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Type Of Activity: Roleplay
ALT Members: @KanoX
Participants: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN
information/Story: oday I did some of the most difficult jobs for the All Load Trucking Company I was a little nervous because I was on a very dangerous mountain when I started climbing I saw a lot of dangerous curves and detours AND etc. Halfway there I saw half married And I continued But at one point I stopped I called a doctor to check me up The doctor When I was waiting for the doctor I felt bad and fainted Luckily the doctor came right there He did everything he could quickly And came to saving me I was so grateful to the doctor thanks to him I did not die that day.
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/60NdDyt
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Type Of Activity: Roleplay
ALT Members: @Cristian , @Gonza , @Ceviche , @KanoX
Participants: @LAPD_Spanish_VEN

We were on patrol and we received a call from a man who had no gas and the truck was a little damaged, we went where the man was
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The man told me what happened to his truck, he told me that he had run out of gas and someone had run him over and after that he said okay sir, we will take him to repair it.
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We raised the truck on a platform to be able to fix it better, we checked the engine and it had several failures in the battery of the truck, we put a new battery that cost $ 75 etc..
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We repaired the truck and the Lord said thank you gentlemen and left very happy...

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Date: 25/09/2020
Type Of Activity: Mechanic
Participants: @Stallone and @Alessio
An old friend had asked for my service as a mechanic since he acquired a car, my friend, wanted to tune up the car.
I brought my friend to the company's garage to show him and explain everything that could be implemented in the car.
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He explained to me what color, tires, spoiler, he wanted me to get the result.
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Finally my friend was satisfied with the result and thanked me and went to try his machine

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  • ~[Type Of Activity:]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange) Refueling.
    ~[Date]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange): 25.09.2020
    ~[Participants]~(orange,yellow,yellow,yellow): Only (me)
    ~[Screenshots]~(orange,yellow,yellow,orange): More here

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