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  • ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Refilling stations around SA.

  • ~[D]~(orange)ate: 31.12.2020

  • ~[P]~(orange)articipants:

  • ~[Situation before:]~(orange) Here

  • ~[Situation after:]~(orange) Here

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Activity type: Role play
Date: 01/01/2021
Participants: @Garcia @VeX @AfffH @Saradona @VenusX
Story: ~[The Bad Trucker]~(red)
On the night of 01/01/2021, I needed money in any legal or illegal way, not interested in the consequences.
Due to lack of money, I was oppressed, so I decided to go to the bar until it got drunk, but what happened was not at all expected.

Entering The Bar
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listening To the conversation( ~[Talking about Drugs Delivers]~(red) )
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I introduced my self to them and explained my situation . after long time they give me chance .
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They showed me the medications to be delivered to the home base
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The quantity was just fine, so I decided to get down to business and started loading it inside the motorbikes
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I drove to their main base with the cargo being protected by them
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Arrive at the headquarters
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~[Celebrating mission success]~(sienna)
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Thank you @Los-Lunas for join
@Garcia big <3 for you for helping me As Zip @VenusX thank you too

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  • ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: Refilling stations around LS.

  • ~[D]~(orange)ate: 1/1/2021

  • ~[P]~(orange)articipants:

  • ~[S]~(orange)creenshots:


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  • ~[T]~(orange)ype Of Activity: Trucking Deliveries

  • ~[D]~(orange)ate:1/01/2021

  • ~[P]~(orange)articipants:

  • ~[S]~(orange)creenshots:


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  • ~[E]~(orange)vent: Last Man Standing

  • ~[L]~(orange)WS: @redlive122

  • ~[W]~(orange)inner: @Aveyro

  • ~[P]~(orange)rize: $1.000.000

  • ~[A]~(orange)lbum:


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