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10-1: Roll Call, all units respond to said location.
10-2: Arrived on scene.
10-3: Negative / No
10-4: Acknowledgement / Affirmative / Yes
10-5: Repeat last transmission
10-6: Stand-by
10-7: Unavailable for calls
10-8: Available for calls
10-9: Suspect Lost (Usually followed by a 10-17 and last known 10-20)
10-10: (Supervisors only) requesting activity update along with giving your current position
10-12: Backup Required (Specify situation and location)
10-13: Requesting specific unit (specify)
10-17: Requesting description on the suspect
10-18: Requesting MDC check
10-20: Requesting Location
10-22: Disregard last transmission
10-30: Starting Patrol/Resuming patrol after Code 7
10-31: Returning to Station
10-44: Coffee Break
10-50: Car accident
10-55: Traffic Stop or simply announce "Traffic"
10-57 Victor: Vehicle pursuit.
10-57 Foxtrot: Foot pursuit.
10-66: Felony Stop
10-88 Suspicious Person(s)
10-99: Assignment complete (State condition and at what call)
11-99: Officer requires help, Emergency
11 Codes
11-6 Illegal discharge of firearms
11-7 Prowler
11-8 Person down
11-10 Take a report
11-12 Dead animal
11-13 Injured animal
11-14 Animal bite
11-15 Ball game in street
11-17 Wires down
11-24 Abandoned Vehicle
11-25 Vehicle Traffic hazzard
11-25X Female motorist need assistance
11-26 Abandoned bicycle
11-27 Subject has felony record, but is not wanted
11-28 Rush vehicle registration information
11-29 Subject has no record
11-30 Incomplete telephone call
11-31 Person calling for help
11-40 Advise station if ambulance is needed
11-41 Request Ambulance
11-42 Ambulance not required
11-43 Doctor required
11-44 Coroner required
11-45 Attempted suicide
11-46 Death report
11-47 Injured Person
11-48 Provide Transportation
11-54 Suspicious vehicle
11-65 Traffic Signal light out
11-66 Traffic Signal Out-of-order
11-70 Fire Alarm
11-71 Fire Report
11-79 Traffic Accident Ambulance dispatched
11-80 Traffic Accident Serious Injury
11-81 Traffic Accident Minor Injury
11-82 Traffic Accident No Injury
11-83 Traffic Accident No Details
11-84 Direct Traffic
11-85 Dispatched Tow Truck
11-86 Special Detail
11-87 Assist Other Unit
11-95 Out of vehicle, car stop (location/license)
11-96 Out of vehicle, car stop, send backup(location/license)
11-98 Meet Officer
11-99 Officer needs Help/Emergency

10-8: Resuming Patrol/ On Duty
10-7od : Going off duty.

Identity Codes:

IC-1: White
IC-2: Black
IC-3: Latino or Mexican
IC-4: Middle-Eastern
IC-5: Asian
IC-6: Unknown ethnicity.

Situation codes:

Code 0: Absolute emergency, drop everything youre doing and respond immediately.
Code 1: Non-emergency. If you're doing something, deal with it first. Respond without lights or sirens.
Code 2: Non-emergency. If you're doing something, drop it and respond. Respond with lights only.
Code 3: There is an emergency. Respond with lights and sirens.
Code 4: No assistance required, situation under control.
Code 5: All units stay out of <location>.
Code 6: Out of car at <location>.
Code 7: Meal break.

Criminal Codes:

148: Resisting Arrest
187: Homicide
207: Kidnapping
211: Robbery
240: Assault
417: Brandishing a weapon
459: Burglary
487: Petty Theft
602: Trespass/Fraud

A: Two officer patrol unit (Adam)
C : Commanding Unit / Supervisor State Police (SAI)
D : SWAT (David)
E: Ticket writing car
L: One officer patrol unit. (Lincoln); ( "X" or "T" units shall use the letter "L" following the regular service letter when applicable.):traffic supervisor, TL units usually carry the rank of Sergeant
M: Motorcycle unit (Mary); (MQ: motorcycle on special assignment, MQ: DUI enforcement) Traffic Officer
CP: Command Post
FB: Foot Beat (foot patrol) Police Officer spawn
T: Traffic investigator (Tom) Police Officer spawn
TL: Traffic single officer car or field supervisor (a Sergeant in a Traffic Division)
SLO: Senior Lead Officer
G: Gang enforcement unit (George)
H: Detective (Henry)
J: Juvenile Investigator
N: Narcotics
R: Metro Unit
W: Detective (William)
U: Report-taking Unit (Union)
V: Vice (Victor)
OP: Observation Post (normally, a small bus operating as a mobile command unit for major incidents)
Q: Special detail (Not to be assigned radio calls. Works on a specific crime mission)
X: Extra patrol (X-ray)
Z: Special detail (Zebra); (Not to be assigned radio calls. Works on a specific crime mission)

APB: All points bulletin
BOLO: Be on look out
COMMS: Communications
DOA: Dead on arrival
DOB: Date of birth
DWI: Driving while intoxicated
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration
ETA: Estimative Time of Arrival
GOV: Government of Los Santos
GSW: Gun shot wound
SO - Sherriffs Office
BC - Bone County
HQ: Headquarters
HzM: HazMat
KIA: Killed in Action
LSFD: Los Santos Fire Department
LSIA: Los Santos International Airport
LSPD: Los Santos Police Department
MHD: Mental Health Division
MVA: Motor-Vehicle Accident
Niner: 9-1-1 call
OCI: Office of Criminal Intelligence
RO: registered owner
SaR: Search and Rescue
TC: Traffic Collision

Credits to @Bas


Some useful radio calls.
1] Reporting the Robbery Calls
A#2474 to Comms 211 call at  North East LV , respond it with code 0, over. 
2] Reporting Pursuit 
Adams#2474 to Comms, 10-57 Victor on my 10-20(S), suspect is heading to North LS, 10-12 , code 3, over.
If weaponized pursuit;
Adams#2474 to Comms, 10-57 Victor on my 10-20(S), 11-6, suspect is heading to North LS, 10-12, code 0, over.
3] Reporting Pullover/Traffic Stop
Lincoln#2474 to Comms, 10-55 at SF, near china town, 10-6 in case if 10-12  is needed, code 2, show me 10-7, over.
4] Starting Patrol
A#2474 to Comms, 10-30 from SAI HQ, show us 10-8, over.
5] Resuming Patrol After A Break
L#2474 to Comms, 10-30 after 10-44 near China Town, show me 10-8, over.
6] Ending Patrol After A Pullover
L#2474 to Comms, 10-31 after 10-55, show me 10-7, over.
7] Requesting Tow Truck During 10-55
L#2474 to Comms,  requesting 11-85 at my 10-20, near Downtown , over.
8] Requesting Ambulance When Suspect Caused Traffic Accident
L#2474 to Comms, 11-81 at my 10-20(S), near Dam , 11-41 with code 3, over.
9] Requesting Ambulance When Officer Is Injured
A#2474 to Comms, 11-47 on my 10-20(S), 11-99, 10-41, code 3, over.

Credits to @Glayd/ @Rieeria

Edited by Glayd
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