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Type Of Activity: Trucking Roleplay

Role-Play Information : It was a crisp morning as I, a seasoned trucker, stepped out of my home to embark on another day of hauling goods across the vast highways. Little did I know, this day would be different. The call came from my superiors, alerting me to the low petroleum levels at the refinery. My mission: head to Linden Station, where the workers anticipated my arrival, and load up on the precious cargo of oil to deliver to the struggling refinery. The road stretched out before me, a ribbon of possibilities and unforeseen challenges. As I rumbled towards ALT Refinery, my mind focused on the impending task. However, fate had other plans. Sergeant James Barnes, a vigilant figure in uniform, flagged me down for what he claimed to be a routine inspection. I pulled my truck to the side, the mighty engine idling as Sergeant Barnes approached. Documents and keys exchanged hands, and the next half-hour unfolded like a meticulously choreographed dance of checks and balances. The sergeant scrutinized my paperwork, and we engaged in a casual conversation that revealed more about our lives than either of us expected. Eventually, satisfied with his inspection, Sergeant Barnes bid me farewell. As I merged back onto the highway, I couldn't help but ponder the intricacies of our encounter. The mundane routine of a trucker's life had briefly intersected with the order and discipline of military protocol. With renewed purpose, I continued my journey towards ALT Refinery, the weight of the tanker behind me symbolizing not just oil but stories of unexpected pauses and connections made on the long stretches of the open road. Little did I know that this detour would be a footnote in the larger narrative of my trucking adventures.
Date: 19/12/2023
Participants: Sergeant James Barnes

Screenshots : https://postimg.cc/gallery/jTdp3f4R

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Roleplay Title: Traffic stop on the way to Rockshore, LV

Story: Two police officers pulled me over for speeding while I was delivering steel beams to the Rockshore construction site. The officers went through the documents and gave me a citation because they discovered that there was cargo on the trailer unaccounted for by the cargo manifest.

Participants: @Axponk@Oscar and Officer Darius

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WzTgKI0


Edited by Axponk
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Roleplay Title: Delivering Transformative Materials to CripZ Base

Today was just another day of work, hustling and delivering goods as part of my routine. Unexpectedly, my phone buzzed with a call from a friend in need. He explained that they were in the process of revamping the CripZ base, aiming to transform it with new construction materials. Without hesitation, I agreed to lend a hand.

JDLYeKh.pngI promptly set to work, loading up my trailer with the necessary construction items. Once the task was complete, I took a moment to savor a freshly brewed cup of coffee before setting off in my trusty truck to deliver the goods.


The journey was long, but as I reached the CripZ base, the sight of Jiirak and another diligent CripZ member hard at work greeted me.


After exchanging greetings, we got down to business, unloading the valuable construction materials from the trailer. Together, we transported the items to the designated working area.



Following a session of collaborative effort, we stood back to admire the progress made. Grateful for the assistance, my friends Jiirak and the CripZ member expressed their thanks and compensated me for the successful delivery. It was a satisfying conclusion to a day that unexpectedly turned into a rewarding and productive adventure.

Participants: @SWT@Jiirak@Casper01


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