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Activity: Roleplay: MMC with ALT
Date: 28-01-2021
Participants: @Dawis67 @Killerask @777Princ777 @Chezzy @BlaZe @Eunide
Life as a trucker can be numbingly mundane. Lanes and days fading into one and other. There is no end of the road, no end point, just your firm grip on the wheel and pedal to the metal as stripes dart past in your side vision. Life on the road isn't hard, but it can make one forget the dangers that lurk on the highway.

This seemed like a routine evening run. Load the bikes, hit the road and drop off at the pier to catch the 01:30 freight to Liberty City. The night was quiet and warm. After making the turn onto the highway to Las Venturas the road was as good as straight for miles on end. K-DST was blasting and as the next song transitioned, a roading thunder was heard approaching. Dawis looked in the side mirror but the front beams were too blinding to see whatever was making the noise. The roaring intensified and suddenly with a loud bang the right door got blasted by a 12g. Masked men on black bikes surrounded the truck, and with their Winchesters aimed straight for Dawis head. "Stop the fucking truck right now or you'll eat lead." Seemed like no other option. Being outnumbered and with a turn in the road approaching the truck halted to a stop.

"Get the fuck out," shouted the bandit, and dragged Dawis out of the truck. "Thanks, we'll be taking over from here." There were about half a dozen men. After spotting the writing on the mans jacket, Dawis concluded they must be from some kind of a motorcycle gang. This wasn't common, and certainly the first time this had happened to him. The crooks searched the cabin and the trailer.

"Alright schmuck, here's whats gonna happen. You're gonna get your fanny ass back in the truck and not make a goddamn move, if you know whats good for ya. Also I dont like when fools talk so keep your yap shut, Got it?", said the guy that appeared to be the leader of the pack. The man then tied Dawis hands, put on a blindfold and showed him back into the passenger seat of the truck. The truck was now headed in the opposite direction, back into the city.

Ten minutes past, Dawis was dragged onto the ground. The engines of the bikes were still running. Click clack Thats a fucking shotgun. Lights were blinding as the blindfold came off. "Please, dont kill me. Take whatever you need, just leave me. You will never hear of me again. I sw....BOOM. It all went black.

Some time passes

"Ugh, where am I?"..."He is awake, get the doc in here." It was all still a blur. The faces slowly cleared up and Dawis could barely make out the ID of the doctor. "Dr. B.Goodman", was written. "You are a very lucky man, sir"."You just about swallowed the bullets with your face. How you are alive is beyond me, but hey, you are here."

Trucking can certainly be boring, but I'll take boring any day.

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Activity: Roleplay
Date: 26-01-2021
Participants: @Denox @Nord
Truckers often race with deadlines on their heels. Everything needs to happen fast and efficiency, and most truckers are beyond proficient in this aspect. They start their days by examining the backlog of jobs and seeing what fits their schedule. Every route is planned down to the minute. Years of experience on the road offers privy for the clockwork that is traffic. Trucker knows the best route and the how to plan for the jams that are inevitably lie ahead. But sometimes, just sometimes things get out of hand.

After a tightly busy day, the final job starts out at the wood mill of Whetstone. A trailer of logs is en route to Red County, the epicenter of hardworking San Andreasans. The safest route is the highway, but in order to spare time for the already speedy approaching deadline, a more exotic forest route is chosen. Its rough, rugged and not for the faint of heart, even for experienced drivers. Some spots are exceptionally difficult to navigate, but in theory the risk is worth it.

Perhaps not today, though. A particularly challenging spot, the muddy patch over the swamp puddle, gets the best of Dawis. The tires slip such that no differential lock can aid in the situation. The truck and its load slide down onto the bank of the forest puddle. Luckily the trailer is still in a good spot to be moved. "Shit, this is the last thing I need now," mumbles Dawis to himself. After walking out of the truck and examining the grim situation, Dawis concludes that he needs some outside assistance. For such occasions the ALT hotline dispatcher is quick to connect Dawis to the quickest mechanics at the nearest town.

Twenty minutes past, and Dawis spots the tow truck approaching. Out steps a rather well groomed, sharp looking gentleman with bouldering chin. "Well, looks like you have gotten ya'self in a rather fuckin' duckery situation there, friend." "Looks, like you need my help. The name's Denox, altho my pals call me Den", says the man with a smile and a cigarette between his teeth as he reaches for his lighter. "Hey, lock the differentials, I'll hook up the bull bar and you'll be outta' here in no time, pal".

The mud is slippery, and the truck isn't moving. "Hey, try'ta throw some log underneath them tires" shouted Denox out the window of his towtruck. After some 5 minutes the truck got a firmer grip on the ground and pulled itself, as well as the trailer out of the swamp. "Hey, thank you very much partner," said Dawis as he reached to shake Denox hand. "Tell me what u want and u got it", added Dawis. "15 bucks and a pack of Marlboros'll do it."

Finally back on the route, the road ahead was easy, but the lost time didn't cant be regained, so pedal to the metal it was. 10 past midnight the cargo approached Red County. A small farm, on the side of the highway, was its destination. After pulling over in the yard Dawis was greeted by a shabby looking old redneck fellow. "Heaven to Betsy, them logs r' here. Thank you partner. These'll keep me occupied til the cows come home, hehe. Martha got them beans cookin', come over and ill get ya' some 100 proof as a gift." Dawis kindly declined the beans but accepted the liquor.

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Type of activity: Roleplay
Date: 28/01/2020
Participants: @juanes12 @Guayaba
Story & screens:

January the 28th, 2021.

A normal shift transcurred almost to it's end for Guayaba. It was an exhausting day full of electrical replacements in all Bone County area. God may knows why, but this day was special. I can't event coun't the amount of times that I have been called reporting a mechanical overheat failure from a desperated civilian, because of the burning heat that was whipping all the state that night.
Since my shift was 20 mins about to end , I thought in going to the donuts store to satisfy my hunger. Not a healthy meal, but pretty sweet. And it's what I needed for the stress gathered working around the day.

I walked out from the donut store and immediately, the annoying ring started beeping again. It was another person who was helpless in the middle of the desert, with a mechanical failure. My mind was driving me straight to my house, but, I knew that later, I couldn't stand being thinking about a poor man stranded in the middle of the desert with this damn heat. So, I attended the call, and headed to the pedestrian's position. Once I arrived he was standing there waving it hand at me. I pulled over ahead his car, and stepped out to speak with him and check what the failure was.

Once I got a lame explanation from Juan about what the problem was, since he didn't know what was it, I placed my hands on the engine chasis, and boom! a burst of smoke almost burnt my face. The refrigerant hose just melt and fell from its place due to the wave of heat that we were suffering at the desert. The engine overheated almost instantly. I walked 2 steps back, and went to my truck to check if just by any oddly chance I had another hose around those crates and replacement parts on my truck. And like a miracle, there was one in a good condition that remaint from the full removal of an engine. What a lucky guys he was.

I also took my gloves from the truck, because Juan's car overheated to a point that I could not even stand to be near it. I had to be quick, so I started.
Immediately went to the lower part of the engine where usually the hose is connected, and replaced it carefully of not being burnt with the dripping hot water, or the steam blowing up the engine. Once I connected the hose back, the refrigerant liquid started flowing to the engine again. I can tell, someone would not even imagine Juan's face when I turned on his car again. It was like giving water to a stranded person in the middle of the desert. (And in fact, it was almost like it. Haha)

After celebrating not being dying of thirst in the desert, we discussed about the price, and totally unexpected it came, he gave me a $50 tip besides the cost of $115 that the repair had!!. I can't imagine what would it be of him if I decided to follow my brain on that call outside the dounts restaurant. But, I could imagine me eating another of those tasty creamy fat donut! So, before going home, went and bought a full 12 box. :)

What a day!


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