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Economy Reset?  

125 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like an economy reset?

    • Yes, (please state why by replying to topic).
    • No, (please state why by replying to topic).



Let me just point out from the start, this is not planned but rather I would rather gauge the feedback.

Current Economy Issues:


  • Millions of dollars means nothing to players.
  • Fuel costs $13/litre for example.

Massive pricing inconsistency

  • A prime example of this is pizza from a pizzaboy costs $500, vs $2-$10 in a pizza shop.

Making money is too easy

  • A balance needs to be struck between keeping players engaged and preventing excessive grind.

How could these issues be solved?

  • Make it harder to earn money.
    • A balance needs to be struck so it's not too grindy, but also not too easy.
    • Reduce or remove money given for donations.
  • Balance the income from jobs.
    • Each job should pay roughly the same amount for the work up in.
    • Appealing, fun jobs should pay less than more tedious roles to incentivise variety.
  • Ingame assets such as vehicles and housing are to be re-costed based on a working economy but with the ability to adjust the market value based on demand or the current economy state.
    • This would involve an automated flag-based system when setting up housing, so area, housing features and house type would be taken into account to automatically generate a market value, instead of admins making stuff up.
  • Make it easier to spend your hard-earned money.
    • Add more ways to spend your money in-game on items.

For this to be effective, it would require a full in-game reset for all assets.

  • All bank accounts (including organisation balance) would be wiped.
  • All housing (excluding organisation bases) would be placed back up for purchase (including admins).
  • Would you want all vehicles to be wiped or allow people to keep x vehicles but worth the balanced price?
    • Donation-placed vehicles would still be kept as they cannot be sold and are a perk for donating.

What do you guys think? Again, I must point out, we have no plans to do this (unless there is a massive demand for it from the community).

Please only reply if you have some constructive feedback, spam or trolling will be removed and may result in a forum ban.

P.S. Credits to @Nikolai 

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If you reset everything, those who log in monthly to maintain their properties will also stop logging in. Considering this, I don't believe resetting anything at this point is the best choice. What will happen to newly created organizations? It will be harder for them, but nothing will change for the old organizations that are already on highest level. If you're going for a reset, it should apply to everything on the server, including every single organization. However, if that happens, people will stop playing still because they have invested effort and time into leveling up their organizations, nobody will bother grinding to the top again. It would be better to leave everything as it is and focus on avoiding the same mistakes in GTAV server.

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This Question has been marked Solved and moved to the archive.

Thanks for your feedback, we have no plans to change anything at this time.

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