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Ingame username: radrick
Ingame nickname: radrick
Previous nicknames: radrick
Age: 20

Date started playing on SAES: 12/02/14 00:00

Current memberships: none

Previous memberships: none

Previous punishments/bans: I|vee been banned for abusing saha account

My strengths: driving, shooting,

My weaknesses: fps drop

Additional information: Hello my name is mohamed i|am living in germany i|am 20 years old my hobbies are football, basketball, and in my free time i play saes

I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes
I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes
  • Proton locked this topic

Dear @Radrick,

We appreciate your interest in becoming a part of our family. While we have noticed your efforts and persistence, we are still uncertain about your personality and overall attitude. We believe that this rejection is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your worth and prove that you are a good fit for our family. Alternatively, it may serve to confirm our initial doubts. Once again, thank you for your interest in our family.
Feel free to apply again in a week if you are still interested.
Application rejected


Comando Da Capital HQ team.

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