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Type Of Activity: Roleplay
Story: I recieved a phone call - a man who didn't state his name wanted me to deliver cargo to a specific warehouse. I of course thought it was something illegal but as i had done many different illegal deliveries before I accepted the offer because I was short on money. He gave me the information and ended the call abruptly. When I arrived at the location, i discovered that the cargo was just some vehicles. On closer inspection though I realized that the tires were filled with drugs and I got a little nervous. But a job was a job - I had to remain calm and deliver the cargo to the warehouse. Once on my way, i stopped to refill gas but suddenly, a man with a gun came behind me and told me to be quiet. I panicked, my heart was going extremely fast but I knew I had to be quiet or I would've died. The man told me to deliver the cargo to a whole different location or he would kill me. He said he knew who I was and if I'd try to escape he would come for me. I had to accept, because my life was depending on it. So I started heading to the new location and when I arrived, there was no one there. I did like I was told do, I dropped the cargo behind the building and went away as fast as possible. Now I just had to patiently wait for any bad surprises, because I did not know if I did good or not.
Date: 20/06/2020
Participants: @Zodiyac, @FreshCoffee





Type of Activity: Refueling Gas Stations & Trucking
Date: 21.06.2020
Participants: @Greed, @Predator
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ge54iS5


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Type Of Activity: Roleplay
Story: So, Today I was taking a break at Creek Warehouse in Los Venturas, drinking my coffe and relaxing, after a moment I had a call from a customer, actually he was a build worker, He wants from me to deliver two constructions vehicles at his current location, ''Los Venturas Building area''.
I took my truck, set up the goods and put them up on the trailer, then I went to my truck, turned the engine on and started my trip, on the highway.
It was about time when I reached the location, Found him building and all, I shouted from the truck's window and then he showed up, he went to me, We shaked each others hand and then We started talking about the deal, he took me upstairs to take a look at his builds and all, I really like them, took some rest with him and We had some good chitchat, then I left the delivery with him and Went to the creek again.
Participants: @Rick


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Type Of Activity:
Refueling stations around San Andreas
It is important for all fuel stations to be functional accross SA and as one of the main suppliers, it is ALTs responsibility to ensure it.
Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/azGoz7T
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Type Of Activity:
It is important for the refinery to be full, thus ensuring that our fleet of trucks has the necessary fuel to do the job it has been doing for so long (refueling)
Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/UOU720H
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Type Of Activity:
As there are many accidents around SA, I did my best to respond on call to all the drivers in need.
Album available at: https://imgur.com/a/ExwJ4jK
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