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Roleplay #373 - Into Hiding
Roleplay with: Navy Malistrip
Participants: @DocPizza, @the-klaw, @DarkMan, and @Siper_

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The Company received a phone call from a wealthy Somali warlord whose companion was in trouble. A meeting was set up at the Los Santos docks with them.
As understood from the phone call, the man had to go into hiding and needed assistance to flee the city as soon as possible.

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Once arrived at the docks, two men were waiting for the members of The Company. After a bit of complaining that the traffickers were late, the conversation started. As mentioned already, the man was wanted by an organisation called the Peaky Blinders. Therefore, it was wise for him to flee the city for a while and go into hiding. They set up a meeting point at a small abandoned dock in East Los Santos an hour after this meeting.

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The men were there an hour later. Ready to be picked up by boat. Next destination, Bone County, where The Company was fully in charge and did not have to worry about authorities poking into their business or people, as well as the Peaky Blinders in this case. The men jumped on the boat and the journey was ready to begin.

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After two hours of sailing, the group of men arrived at a small cabin next to the ocean. Fully stocked with water and food. In three days, they would be picked up from here and brought to the next location. This was done to avoid any attention drawn by outsiders. Also, the boat that the members of The Company had brought the Somali men with was destroyed.

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Three days later, the men were picked up from the cabin and moved to the Bone County airstrip for further transportation. It had to appear that The Company was transporting a high-level member with their jet. However, what no one knew, it was a well paying Somali warlord's right hand.

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The men stepped into the plane and left for a short flight to Flint County. Here, deep in the forest, a small but bumpy airstrip was built next to a cabin. No one was familiar with this location which made it the perfect hiding spot. On the way there, no difficulties occurred, as expected.

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After carefully landing the plane in the dense forest on the bumpy airstrip, the men brought the Somali into a small cabin that was fully stocked and ready to use for at least two months. If necessary, the members of The Company would check on him every once in a while, even though the place is packed with CCTV. When everything was set, the associates went back into the plane and headed out for the next job.

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Roleplay #374 - The failed Hit & Run
Roleplay with: @Los-Escondidos
Participants: @DocPizza, @barras, @Julian, and @johnn

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One of the Directors of The Company had set up a meeting with his friend from Los Escondidos, Barras. They had known each other for a long time and needed to catch up with a drink. Of course, a Director is not able to go outside by himself so he was accompanied by two members.

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Once arrived, they greeted each other and moved inside for a catch up with some drunks. After that, they went outside together. Barras wanted to walk towards his car around the corner of the street when an unknown person in a black Audi came up and almost hit him, Barras was able to get away but fell on the sidewalk and was in shock.

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The members of The Company helped their boss to get him into the car and drove him to the Los Santos hospital as quickly as possible. After that, they scouted the area in Red County to find the man who tried to assassinate the Director's friend.

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After driving around, they noticed a man smoking a cigarette next to a black Audi which looked exactly the same as the one used in the failed attempt to assassinate the Los Escondidos member. They turned around and caught him by surprise.

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The unknown figure was told that get in the car while he had three guns aimed at him. He got pushed in and was moved to The Company's headquarters for further questioning. One of the rooms was made for these kinds of situations, where torture was necessary. The members of The Company threw him onto the chair in the torture room and zip-tied his hands.

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He started smiling, knowing that what he did was wrong, but he stood behind it one hundred percent. The Director was pissed off and shouted at him ''TELL ME WHO YOU WORK FOR''. After not answering, he kicked down the chair and hit him multiple times with a golf club that he grabbed from the table. Slowly, the man started to mumble. It was not enough for the Director. He made one of his associates cut off his left thumb. The unknown character screamed. He said ''OKAY OKAY, UNDERGROUND EMPIRE''. They grabbed the Underground Empire member from the floor and locked him in one of the jail cells. The Director said ''You will tell me in an hour who made you do this''.

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One hour later, the Director entered the jail cell and smacked the Underground Empire member on the floor with his golf club. He shouted ''WHO MADE YOU DO THIS?''. Slowly an answer came out of his mouth. It was Hariss Hawk, also known as 'Hari'. The man in charge of the Underground Empire. The associates dragged the miserable man out of the cell and took him to the roof of the building.

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While looking the Director right into the eyes, the Underground Empire member was shot to death. After that, he was dragged into the trunk of the car and moved to Las Venturas. Here, they dropped him, in front of the gate where the Underground Empire was known for having their headquarters, and drove off. Next time they should be aware that The Company takes immediate action.

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Roleplay #375
@Sanfara said in Texas Rangers - Media Archive:

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Roleplay #13

Roleplay type: Kidnapping
Location: Whestone
Participant(s): @LopeZz @King @Beckham @Olivier @sanfara


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so we was making some statewide patrol around Whestone when we had a call from WPD that there is a criminal who kidnapped a white man aged 24 years old near the gaz station, so we went to the scene place and decided to start investigating.
luckly some of the people saw the whole thing so we asked them where did the kidnapper went,after that we decided to folow the way he took.
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in our pursuit we saw a black car driving in a weird way so we decided to follow it with a secret way, after that the car stopped near a small cabbin and the driver aimed on the passenger with a large gun and order him to get out and follow him.
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after we saw all this we decided to rush in and take out the crimianl and save the victem, in the cabin we could hear the voice of the victem screaming there.
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i decided to use the megaphone to give the criminal a chance to surrend
~[''This is Texas Rangers Force you under arrest for kidnapping!, please leave the cabin and put your hands in the air where we could see them.'']~(pink)
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unfortunally we had to rush in becaause the criminal did not respond, we aimed at the door and took a deffense wall to cover with it.
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Another armed guy just came out from no where so i told my friend to take care of the kidnapper and i had to follow the other one and arrest him,i had to shoot him with a electric shot in his leg cz he didn't stop, he was on the ground so i went there and aimed at him and told him do not move.
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after that we took them post to the Police Departement where they will stay at the prison for a long time
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Roleplay #376 - The deal about to out the friend from the jail
Roleplay with: @Clandestine-Mob
Participants: @Rose @WitherDce
Story: The morning began with a hot coffee mug when Rose invited me to the base of Clandestine Mob for a little conversation and help. We sat and drank coffee the moment Rose told me that last night one of the gang members of Clandestine Mob was jailed while a deal. Rose called me to help get Wither out of the prison, as they tried legally to bribe the Government, but nothing came of it. We decided to make a small plan and Rose has already have a flash drive key with which we could open all the doors and bars in the prison. Then we took the car and went to help out our mutual friend. 20 minutes later, we drove up to the prison, checked the surroundings and quietly went inside. Rose sat down at a business computer and began to hack into the system while I stood and watched for the situation around. Everything is quiet around, all the police were still falling asleep after yesterdays events, and in the meantime we had already begun to go further and further. While I opened the bars so that Wither could escape, Rose watched and waited for the moment to open the main door. Wither finally got out of prison and together we quickly ran out of prison, where a plane with a personal pilot was waiting for us outside of the prison. After we flew away successfully completing the deal, however, as always.
Screens: https://imgur.com/a/zG6R08T

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