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The Secret Circle

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                                                                       Contract killing

RP number: 7

Date: 07.06.2024


One day, SHREK unexpectedly showed up at our base. He was a regular member of the OutLaws gang. He came to us not just for fun, but with a proposal.

He suggested that our gang, The~Secret~Circle, kill his leader, Marwan, because he constantly bullied SHREK. So, he proposed that we kill him so that he could take his place as leader. He also offered a huge sum for this task - 400 thousand dollars.

We gave him preliminary consent, but before completing the task, we went to negotiations, as a brilliant idea came to us - to kill Marwan and put SHREK in his place, and then recruit him under our wing so that we could lead two gangs at once. After making a decision, we returned to SHREK and agreed to his proposal.

We got into the cars, and SHREK told us where Marwan was currently located. We easily found him and started the task. We pointed our guns at him and shoved him into one of the cars. Then we quickly took him to the sewage system of Los Santos city, where we threw him out of the car and offered him two options for his death: first, die with honor and drown himself, second, we would shoot him with four weapons simultaneously.

Marwan chose suicide like a hero and drowned himself. After that, we got into the car with SHREK and returned to the base of The Secret Circle gang to complete our deal. SHREK handed over our money for the order, after which we told him that once he became the leader of the Outlaws gang, he would be under our control and had no other choice. He agreed to this since he had nothing else left.

                                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED....

Participant(s): @OutLaws ( @SHREK @Marwan ) @The~Secret~Sircle ( @Curny @LeWoq @Shikomaru )





Edited by Lightning
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