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Type Of Activity: Roleplay
Date: 05.02.2021
Participations: @NRG-aka-Caligula @SyLex
RP details:
I was having a good day and I got a call from a gang member. He offered me a job. I agreed that and headed for MC top. When I arrived at Mountain Child, I crashed a tree. I was in a quandary, my leg hurt so much, maybe it was broken. I did not know what should I do. Lastly, I decided to call a SAM ambulance. He came to accident area and checked my leg. After that he called an officer from FBI. I explained the accident to officer and then they take to hospital to me. I explained the accident to officer and then they take to hospital to me. Doctor check my leg and put in a plaster cast.


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Activity: MMC | ALT roleplay
Date: 04-02-2021
Participants: Dawis67 @killerask @BBeniBB @SwaT @YassQueenn @Viktor-0 @Eunide

In your life as a trucker, you encounter many different customers. You have the "regulars", which is a truckers way of saying construction companies, industrial firms and commercial partners. These are the entities you deal with most of your time as a trucker. Sometimes however, you get more exotic clients, such as was the case for today.

After lunch time chow, a call from an unknown number spooked Dawis who was relaxing in the truck cabin, "Hello?".
"Is this Dawis?", spoke the voice on the other end of the line.
"Yes, who is calling?", said Dawis curiously.
"I require transportation services, and i have gathered you are the right man to do it.", replied the man completely disregarding the question. "Uh, yea, sorry but you have called the wrong number. To apply for transportation services, you should call the ALT dispatch line. You have reached me on my personal number sir.", responded Dawis.
"This is no mistake. I require your direct services and would like to go about this in a quiet, covert manner. I can offer you your entire months pay for a single simple job, however we cannot take this through the companny," explained the man.
"Huh, I see, the offer is intriguing indeed. So what is this job?", asked Dawis calmly as he was trying to conceal his excitement for the potential pay.
"We have a large cargo that would require the kind of machinery you operate. That is we have a cistern of ethanol and some additional vehicles that need to be moved from San Fierro to Whetstone warehouse.", explained the man.
"That is doable, very doable. This would probably take no more than a day", said Dawis
"Uh, yeah, we will need this to be done within a window of 2 hours, that is the cargo needs to be out of San Fierro by that time.", said the man
"Ok, well i will need to request additional help in that case. I have close trusted partners who will be no less interested, and gratned, just as surreptitious as i gather your operation requires.", said Dawis as he was already laying aside his plans for tomorrow.
"Take whatever men you need, but if anything goes wrong, this will go out of your paycheck. That said I think we should be able to cover this smoothly." said the man. He added, "Meet me tomorrow 11.30 sharp at the construction site next to Cranberry station, we'll take it from there. Also remember keep this to yourself and make sure your partner does the same".
"Sounds like a plan, see ya then".

Next day, the whole day Dawis couldn't stop thinking about the job. He wasn't sure if he was more excited for the pay or more apprehensive of the description. The call didn't exactly give an ensuring feeling that the wouldnt be no trouble along the way, but now that its arranged, there is no backing out now. Dawis knew he needed somebody he could trust and the first person that came to mind was a close friend, a trucker that goes by the name Yass. Dawis and Yass go way back to the days of Afghan was and the challanges they faced there. Dawis knew he could be trusted with the covert operation.

Approaching 11:30 Dawis and Yass arrived at the agreed location. They were alone and nobody was approaching their trucks. 11:50 faint thunder could be heard emerging from behind the building block. Group of bikers, all on black bikes, approached the construction site. They parked their bikes and the men got off their bikes. Some took the defensive positions as the man, that clearly was the leader of the pack, approached the truck. Dawis and Yass got out of their trucks.

"So, you two ready?", said the man.
"Yeah. So where is the cargo?", asked Dawis.
"Who is this who you have brought along?", asked the man, again disregarding the question.
"Oh, yeah that my partner, and a good friend, Yass."
"I go by Killer", added the crew leader.
The men shaked hands

"Alright, follow us, we'll show you to the cargo", said Killer as he went back to his bike.

They drove to a secluded industrial area where two trailers were parked. Dawis and Yass coupled the trailers to their trucks.

"So, where exactly is the destination?", asked Dawis
"About that. We will escort you to the location. Hope its it wont interfere with your ability to perform. We want to make sure everything gets to where it needs safely. Im sure you understand", replied Killer
"That wont be a problem", said Dawis
"Well, lets get on to it then", added Killer as he got his equipment and bike ready.
Him followed all his men. They gathered in positions around the trucks and as a large convoy they drove to the highway.
The trip went smoothly, although Dawis couldn't shake the uncertainty of this situation. I mean its not everyday a cargo gets escorted in a military-like fashion.

The caravan approached Whetstone, and as the leader of the gang took a turn to the warehouse beside the road, rest of the crew along with the trucks followed.

The trailers were parked inside the warehouse, of what only looked like some old industrial mining facility. That is about the extent of the situation Dawis wanted to know about, as it was safer to know less, even though the trip went smoothly.

Killer approached Dawis and Yass who were quietly discussing the situation by themselves. "Well, men, great work today. Couldn't have asked for a better execution. Here is your promised pay. We are done for now, and I hope it goes without saying that none of this ever happened", said Killer with a slight smile as he handed the truckers their well-earned reward.
"Great doing business with ya' partner", said Dawis as he got back into his truck.

Dawis had a few more words with Yass about this whole event as they shared a drink at the bar. They were both thrilled to get the generous pay, but even more so that nothing went wrong.

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