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Type: Knock Me Out Of My NRG-500
Prize: 1.500.000 ( divided in 3 round )
LWS/G6: Me
Winners: pressmaster, Nyx & InFy^
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yqOfgue


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08/12/2019, I got call from local legal motorcycle club, that they need their new custom motorcycles delivered at Bone County(BC) club, from Flint County(FC). So, I took my Roadtrain and was going to FC. Saw trailer with brand new motorcycles, attached trailer to truck and was ready to go. I was also low with fuel, so I needed to stop, soon as possible. Refuel my truck and was ready to go. But near by BC, under LV-SF highway, I had to check engine, because there was problem with engine heating, I took a look and understood, I will make it to Club. I was going straight to BC, but then I understood, with these brand new motorcycles and my long trailer I won't make it safe through the BC. So I pulled over and changed my route around BC. After few minutes I was at club, club manager said, to leave trailer that they will take care of it and will drive motorcycles down by them self.


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Delivering goods with [ThC]Zlatan

It was just one of these days which passed with trucking alone until I met this guy. We did a couple deliveries and then took a break at a diner.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/lFsEmr4


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Regular day, since I got call, that there is brand new farming agriculture technic in Los Santos Docks, which needs to be delivered to Flint County (FC) local Farm now, because tomorrow they will harvest all. I was going to office, where was delivering papers on table left, I took them and was off to go o LS Docks. I attached trailer and I was almost ready to go, but I needed to refuel, because I was trucking all around San Andreas delivering local deliveries. Well, as I we're I LS, and closest fuel station we're in short streets, I needed to dis-attach my trailer, near by fuel station, I parked it nice and smooth, and refuel my truck. After that I was thirsty, I bought Sprunk and was ready to go . BUT on my way to FC, lanyard over tractor broke, so I needed pull over asap, so I can take care of this situation, good that I had in my truck reserve lanyard. I removed broken one and put on mine, After all these little sh*ts I was ready to go. When I was almost there, I saw, that road to farm isn't that good as I would like to... but I risked and was going to farm, because road was slippery and muddy. BUT somehow I managed my truck to get on road back everything was good. Thanks to my own personal 4x4 Roadtrain :) . I dis-attached trailer near by farm spoke with main Farmer, he signed papers and I good to go home.


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Repairing @0Fuegoo 's car

Today I have received a call from our customer Fuegoo. He told me that he had an accident with his ride and its engine doesn't work properly ever since. Later on I have met him at his garage and examined the engine. The car needed some treatment at our repair garage so I towed it back to our headquarters. After getting into the engine block I realised that the injectors are leaking and changed them with brand new ones.


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