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The Company

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The Company

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Event Name: Reach To Blue By Breaking Glasses: Easy event! Blue is waiting for you inside a glasses construction. To win this you have to break the glasses, get to blue and kill him before he starts running.
LWS/G6/CEO: Legend
Prize: 2.000.000
Winner(S): TaJ
ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/B1obBK4

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Roleplay #370 - Meeting our new business partner (with Rebels MC)

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After being in contact with the Rebels MC, The Company had decided to make them into their new business partner. In order to make everything clear from the perspective of both parties, a meeting was set up between the two organisations in Los Santos. The Rebels had invited one of The Company's directors and he was escorted to Los Santos by a group of members.

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Once arrived, Secretary Nobody and President Felix were awaiting the Director of The Company. They had been in contact with each other before but it still felt like an honor for them to have a person with so much power in San Andreas coming over. President Felix invited the members of The Company inside and offered them all a drink, after that, the gentlemen went to a table to talk business.

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The Rebels told the Director of The Company that they were interested in the possibility of The Company being the main weapon supplier for the Rebels. That was, of course, a possibility. After that, the Rebels asked if The Company was willing to help with getting rid of some of the Blood Brothers MC members, their biggest rival. With the many resources and power that The Company has, it should not be a problem to get rid of some bikers. However, when The Company needs the members of the Rebels MC, they should be available to escort shipments and run some jobs for The Company as well.

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With both parties happily agreeing to these terms, it was time for the members of The Company to leave. A Director cannot be at the same place for too long since he is a known person in the country. Therefore, a different vehicle was set ready to pick up the Director with a high-security escort. One can never be too careful in situations as these. Now, it was time to head back to the headquarters and get the members of The Company ready for the future business with the Rebels.

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