://imgur.com/a/w91JHv4]~(maroon)


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Hoster: Underground Empire
ZIP/LWS/G6: @Legend
Prize: $500,000
Type: Kill Reus By Dildo
Location: LV [UE Base]
Winner: @Crazai
ScreenShots:https: https://imgur.com/a/LCXDLpc

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