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Closed Organisation  ·  46 members

The Company

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Roleplay#: 392
@hazy said in Los INKAS Media Archive:

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Roleplay with: @Los-Inkas & @The-Company
Participants: @ChicoRocha & @Dead & @Asexyno
Date: 13/06/2020
Story + Screenshot(s)
On the night of the 13th, Chico and I went to The Company base to talk to Asexysino. We had to kill a guy from San Fierro because he owed Los Inkas money.
I talked to Asexysino to help me kill this man. Asexysino came up with a plan, a kind of trap for him. We went to San Fierro and waited for this man to leave his trade. We spent about 10 minutes in hiding waiting for him. I and Asexyno were chatting away, talking about how our gangs were doing and how difficult it was to manage all that.
When the man who owed Los Inkas money was walking down the sidewalk after leaving his shop, Asexysino ran over to him. He asked why he didn't pay the money he owed to our gang. The man then said he would need some more time to be able to pay. But we couldn't wait any longer, he owed us a long time. So Asexysino and I shot him with our Uzi and he died. Asexysino and I ran away and left his body in an alley.

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Event Number: #939
Event type: A v D
Prize: 2.000.000$
Winner: team 420
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LS br 8/8 and RC br 7/8 ( I would like to thank @KARIM for his attempt to solo BR and like its being said in ThC always: No risk no fun.)
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BC BR 8/8
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Roleplay#: 393
Gangs participating: @Comando-Da-Capital
Roleplay Story:

At dawn of the current day I contacted a very known drug provider throughout SA. Well, bout this Brazilian organization nothing much to talk about since they are not being actively dealing nowadays, I heard rumors that they were selling a 100% organic weed very addictive. As it's well known The Company always evolves and keep up with the proficiency in the market. The recent status of our outcomes in products had noticeably decreased. Today Mr. Asexyno meets with some member of @Comando-Da-Capital.

They arrange the appointment in CDC base, at a small bar with a wonderful view paradise. Chapo offered to Mr. Asexyno a beer and warm welcoming him. Afterwards, they discussed the price - quality of the weed. They reach an agreement. Chapo offered a pack of 2 KGs for the price of 2,500$ Euros. In order to achieve the deal , Chapo considered showing Mr.Asexyno the product.

Once the we closed the deal and the product was already loaded on my Sultan, Chapo gave me some tips advising me about how to transport the weed from there towards Tierra Robada (ThC building). I'm sometime absent-minded therefore I took my phone a saved the route he told me. We shaked hand and saved contacts eacthothers. It was a pleasure treating with them I guess they felt the same.

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eA6V8kR
Participants: @CHAPO @BobMarley


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As always the company members were around san andreas doing their criminal activities such as store robs and capturing the VIP. After that, they gathered with some other gang members to rob a bank in San Fierro.
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Store robs and VIP


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Assistance in PBR


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Event Number: #942
Event Type: 35hp Team VS Team with Fist (skills allowed)
Prize: 200k each (1.8m)
Winner: Team 007
Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/0ShMX14

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