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Discord Servers - [12/2024]


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Welcome to the Discord list of all the organizations on this server. You can find all the invite links provided below. If you come across a new Discord server or an expired invite link, please leave a message on Discord to wendo21 .


What is discord? For those who are unfamiliar with Discord

Discord is a popular communication platform designed for gamers. It provides voice and text chat features that allow gamers to communicate with each other while playing their favorite games. It is available for free and can be used on all platforms including desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets.

Discord can be thought of as a combination of Team Speak 3 and IRC. It provides the ease of use and voice chat capabilities of Team Speak 3, while also offering the text chat features of IRC. Additionally, Discord can be accessed through a web browser, which eliminates the need to download and install a desktop or smartphone application.

If you are interested in learning more about Discord and its features, you can visit their website at https://discordapp.com/. The website provides a wealth of information about the application, including tutorials, FAQs, and support forums.


Below are the primary Discord servers revolving around SAES and Multi Theft Auto.
SAES: Click here!
Multi Theft Auto: Click here!
SAES Gang Management - Click here!
SAES Group Management - Click here!


Discords used by SAES Organizations

Official Gangs

[AA] Arms Assasins - Click here!

[B~B] Black Bullets - Click here!

Killing Joke - Click here!

O| The Outfit - Click here!

oL| OutLaws - Click here!

R| Renegades - Click here!

[UE] Underground Empire - Click here!

Yz| Yakuza - Click here!

Non-official Gangs

Rebel| Rebels MC - Click here!

[SM] Santucci Mob - Click here!


Official Squads

SAES Squads - Click here!

[FBI] Federal Bureau of Investigation - Click here!

[SAPA] San Andreas Poice Academy - Click here!

[SWAT] Special Weapons and Tactics - Click here!

Non-official Squads

[SPC] Special Operations Crocodilo - Click here!


Official Criminal groups

[CLO] Cuban Liberation Organisation - Click here!

[OB] Outbreak Organization - Click here!

Non-official Criminal groups


Official Civilian groups

[ALT] All Load Trucking - Click here!

[BRINKS] BRINKS - Click here!

[CC] Cuban Cars - Click here!

[CS] Cunning Stunts - Click here!

[GXT] Global Express Trucking Company - Click here!

H-LHelvete - Click here!

[LWS] Lightning World Sports - Click here!

[Lounge] Lounge Venture Capital - Click here!

[RadioSA] Radio San Andreas - Click here!

[rTech] raceTECH - Click here!

[SAFD] San Andreas Fire Department - Click here!

[SAM] San Andreas Medics - Click here!

TS| San Andreas Transportation Services INC - Click here!

[ZIP] ZIP Planning and Construction - Click here!

Non-official Civilian groups



Official Policing

Government - Click here!

Secret Service - classified.

[DE] Desert Eagles - Click here!

[SAI] San Andreas Interceptors - Click here!

[SAPD] PC Qualified Officers - Click here!

Non-official Policing


Edited by WenDo
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  • WenDo changed the title to Discord Servers - [12/2024]

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