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Refueling gas stations all over SA + Refinery
With the help of @Bartman refueling and @Kowalski refilling the refinery.

Before: https://i.imgur.com/0GL5kD0.jpg


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~ Refueling the refinery ~
Refueld it up from 0 to 96% while @Piercee and @Bartman refueled the gas stations around SA


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~ Event ~
Type: Roadtrain Hydra Shooter
Prize: 1.000.000$
Winner: @Sucre


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~ Event ~
Type: Forklift Fallout
Prize: 1.000.000$
Winner: @Avengers


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^[It was a hot afternoon. I was sitting inside the office. Today was a quiet day. There hasn't been much work to do. I was looking out the office window and at that moment the phone rang. I picked up the phone.]

  • Hello, this is ALT base. How can I help you?

  • Hello, thank god I have trying to reach you. I have a problem with my car and I'm stuck at this old airport.

^[That was a woman. Her voice was tired. It was obvious from her voice that she was trying to reach us for a long time.]

  • Don't worry, I'll be there as soon as possible. Where exactly are you?

  • I'm at Old Bone Country Airport. It's very hot outside and I've been here for about an hour.

  • Okay, I am coming.

^[I turned off the phone and got my car keys. I left ALT base for BCAP. I turned on the air conditioning for a little cooling. I was driving as fast as I could. In this heat, nobody wanted to be stranded outside.]

^[When I got there I realized that the car was closer to the ground than usual. The two front tires of the car had exploded. I got out of my car and the heatwave hit my face. I grimaced my face. And I started walking towards the lady. When she saw me, she hurriedly took big steps towards me. I asked her to open the hood of the car to make sure the only problem was in her car's tires. She opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat.]

^[There seemed to be no problem with the car engine. The oil and water levels were normal and there was no problem with the spark plugs. I said there was no problem with the car engine. And the other good news was that the car only had problems with the front tires. So I wouldn't have trouble taking the car to the ALT base with a tow truck.]

^[When we reached the base, we had a cold drink first. Then I changed the tires. This was one of the easiest jobs for a mechanic. I took the payment and accepted the thanks.]



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It started as a regular day, I was enjoying my cup of coffee, relaxing around a bit waiting for another day of work. I just chilled and finished my cup of coffee before looking back at the time and my schedule, writting down on a white board nearby.
i got up off my feet, looked at the times and delivery places more carefully before sighing for a moment. Afterwards I went over towards the ALT Hangar, I close to my usual plane. Checking up on it a bit to make sure everything was correct and proper. That's the most important thing, safety above all.
Afterwards I just hopped in my plane and took a look at the systems, pretty much planning auto-pilot systems for my first destination.

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I made sure everything was correct and when it was I made my way to the landing strip, driving my plane to the best position possible so I could have the perfect take-off.

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I started with taking off the plane, doing some manual steering to get the plane as proper up as possible so I wouldn't have to worry about the system doing anything bad, even if the chances were slim. Take-offs are usually better done with some manual help.

Once I was up in the air I just flew a regular pattern, trying to stay atleast a bit high up in the air, my destination was Los Santos.

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I just mostly flew on with the auto-pilot, just keeping an eye on my systems and just making sure everything kept running correctly. There was no issue, just another day of a cargo flight.
Eventually I got closer to Los Santos and I made sure to communicate with the airport, it was a very quick and smooth conversation and I got permission to land quite quickly. I got told on which strip to land and I just obeyed, preparing for a landing.

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The landing went on smooth and I put in some manual effort to made sure it was going fully correctly, nothing bumped and I just ended up on the concrete smoothly, being glad everytime I land properly.

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As soon as I got properly on the ground I moved the plane to the docking bay, putting it next to a bridge there so the personnel can easily get into the plane to unload it. Everything went fine with no bumps or issues at all. I was satisfied with myself again after the shipment being deliver so well.

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The employees loaded it out as I went for my usual smoke break, just relaxing a bit after having to focus so much on the entire flight, it's always good to unwind.


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Special Thanks To: @DBMoodyBlues.

  • While I was in ALT base doing nothing, I recived a call from somone. It was a guy from Al-Munazama as expected. he told me to go to his location and I just did that. When I arrived, I saw him waiting for me. So, I parked my car and then we started talking wondering about the issue. But, there was no issue he just wanted to get some mechanic equipments so he won't bother me for help when it's needed. I thought about it and actually it was a good idea. So we rode in my car and we went back to ALT base to grab some old equipments such as wrench, pliers, hammer, nails, screws, in a toolbox. So I did that, I tried to choose the ones that I don't usually use but there was few. I called a friend of mine who is Cunning Stunts member to allow me go to the garage and find some more old equipments. And he allowed me to do that. I went to his garage and I grabbed a lot of old equipments which are still useful and usable then I did put them in the toolbox. After that, I was pretty much done. So we went back to Al-Munazama base and I gave him the toolbox where it was in the car's trunck. Then he did thank me for helping, we shook hands and everything was good!

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/74vHwx2

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@Beckham said in Al Munazama - Official Media Center:

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** RP#Number:** ~[#76]~(#873138) [Stealing fuel]
** Organizations:** All Load Trucking & Al-Munazama
** Participants:** @DBMoodyBlues @Faysal

^[** Story:**]

While I was on my way home, I received a call from my colleague in the group "The Turbulent" and asked me to meet at the base to start a new assignment,

When I got there, I found him waiting for me ... We started talking and he told me that our group needed fuel Before traveling to Los Santos he told me we would go to the ALT base to make a deal with them.

While we were on our way to the ALT base, he told me to equip the weapons because we would steal the fuel because we do not have the money to pay.

And when we got there we climbed the wall so we could get into the base, while we sneak in and look for the fuel place we found a man who was smoking,

We had no solution but to attack the man with weapons until he told us where the fuel was. We started talking to him and he was very scared. Then he took us to a warehouse where the fuel was abundant ... and while he was talking to my friend, the pump took my pistol and shot him, To the truck.

As he was talking to my friend the pump, I took my gun and shot him, and then we started to transfer the money to the truck ... Then we rushed to our well-known base in the streets of Whetstone

^[ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/vSg4aoU]

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^[ Oversized Load]

It was a typical day at the company bar, i was drunking some beer and chilling with others till i recived a call. Alejandro Gonzales, a mexican farmer, the owner of Blueberry farm and many others in deffirent places. He want a transporting srvices, a heavy load of farming vehicels, a Cobaine Harvester and a Tractor.

We've arranged a meeting, which was at a local coffe in Bluebrry, Flint County. I went there before him, i ordred a coffe and wait from him till he came. We set the deal, delivery will be from Blueberry Farm to Hilltop Farm, we've talked about money too to make everything clear from the start. 4.000$ for the Harvester, 2.800$ for the Tractor, an extra 15% cause of the oversized load as he wants me to take both of vehicels in 1 delivery to save a delivery tips.

I went back to the company, entred my room, changed my dirty clothes and took my truck keys and documents. Slowly, i walked to the parking, turned on my truck's engine, checked out fuel, oil, etc.. All was good, my journey started i went to the farm, loaded the vehicels which took me a lot of time.

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The trip was fantastic, no traffic jams, no drunken cunts on the roads, all was gucci till i get pulled by a local shrieff. He followed me for more than 200 metres but i didn't pay attention, till he used his megaphone and ordred me to park on the right side of the road and turn off my truck's engine. Without any reactions, i did what he said. After he parked his car infront of my truck he walked to me slowly and told me that it's a normal check. Nothing much, he asked for my ID, Drive Licssence and the loaded vehicels documents, he took it and went back to his car, after a super quick check he came at me and hands me the documents, walked around the truck and told mme to keep on my trip.

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After a long trip i came at the Hilltop Farm, Mr.Alejandro was there arleady waiting for me with a brifecase in his left hand. I parked the truck, disloaded the vehicels and parked him inside the hangar. I've done my job, after a littel talk with the owner, i get my money and went back to the company.

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^[ News Delivery]

San Andreas News Delivery loaded at Los Santos Airport, a heli and a news van should be delivred to SA News Agency at LS East Beach. The Agency have recruted many new reporters to recover the Elections of August therefor they are in need of new vehicels.
Afte loading the van and the heli from the plane which arrived from Germany, i've talked to the agency owner on the phone about the delivery tips, time, etc.. and started my journey. The trip was kinda hard, traffic jams, a lot of road blocks, the highway was blocked and every way to The White House too.
2 hours passed since i left the airport and still far from the agnecy, no much time left to the delivery time, as All Load Trucking is a well known company, i should keep my word and delivery the vehicels at the correct time, any delay will cost a lot of money.
I didn't have a solution better that driving throught Groove Strret, a street full of gangsters, which is risky, the risk of criminal invades, hijacking, etc... My shootgun was behind the passanger seat, loaded, a Glock pistolet 9mm in my pocket. i drove there carefully locking left and right every moment. Gangsters were controlling the streets, looking to every vehicel, human passed near.
With 180 Mph i passed by groove street, no shit happens, once i reached the East Beach highway i slow down my speed to 70 Mph, it was a bit horrible till i saw some roadblocks, officers and police cars. I've arrived at the agnecy 20 min before the delivery time, the agency owner was waiting for me outside, an emplyee was there, who took the news van and park it near other van, a pilot flight the heli to the agency roof where it should be parked, the owner handed me the money and everyone left cheerfully.
Screenshots: Click Here!

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