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RP Number: 75
Participants:  OL Members & Crim

RP Story:On a quiet and nice night with the gang members on the beach, we were relaxing and lying on the sand, and suddenly my phone rang, and it was a call from an unknown person, so I hesitated to answer it, then I answered it, as he said in the call, I am an unknown person who wants to assassinate someone in the streets of Sanfiero for a large sum of money that he will pay through the bank, and he said I chose the Autolos gang because they are good at assassination, so he sent me the person’s location, so I immediately told the comrades and we got into our car and headed to Sanfiero, and he was selling drugs, so we zoomed in from afar with the sniper, then we followed him slowly so that he would not see us, then we advanced towards him, and immediately when he saw us, he collapsed on the ground, so I killed him, along with the comrades and gang colleagues, and we returned to our main headquarters, happy with that


Screenshoots: NHm7193.png


Posted (edited)


RP Number: 76
Participants:  OL Members 

RP Story:

While I was next to the car inside the gang headquarters, one of our gang members came to me and told me that he had tracked one of the people close to us in the city of Los Santos, that they had brought valuable and expensive things to one of the houses very close to us, so he suggested that we steal them, so I agreed with him and we got into the car together and went to the place where it was empty of people, no one was watching it and no one was close to it, so we entered the house without making a noise and we did a comprehensive search of the house, then we reached the hidden place in the things we steal, which are the advanced and rare weapons in the whole world, so we carried him and took him to our car and when we reached our headquarters, he told us that he gave us a gift for this beautiful act from him.



Edited by Marwan
Posted (edited)



RP Number: 77
Participants:  oL mebers& ?????? @Kimmich @CanDO @Marwan

RP Story:I was in the car going for a walk and suddenly one of the members of the gang that belong to us appeared and knocked on the door of the car telling me that we had been given a mission by the head of our gang, which was to kidnap one of the members of The Secret Circle gang! We detained him at the headquarters for unknown reasons that no one knew about. Immediately, we prepared ourselves as we received information that one of them was present next to their headquarters. We rushed to him in the car and found him lying down. Immediately, as soon as we saw him, he lay on the ground and did not understand anything. My companions and I detained him inside the car and took him to our headquarters and put him in a closed place so that no one would see him.



Edited by Marwan
Posted (edited)



RP Number: 78
Participan: outlaws &??????? @Kimmich @skuza @Marwan

RP Story:

My friend and I were inside a gaming hall, having fun and talking about our nervous conditions. A few minutes later, my phone rang and I received a call from a person. This number is famous and familiar to me on the list. When I answered, he told me that I belong to The Secret Circle gang! Where he asked me to transport some drugs from their gang headquarters to Las Venturas, so I headed to their center with the gang’s trucks, and while I was approaching their gang headquarters, I found someone outside waiting for me, so I got out to him so that he would let me in the truck. After I parked it inside, I opened the truck doors for them so that they could put the medicine in. After putting it in the truck, they showed me the way, and when I spoke to him, he told me that when I arrived, I would find another man from our gang to receive the goods from you. So I went to the requested place with my friend without any doubts, while I was approaching the designated place in Las Venturas, I saw him lying on the wall waiting for me. Then I opened the doors for him so that he could see what they had put inside. Seconds later, I ordered my friend to take out some of the medicine, and then their agent shook my hand and gave me money for the mission. We returned happily to our headquarters.



Edited by Marwan
Posted (edited)


Event Number: 259
Event Type: 1v1 sniper
Prize: $1,000,000
Winner: kardel






Edited by voli
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