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Activity media of ALT will be posted in here.

Discord channel: https://discord.gg/x4yvea2

Application center: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/635/alt-application-center

Main page: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/26/all-load-trucking-main-page

Customer Support/FAQ: http://saesrpg.uk/topic/637/alt-customer-support-faq

  • 2 weeks later...

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Today, we offered SAFP car parts and then installed them on their police vehicle at ALT workshop and made some repairs to it. We also made several business with them.
Members : @Wizax @JoseFrags and me


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A mechanic received an emergency call from a police officer that had been in an accident. The mechanic rushed into his car and drove to the scene with his emergency lights on. He was the first to arrive at the scene. The first thing the mechanic did was to inform of the police officer was in good health. Luckily the officer seemed to be fine, although the mechanic insisted him to stay in his car, the officer refused and got out.

The officer wanted the mechanic to take a look at his car, so he could chase the fugitive that made him lose control of his car. The mechanic listened and opened the hood. After a careful observation the mechanic came till a conclusion that there was some coolant fluid leaking. This was a problem that couldnt be fixed straight away.

The police car had to be towed back to a garage or a service point. After a short ride, the mechanic and the officer arrived at ALT base. The car was put on top of a car-bridge in the ALT mechanical workshop. After a secondary inspection some rubber hoses were replaced and new coolant fluid was refilled into the radiator.

The officer was charged with a bill of 500$.
-80$ hoses.
-50$ coolant liquid.
-200$ labour cost.
-170$ taxes.

At the end of the day we had a satisfied customer and a happy mechanic. The officer said he would recommend the cooperation to anyone else with car problems and would happily come back to enjoy the service once again.





Thanks for participating Ice|Leito



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A mechanic was asked to deliver a certain amount of car parts to a local garage in Las Venturas. The mechanic picked up the phone and wrote the order down. He went to his storage boxes to gather the materials he needed to be shipped. He put them in the back of his lorry and went to have a small cigarette break. After the Mechanic got back from his little break, he saw that one of his tires was a bit flat. He walked towards the left front tire and started to inspect it.

Apparently, this is when someone entered the area and put some illegal cargo in the back of the lorry. The drugs dealer wanted to ship his cargo hidden underneath the car parts, so the drugs could easier get across the border. The mechanic had no idea what was going on, so he continued his journey to the city of Las Venturas.

The mechanic drove on the motorway to Las Venturas, when suddenly he saw some blinking lights in his rear mirror, it was a police officer. The officer asked him to pull over for a cargo inspection. The officers asked, Hello sir, what are we shipping today?. As little as the mechanic knew he said, Hello sir, I am shipping some car parts to Las Venturas. The officer walked towards the back of the lorry and said, Let us have a look then.

The officer opened the back of the truck and saw immediately some opened crates. He acted surprised but did not go any further considering it. The officer gave the mechanic a free pass and let him continue to make his delivery.

Arrived at the garage in Las Venturas the mechanic did his delivery of goods and posted a note on top of the box since the garage had already closed for the day. The next morning the mechanic got a call that one of the boxes was full of hard drugs and that garage had been closed for further investigation.

The mechanic had a lucky escape this time, but he better watches out for the next shipment.

Photo album:




Thanks to:


For taking part in this short RP.



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The mechanic was doing his daily routines for example; checking shipment orders, customer service and re-stocking the storage. In the morning the phone rang. A person in LS wanted some new parts for his vintage Dodge. The mechanic wrote everything down and went to look it up in the large storage building. After a good half an hour searching he found the products he needed.

He loaded up his lorry and went to the address of the customer. The mechanic thought to be smart by taking non- highways roads to avoid traffic jams. Sadly, the police officer thought otherwise. The officer pulled the mechanic over and asked for the license and registration of the vehicle and the ID of the driver. Everything turned out to be fine. But the police officer insisted of an inspection of the cargo.

The officer searched the cargo and found some odd-looking items in the back. It appeared to be drugs. The officer took immediate action and arrested the mechanic and told him his rights. After a ride in the police car, we arrived in the Las Venturas Police Department. The officer took care of some paperwork, and shortly after that he jailed the mechanic for 48 hours waiting for his trial.

It is a pity that the customer will not get his goods today. The mechanic has other problems nowadays. He will be charged with being in possession of illegal drugs. We will see how that ends out.





Thanks to


For taking part in this short RP.



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Part: 2
After the Mechanic had been in jail for 48 hours, he was released from jail. The lawsuit against him was dropped. It turned out that the real drugs dealer had been arrested and fingerprints proved that he was responsible for the drugs in the lorry.

The mechanic was relieved that the charges were dropped. He walked out of Las Ventures Police Department towards his car. When he tried to start his car with his car key it refused. The mechanic opened the hood and started the car manually and drove off to his garage.

On his way home he got pulled over again by a special agency named FOX. The officer gave the mechanic signals to pull over to the side of the road. Once pulled over the officer asked the mechanic to show his papers and ID. When the officer saw that he had the right person in front of him. He asked, Miss, could you please follow me, I want to have a little chat with you on the FOX police station. The mechanic stepped in to the car and arrived shortly after that in FOX HQ.

The police officer interrogated the mechanic and wanted to find out if there were any connection with a criminal gang. The mechanic denied everything. After a long conversation and some paperwork, the mechanic was released again.

The life of a mechanic is hard, nobody said it would be easy.





Thanks to


For taking part in this short RP.



@thing said in The Company | Media Archive:

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  • Roleplay 326 - Shipping parts (with All Load Trucking Inc)

  • Participants: Reggi, Flex, and Thing

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After buying several cars from the Wild Angels that were stripped to parts, the temporary location of The Company was not enough to keep these in stock. Therefore they had to move the large load to the warehouse in Las Venturas. One of The Company's Logistics managers called All Load Trucking Inc for the job.

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When the trucker arrived, one of The Company's men signed the trucker where to park, then he came out of the truck and started to talk with the members of The Company. They asked the trucker whether he was able to transport the car parts to their warehouse in Las Venturas safely or not. Before deciding, he wanted to check out the load for himself.

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The trucker said that these parts could easily be transported to Las Venturas and took the job. Now it was time to start loading the parts onto the trailer. After that, the members of The Company stepped into their Rolls Royce and led the car towards the industrial area of North-West Las Venturas.

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Once arrived, one of The Company's members checked out the load together with the trucker and everything seemed to be in great condition. The trucker unloaded the trailer with his forklift truck and then moved them into the warehouse.

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As always, The Company was very pleased with the overall performance of All Load Trucking Inc and will certainly do more business with them. The money was transferred to their bank account and then the members of The Company left for their next job around town.

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A customer dropped off his car at the ALT mechanic workshop to get his vehicle testing regulations renewed. The car was driven up the hydraulic lift in the workshop and thoroughly inspected. The car was inspected on the following points:

  • Brakes

  • Tires

  • Lighting

  • Wheel suspension

  • Oil level

  • Air filter

The results of the inspection of the car are given in this spoiler below:


Spoiler Text


All the problems that occurred were discussed with the owner of the car and repaired. With all the problems fixed, ALT renew the vehicle testing regulations of the Alpha of Mister Barry.





Hope to see you next year for your annual check-up!


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