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Roleplay # 4
Story: While I was in the base, I got a call from a businessman saying he had an accident with a tree and had an important business meeting, so I went and drove him fast and said goodbye to him
Participants @Weezy
Date: 9/1/2023
Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/oeK0ZMp

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Roleplay # 5
Story: One of the newlyweds requested a full-service honeymoon trip from the house to the airport, then to the other airport, and finally the hotel, so I accepted the request and set off for them and took them to ls airport, then I took them by plane to sf airport, the city where they will spend their honeymoon, and then I brought the taxi and took them to the hotel and wished them Fun time with each other
Participants @Weezy @proton
Date: 9/1/2023
Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/ndiv6em

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Roleplay # 6
Story: While I was in my office, I received a call from a businessman who wanted to transfer expensive goods, the price of which is close to 3 million dollars, and I asked him to come to my office for discussion. And I waited for him until he arrived at my office, and then he told me the location of the goods and said that he wanted to transport it by air from SF to LS, after which we agreed that he would pay me one hundred thousand dollars, and after that I transferred it, and then I took the customer from his house to the place of delivery of the order to inspect it, and after that he paid me
Participants @Weezy
Date: 9/1/2023
Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/9b2TysJ

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