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alt metni

While i was chilling at my room i called a duty call and moved headed to Head Officers room and he explained me the job. We got agreement with few farmers and i assigned to this job. I started preaparing for the job

alt metni

After few hours I got call from Adem who will deliver me the piles. He said he is coming in 10 min so I went to airfield and waited him there

alt metni

Once he came he told me where I will deliver them and few other stuffs important about piles.
alt metni
After he left I loaded piles to airplane and I flied to BC airport and met other farmers there and delivered the piles

alt metni

Special Thx To @AdemBygt


alt metni

At the beggining of week i need to bring 100000galon of oil to ALT base and deliver it to ALT members so i flied to ALT base and filled Trucks with oil

alt metni

After that i started my Truck engine and drived to refinery to refill it

alt metni

Once i reached to refinery i drove my car near the pipe which loading the oil and started to refill refinery and refinery is ready to refill stations of San Andreas

alt metni

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