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Closed Organisation  ·  46 members

The Company

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Distinctive questions
Ingame name: Jizzy.

Username: eliran25802.

Country of Residence: Israel.

Spoken Languages: Hebrew and English.

Date of birth: 21/09/2002
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2011.

Previous organisations: T~C, UE, HA.

Miscellaneous questions
Define The Companys role in one sentence: The Company is a criminal organization which wants to take over the world and will do it with the help of other organizations.

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? Well I would tell him it was an accident and let him arrest me to make everything alright between us.

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? I Would run towards my car or a wall to get cover behind it.

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? I Would try to forgive him as we would need to work together.


Ingame name: Snowyyy

Username: Snowyyy

Country of Residence: Egypt

Spoken Languages: English and Arabic

Date of birth: 4th of July, 1998
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I don't precisely know, but weeks now

Previous organisations: None

Miscellaneous questions
Define The Companys role in one sentence:
Criminal organization, Using the teamwork for robberies, earning money

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this?
I'd kindly explain to the officer what actually happened, Hopefully he will understand that it was just a misunderstanding

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected?
Well, if they haven't shot me already i'd try to cover myself up first to get prepared for whatever that's gonna happen, and ask for the gang members to help me if it's possible, if not i'll try to shoot the enemies

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang?
I wouldn't wanna cause any troubles, i'll just get over that side issues and co-operate with him, don't have to be so dramatic

Thank you,


Ingame name: Twixx

Username: Twixxy97

Country of Residence: Tunisia

Spoken Languages: Arabic , French and English

Date of birth: January 29, 1997
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I dont remember the date exact but since ages

Previous organisations: Mongols MC | Warlocks MC | Hampton Saints MC

Miscellaneous questions

Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company is an underground criminal covert organization.

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I will talk to the cop firstly and tell him that was an accident if he's dumb i would ignore him and deal with the admin when he come

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? i would just say "FUCK YOU"

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? Ignore him


You don't think that after denying you for applying to another organization got you any positive points at us right? Now you just apply again after getting denied for the other one. That is not how things work around here. Denied, you can reapply in 3 weeks. @bastian1


Distinctive questions

Ingame name: Brian

Username: landsharkppppp

Country of Residence: Hungary

Spoken Languages: Hungary, English

Date of birth: 07/08/2002
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2018 January

Previous organisations: ICE, SAFP. I left Ice, and SAFP for i want to start new criminal career

Miscellaneous questions

Define The Company's role in one sentence: One of the best secret bands whose goal is to dominate the world using all their necessary resources

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I would ask you please do not report me and I would go to your location for an arrest of my own free will as I commit suicide by mistake

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? I would quickly jump to a coverage that is close to my reach and I would inform my teammates that a sniper is out

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? I would take it easy and I would check it constantly until my confidence returned, so I can forgive him since he is a member of my gang whom I consider to be a family





Dear @Twixx,

Our HQ team and members were positive in general about you. And since you aren't an inexperienced guy, -=(green)accepted=-.

Yours sincerely,

Sub Leader
The Company


Ingame name: Edward

Username: edward01

Country of Residence: Tunisia

Spoken Languages: Arabic, English and Frensh

Date of birth: May 29
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: December 2010

Previous organisations: B~B | AA | TT | LMN | UE | HSMC

Miscellaneous questions

Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company is an underground criminal covert organization.

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I would tell him that was an accident.

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? i would try to cover myself and if thats impossible i would just show him my middle finger

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? i Would ignore him


Distinctive questions
Ingame name: iTaze

Username: thedon3

Country of Residence:Saudi Arabia

Spoken Languages: Arabic (Native), English

Date of birth:11 May 1997
Date of the beginning of your SAES career: End of 2012 (As I remember Sept of 2012)

Previous organisations: FBI, RDMC, CRIPZ, TST

Miscellaneous questions
Define The Company's role in one sentence:The Company's role is becoming a respect, well known gang and the emperor of drug trafficking and find ways to gain money fast through reputation, connections and criminal network

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I would first approach him and talk with him about how it happened and tell him that I did a mistake and humans arent perfect xD,

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? Since the situation is still not aggressive (blood bath xD) I would keep walking calmly until I find the exit (That's situation number 1, since there are not indicators i will get killed) or just try to act friendly and not do anything that will make me more suspicious until everything goes alright.

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? Nothing, he joined the gang by his hard work and I respect that, I prefer professionalism over everything, over all it's a game.


Ingame name: Ironclad

Username: Ironclad

Country of Residence: Estonia

Spoken Languages: Estonian, Russian, English

Date of birth: 18/09/2002

Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 2017 November

Previous organisations: Undeground Empire

Miscellaneous questions
Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company is trying to be world nr one gang by smuggeling guns, drugs and etc.

You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this
i would ask him why did u report il be good to you il come to you so u can arrest me or bribe me

You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? I would start thinking why did i say it what did came up my mind because if i dont have a gang now i dont have nobody at my back so everybody can kill me who want to

There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang?
I would try to make friends with him and say hey man sorry but lets keep the past behined and start all over again


Name of the game: kevin

Username: bastian1

Country of residence: Chile

Languages spoken: Spanish, English [Basic]

Date of birth: 05/08/1999
Starting date of the race in SAES: I do not know exactly the date, but about 4 months ago

Previous organizations: I have not been to any official gang group

varied Defines the role of the company in a sentence:
A: It is a company that wants to dominate all the streets of San Andrs with its great power, with which it wants to ally with other gangs, etc.

You are chased by a policeman and sadly you are on a cliff. That's why the policeman is threatening a report. How would you approach this?
A: I would say it was a misunderstanding and that it might be necessary to arrest me
You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantly, the leader of the meeting advocates something he does not like, so he accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting who ordered you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to his car, suddenly, the tips of his clothes, one pointing to his heart and the other to the liver. First, you act calmly, but suddenly, after a few milliseconds, you get the signal in your brain that you do not have body armor. What would you do after the account is unprotected?
A: I would run and find what to cover and shoot as never before

There is a guy with whom he had several disputes. making you have an incredible hatred against him. He also has a jury several times who will never forgive him and every time they swallow him to avoid it, as you know, if a severe drama does not happen to you. Now this type of person who wants a grudge decides to join the gang of which he is a respected member. Let's rise to unite. How would you react when you see him in the gang?
A: Well, I would say that we eliminate the past and let's befriends, sincewe will be in the same team

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