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~[Activity type:]~(orange,white) Refuelling gas stations @ RC & LV
~[Date:]~(orange,white) 28.1.2022
~[Participants:]~(orange,white) @JasonBourne
~[Screenshots:]~(orange,white) https://imgur.com/a/3lYvTWP
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~[Activity type:]~(orange) refielling gas stations SF/TR/Whestone/RC/BC.
~[Date:]~(orange) 29/01/2022
~[Participants:]~(orange) @CeSaR.
~[Screenshots:]~(orange) Here

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Type Of Activity: Roleplay " Heavy machinery delivery"
ALT Members: @SergioR
Participants: @razer
It was a Saturday afternoon, a guy from a construction company, called the alt trucking company, they needed a high-end trucker to take them some heavy machines, but as soon as possible since their transport was stolen, So in it, the truck driver Sergio's, He applied for that mission, he took his truck to where the machines were, they hitched the trailer and fixed the bands well, they made sure that everything was in order, He hit the road very quickly, in a matter of hours He arrived at the destination, the instructor was there, he gave instructions to Sergio and finally he completed the job.

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  • ~[A]~(orange)ctivity type: filling ALT refinery and Truck Deliveries.

  • ~[D]~(orange)ate: 30/01/2022

  • ~[P]~(orange)articipants: @razer

  • ~[S]~(orange)creenshots: Here

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