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All Load Trucking

All Load Trucking - Media Archive


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Roleplay type: Delivering loads at Abandoned Airport with the police assist.
Description: Basically everything is written clearly on the title, I have received the phone call early morning time from the CEO in my company. Therefor as the time has going on, I have called the fellow police sheriffs which are located in Bone County, and a Federal Police in Las Venturas. They used to be someone who took care of my safety, and the delivery. The mission has been completed successfully, without any doubts. I have given the number which they should call for their payments.
Date & Time: Today, 17th May, 2020 & 12:00 server-time.
People who attended: Myself, @Flippy10, @Damcek, @SAFP-Stoner , @Jemmyx46
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/d0eY3Ul

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Roleplay type: Quarry Equipment Delivery
Description: As the title says. After the first part has been done, we used to have some break at the airport coffe shop. I have received another more call from CEO, that the workers from quarry are in need of empty pallets and some more working things. Since as near the airport there was the material we should load on the trailer, we did it after the a short break, and we moved in the quarry. Fortunately, I had all the time police assist without any doubts, both of mission have been completed, and in the end they have received on their bank card 500 USD added from the CEO of ALT Company.
Date & Time: Today, 17th May, 2020 & 12:30 server-time.
People who attended: Myself, @Flippy10, @Damcek, @SAFP-Stoner , @Jemmyx46
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/uUAk26h

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Type Of Activity: soniN Truck engine problems and Mechanical pyzito repair
ALT Members: [ALT]soniN[PO]
Participants: Pyzito

  • Good morning, am I talking to the red country mechanic?
    Yes it is, so what can I help?

  • I am a driver of heavy goods vehicles in a company in Red Country, and yesterday when I ended up doing my last unloading of the day I noticed that my truck was making some noises near the engine, however I noticed that whenever I pass the limit of revolutions per minute, and I am contacting you to ask if there is any way I can stop by your workshop for you to analyze the condition of my truck and try to solve these problems ...

  • Of course, I will then take my tow truck and then bring your truck to my workshop to analyze the problems that have been mentioned.

  • Well, dear Mr. Sonin, I can tell you that your truck needs some tuning in terms of engine timing belts and changing the oil filter, I will make this change now so that you can then return as soon as possible to the your job and no longer worry about these factors.

  • Okay then Mr. Pyzito, thank you so much for fixing and repairing my truck, I am grateful for your help and your service as a mechanic.

  • Now, any doubts you have or problems already know who to contact to solve the problems.

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Type Of Activity: RolePlay
Participants: N/A
Story: Obviously this was the most dangerous road I ever took, a lot of people calls it the road of death, but I didn't believe them and i wanted to delivere some goods by taking that way. Let me tell you what happened here, i checked that the goods are ready to be delivered so i drove my truck to the mountain.
Anyways, it was difficult to control the truck, it was going right and left and i really felt like it was going to flip and yes in a difficult turn it does but i don't know how i control it back.
Honestly, I can say that i met a lot of hard turns but i succeeded with passing them, i kept driving in that way till i roach the top of the mountain, and i swear that i will never do it again.


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Roleplay type: "Cooperation with SAFP"
Story: Yesterday, before leaving work I got a call from our CEO. He told me that there's one job for me tomorrow at morning. He gave me informations about the delivery. I checked the documents, and i saw that i am going to work with SAFP. That will be my first time cooperating with a tactical squad. I was nervous, not to mess something up. But i went to sleep, i took rest all night. This morning i got up, prepared myself and went to the company. I got call from one of the officers, that i am going to work with. They told me that they got the trailer that i needed to deliver from RC to LV SAFP HQ safely. I headed to the warehouse in RC, i was nervous a lot, because the criminal activities that are going around the city, driving a truck with trailer full of weapons is scary. When I arrived at the warehouse, there were two officers waiting for me. I connected the trailer and we started moving. All the time a police car with two officers protecting the trailer, just for safety. Driving to LV wasn't that hard, so i cooled down a bit. After arriving at the HQ in LV, i waited a bit for them to unload the trailer, after seeing that everything's alright, they let me leave. I saw that they were satisfied with my work, so i left heading towards our company. I got my money from that delivery, and i'm happy that everything was alright, as first time for me cooperating with tactical squad.
People who attended: @fenter @sajjad
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/02ohkJW
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Participant(s): @Ocelot @Flippy10

I was resting on a couch on our base when I heard my phone ring, it was the chief of police of San Andreas, asking me to deliver new HPV-1000s to San Fierro's police station. We had those bikes sitting on our base for around 2 weeks, waiting for the client to tell us where to take them. I accepted the job, and I started making sure my truck and the trailer were in good condition before going on a trip to San Fierro. I checked the trailer, the engine and the wheels of my truck making sure that everything is okay before going. As I finished double checking the state of my truck, I open the gate and I turn on my engine to start going to SFPD.
When I got there, I was met with a police officer at the gate, I asked permission to enter, and was allowed to come in to drop the bikes on the parking lot. When I made my way there, the police officer talked to me about the delivery. The bikes weren't painted blue (like all of the vehicles they have in SFPD), because at the moment we got the bike shipment we didn't know to which station they were going to be sent, so they weren't painted with the corresponding color. After talking to him and the chief on the phone, we made an arrangement, I had a contact that could paint all bikes for $500, but they would have to be the ones to do it, so I discounted that amount from my payment. After that, I gave the police officer our contact number and my name so he could stay in contact if he needed anything else, and I made my way outside the station, back to our base.


Screenshots: screenshots here

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