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ALT - Trucking Role-play : Transporting a rhino to Cuban Lighthouse from A51 area.


It was a warm, normal morning. I woke up and was ready for my work. I took a look my family, smiled and got out of my house. I got on my way to ALT base, but before I ran my truck, I saw something unusual, one black Sultan and one black Sandking I sensed there are men in vehicles but didn't see their face. I have never seen those vehicles before in my neighborhood. They seem dangerous because sultan and sandking were not fast vehicles so they were not standard criminals, they didn't seem to me that they want to escape from cops. Nevertheless, I didn't care for them. After I was on my everyday route to my job. Suddenly, there is a tanker blocking my road again a black tanker. I thought things are getting complicated.

And my phone rang:
It was a man who was watching my house. He told me to do delivery with the black tanker standing in front of me.

A rhino delivery from A51 area to Cuban Lighthouse. Now I know that they were about to steal the rhino. I cannot resist them. They know my house, my family can be killed. They weren't just a couple drug dealer or something.

Even though I have never delivered a dangerous or criminal pack, I responded: "I will do whatever you want"

If anyone cop sees me with that rhino, the delivery can be failed. If the delivery fails... My family dies. I can sense that from the man's voice who I talked with on the phone.

I wanted to help from my mate CripZ>Alp. He is very good at running away from cops and distracting them. The plan was that, Although the route is not crowded (I chose the least crowded way), he will go through the route in advance and see any cop is there. If he sees a cop, he will distract them and pull them away from the route.

Thanks god, Alp didn't see any cop. we made it successfully.

I got on my fastest vehicle and went to home. The sultan and the sandking was gone. My family was safe.

Involved ALT members: @Heroo
Participants: @Josque

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ALT Trucker Role Play
Participants: @chafloque @Los-Inkas Bahiano @Sparky @KaKaRoTo Dioni @TS12Gaming

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One night like anyone I received a call in the middle of my working day, at first I did not understand how a stranger got my number, I had not given it to anyone, in it I heard a serious voice with the characteristics of an older man, the message was clear, He wanted to see me at his home for a job, it was not far so I accepted his proposal and I enlisted me to go there.
As if it were a bad decision, it felt an unbearable atmosphere when I arrived at the agreed location, 5 allegedly armed men received me, calmly parked and I got off to speak to the manager ,then with a warm greeting they released the tension of the atmosphere to start.
They required my service to transport some materials to the casino, there would be substantial changes and a construction would take place, thinking coldly I accepted the job to receive more details.
First a mixer and an excavator, very useful vehicles when making a construction for them the price would be 50,000 dollars, continuing the second shipment would be stainless steel columns for supports in the construction ,because they are especially difficult to find the price would be 30,000 dollars, in addition raw wood would be used, they are not difficult to get so the price of that cargo would remain at 5,000 dollars, following the list a portable cabin appears so that the workers can stay there, its price remains at 10,000.
Finally, counting the price, for the shipments of 95,000 dollars and 15,000 for my fees, we shook hands and I got to work to finish the job as soon as possible.
I was getting each of the materials with the money they gave me and transporting them to the casino, when I finally finished, I took out my phone to tell them it was done, they replied that 1 material was missing and that I should take it in a few hours, the man had a different voice that terrified me for a moment, the tension returned to the environment and I just turned off my phone.

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ALT Trucker Role Play
Participants: @chafloque @Los-Inkas Bahiano @KaKaRoTo @Sparky @TS12Gaming Dioni

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So I put the phone in my pocket, although I was nervous I had to finish the job, so I went to pick up the missing cargo from the truck depot, a few streets from the casino.
Upon arrival I found a life or death situation, 5 men but this time visibly armed to the teeth surrounded me completely, following my principles I took out my pistol with the safety lock on and slowly got out of my vehicle so I dont attract attention, I did not want hurt anyone but I had to if I was strictly necessary, I heard a scream, STOP, I was shot in my stomach and lost the sencibility of my legs for a moment, everyone approached me and whispered to me to put my gun aside and to get up and leave the place as fast as possible.
As if it were mental games, I got up and barely managed to start my vehicle, I drove a few meters towards the highway until I could no longer because of the bleeding and fatigue caused by adrenaline.
I got out of my truck and went to them exhausted not knowing what to do, prepared to lose my life, they told me that there was a way to save myself by what I let go.
One of them got into my truck and drove along with me and another car behind, little by little we moved away from the city, the desert began to make itself present and the dust entered all over my face and eyes, we reached a cliff, you could see the sea at a great height, it would be a definitive death.
The men surrounded me in the direction of the precipice, one of them took the floor and said that if I wanted to live I should betray my ALT organization and make a lot of money with them as a large-scale drug distributor, I was totally confused and disagreed with the idea. I told myself that I would never betray my organization and that if I should die, I would accept my destiny without hesitation.
In a matter of seconds, 5 armed men are at the edge of an abyss with a look of surprise looking attentively at a simple trucker falling into the sea, the last words of the man were: All Load Trucking, We ship your shit.

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Trucking RP: The RP theme: So today it was me and @Andre, we had a lunch when we got a call we need to deliver some heavy equipment to Mt.Chiliad. We quickly head to the trucks and began to check that everything is ready for this mission! We head to creek to pick up the trailers and started our journey. On the way we stopped to take a selfie on the nutorious bridge near SF. right before we arrived the mountain area I had a flat tire, so we quickly replaced him and went back to the road. We decided that before the climbing we will have a little meal and so we did. At the end we delivered the equipment to the top of the mountain and then the paper work started... (xD)

Participants: @Andre

RP :smile:
(All the RP is described in there)

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^[ - ROLEPLAY -]

Evening, around 23:00 PM myself and colleague been trucking from Las Venturas Creek to the top of Mount Chilliad, or another destination to Whetstone logging. We have drove more than 10 deliveries, in meantime there was a couple of Agents & Officers which set a roadblock on main highway, Las Venturas - San Fierro. We couldn't avoid that, therefor we had to go from there. As there was warning fences, barrel blocks and other police stuff, we had to pull-over on the side they say and obey their commands.

We have done a couple of illegal deliveries, but that wasn't our fault. The main center in Whetstone with logging deliveries, didn't had enough meters of wood, so we had to add inside a couple of pallets, so it could look it's more than we expect. Fortunately, we did that successfully, but we had to hand our driving documents and registration to the Agents of FBI. Therefor, they checked us in police database, and we seem to be clean. They gave us the last chance, and we got bribed, as we explained them some different story and that actually worked. How can be on photos, my collegaue been delivering logs, and I did the following chopper and the vehicle for some station in Las Venturas.


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