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Closed Organisation  ·  46 members

The Company

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^[Event Type: 1v1 (Sniper)]
^[Organiser: @Blue ]
^[Winners: @BurakO ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
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^[Event Type: LMS Jeff motel]
^[Organiser: @RiKkI ]
^[Winners: @Mateus ]
^[Prize: 1.000.000$]
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Participants: @The-Company
Story: It was a little late for cops to be guarding the night, whatsoever,The Company's members were still up waiting for the perfect opportunity to start the operation, the great assassination of Mr.Wolfie_Novinston, one of the enemy leaders of The Company. The guy leading this was James_Rivera, one of the executives who has spent his whole career in this gang from its creation, anyways, everything was on plan after the meeting that was held in that morning beteween managers, "Hello & welcome every single headquarter of The Company, today we can make history by assassination Wolfie, it is our perfect moment, our perfect time to do it since Wolfie has had a heart attack yesterday they're getting him to a specialist who is actually working for us, he will lay them down to us, that's where we can do our thing, James is leading follow him orders no matter what, it should go succesfully, good luck, The Company will never die." That was Tony's speech which motivated every mobster. While the specialist was laying them down, the sniper had a perfect spot which can make him shoot the enemy so easily. 30 minutes passed, the shot was made, everything went succesfully, the specialist was saved by The Company's members & he was paid enough to thank him for everything.

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^[Assisting in HS BR TR]
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^[Assisting in O BR SF]
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^[Event Type: LMS]

^[Organiser: @koko]

^[Winners: @JukyPlatinium]

^[Prize: 1.000.000$]

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^[Event Type: LMS]

^[Organiser: @KARIM]

^[Winners: @Eighty]

^[Prize: 1.000.000$]

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