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^[Hello world. Our posters have gone on strike, and we have missed activities to post. RIP unposted BRs.]
^[But fear not, I managed to find a bankrob in-between Adway's money plundering log spam from ThC bank.]
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^[Random picture of the day; asleep at work (thanks @Mrwan @Bagetto)]
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Roleplay Number: #358
RolePlay: made by [ThC]VeX
Participants: @PlayBoy
In cooperation with: N/A
The names of the characters in the story: no names
Story: on Friday night at 01:00 in the Whetstone.
Roleplay Titel: car theft and sale of the same.
Roleplay Story:

One night I was walking around and saw a red Audi in the house garage of an unknown man.
I stopped and looked at the car and got the idea to steal it.
i called a friend while he watch movie and told him to come for me and then i told him i had one business for us.
I waited for him and smoked a cigarette leaning against a wooden fence.
I waited for him for 10 minutes and then saw our black car coming.
When he picked me up we went to his house and talked about a job.
I told him it was a beautiful red Audi.
Then we made up a plan to steal and sell it.
A friend drove me to a house where I saw a red Audi.
When we got to the house where I saw the red Audi I went out and waited for a friend to leave this area.
When i saw that there was no one around me i went to the car and unlocked it with a carver.
Then I stole the car and drove it to my friend's garage.
I called friend to pick me up and tell him to we must wait for money.
An unknown man when he went to work saw that there was no car.
At that moment his phone rang and he answered on call.
I told him that if he wanted to get his car back, he must put in the trash can $5,000 and left this area, after that he will get the call.
He agreed and left the money in the trash can.
Then we came with the car and picked up the money.
I took money and run from this area.
After counting the money we made a call to the man we stole the car from.
We told him where is car and he is picked up his car.
After that he is gone with his car and we didnt saw him anymore.


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