VeX Posted January 31, 2020 Posted January 31, 2020 Event Name : CSLWS/G6/CEO : @TrevorWinner : @floraPrice : 1.000.000Screenshot's :::::::
mimyy Posted February 1, 2020 Posted February 1, 2020 #870~[Event Name :]~(silver) Find the dildo~[LWS/G6/CEO :]~(silver) @Duff~[Winner :]~(silver) @Ntruder~[Price :]~(silver) 3.000.000~[Screenshot's :]~(silver)::::::
VeX Posted February 2, 2020 Posted February 2, 2020 #871Event Name : 1v1 DMLWS/G6/CEO : @ExileWinner : @BartmanPrice : 1.000.000Screenshot's :::::::
Oleg Posted February 4, 2020 Posted February 4, 2020 #872event name: tdm (2 per team)LWS: @KARIMwinners: @Corrupt and @Chromeprize: 1,000,000#873event name: attackers vs defenders (10v10)LWS: @KARIMwinners: team IKEA (@hRL, @alex0107, @Rivals and many others)prize: 2,000,000 (200k per team member)sadly i cant find mta screenshots folder so i cant post any screenshotsEDIT: found screenshots
VeX Posted February 4, 2020 Posted February 4, 2020 #874Event Name : 1v1 SniperLWS/G6/CEO : @TrevorWinner : @Rzz0Price : 1.000.000Screenshot's :
VeX Posted February 4, 2020 Posted February 4, 2020 #875Event Name : CSLWS/G6/CEO : @TrevorWinner : @raafetPrice : 1.000.000Screenshot's :
LightSide Posted February 8, 2020 Posted February 8, 2020 ~[Night Activity: ]~(silver)~[Turfing:]~(silver)Some night turfs We managed to took Los SantosBefore:After:~[TR Hospital Tournament:]~(silver)
Thing Posted February 8, 2020 Posted February 8, 2020 Roleplay #352 - A Drug Deal with a new OrganisationParticipants: @johnn, @Poodlyz, @WenDo, @Dzmo, @ORiGiNALIn cooperation with: Medellin CartelThe Company made an appointment with a new organisation in San Andreas who have an expertise in narcotics called the Medellin Cartel. Their meet-up point was located in Montgomery, Red County.When arrived, their man in charge, Wendo, was there to speak to The Company in person. The narcotics department of The Company is always looking for potential new suppliers and was interested in doing business with the Medellin Cartel.Wendo took the head of the narcotics team at that point to his car and showed samples of the products in-store. The head of the narcotics team was interested to try the cocaine that they had. After taking a hit, he was impressed and curious about how the product would do on the market.Wendo's men loaded up the big black truck of The Company with around 400 kilos of cocaine and the payment was made with the usual amount per kilo that The Company gives to its suppliers. One of the benefits of being a well-known organisation in San Andreas. After the payment, the narcotics team moved back to Tierra Robada where the narcotics were put into a warehouse at an unknown location.
VeX Posted February 9, 2020 Posted February 9, 2020 #876Event Name : True or FalseLWS/G6/CEO : @MatthewsWinner : @OwenDlashPrice : 1.000.000Screenshot's :
VeX Posted February 9, 2020 Posted February 9, 2020 :::Activity 9th. Februar. 2020TURF ZONES BEFORE:TURF ZONES AFTER::::
mimyy Posted February 12, 2020 Posted February 12, 2020 #877~[Event Name :]~(silver) Guess the color~[LWS/G6/CEO :]~(silver) @Duff~[Winner :]~(silver) @Laminee Ikas|Chaikos~[Price :]~(silver) 500k per winner~[Screenshot's :]~(silver)::::::
Oleg Posted February 12, 2020 Posted February 12, 2020 Roleplay #353 - A deal went wrong and the compensation for itParticipants: @nutellaguy @Ram @Cornelius @Sanyok @Pump @Jesse421In cooperation with: Organization Zero and Clandestine MobEarlier today, there was a scheduled deal for Organization Zero and Clandestine Mob to happen. The meeting place was at remote part of Tierra Robada, so no cops can be there. Both parties came, started the conversation and it all went as usual. Just another day for some criminal organization members. Supposedly there were some drugs and even prostitutes involved in the deal.Everything went smooth until it didnt. There was a dispute between them, someone got the gun out, they ran to cover and the shootout started. So many bullets were fired and eventually a friend from the Clandestine Mob was hit. That should have never happened. Thats not how deals go in our town. He was not shot fatally but wounds were kinda serious. They rushed to their private doctor and thats where everything began.Immediately after that I got a call from the boss of the Clandestine mob. We set up an urgent meeting and he came very quick. He explained the situation and asked if we can do our thing - locate and asassinate them. As usual, it was not a problem for us and I gave him my word that they will be tracked down and killed before the sun goes down. He thanked me and left. It was a priority so I formed a group of trusted people. 2 of the intelligence unit and 2 of my most trusted assasination professionals. I explained what happened and they started their thing.Soon they were tracked down by the intelligence unit. They made a stop in Bayside. The intelligence unit sent the picture of confirmation and quickly, the assasination team got on their way to Bayside. Not long had passed until they made their way there. They drove around, observing for potential key witnesses and a tall building the shots can be made from. They confirmed that nobody was around, found the perfect place and went there. They got in position and waited for the order.The perpertrators of the wounding of our friend were talking and hanging by the sea like nothing happened. We do not tolerate such deals in our town, especially when it is with friends of ours. The assasins got their order and shot, killing them in an instant. This way we spread our message, saying that we have our friends' backs, as well as we dont like those kinds of deals.
Noizi Posted February 14, 2020 Posted February 14, 2020 ^[]^[=Turfing BS /TR/BC=]^[-14/02/2020-]^[]:::Before;After::::
Poodlyz Posted February 15, 2020 Posted February 15, 2020 Todays activity, doing some SRs with some of our helpers:
Oleg Posted February 16, 2020 Posted February 16, 2020 #878type of the event: Land with vortexlws/g6: @KARIMprize: 1,000,000winner: @silascreenshots: in the spoiler below::::::
Noizi Posted February 16, 2020 Posted February 16, 2020 ^[]Roleplay#354@Doogle said in Clandestine Mob - Media archive:RolePlay #303Participants: @Clandestine-Mob & @The-Company ( @Noisyboy )Story: Today, while chilling in our headquarter, I have received a phone call from our alliance gang The Company telling me to do an Important meeting at any close time. When we met, they told me that most of their gang members are in other towns having some wars with the other gang, our enemies, so no left only a few from them. And they told me that another enemy gang Took advantage of this to happen, the situation. They said that the last days, every morning, they find their hideout has been broken into, and they did all things from doing controls camera, a designation to someone to guard, but no avail, and they asking help from me to find a solution for this problem. I said to them to give me some time to know what to do. And as I have a friend who is a member of some Industrial companies when I came back to our base I did a talk with him in my cell phone, I told him what is happening, and I asked help from him to trying to make one machine to determine the fingerprints...One day later, he came to The Company's base with some people and they installed this machine. The next day morning. When THC members told me that this thing has been done again, I back to them, and we have taken the fingerprints' pictures. After being tired from work, we found some shoe prints, after we analyzed it, we discovered the shop witch this man bought this shoe. When we arrived in this shop, we told his supervisor to let us watching the Cameras videos. Then we discovered that the two men bought these shoes. After that, we analyzed their faces and their house location, we went to them. When we arrived at the first man, it was a simple man who lives with his children normally. So no left only the second man. When we arrived at his house and when he saw us he gets in his car and he started running, so we follow him with shooting his car from windows. Suddenly, we arrived in the mountainous area, and this man stopped front one strange base, where another mans outs from here and started shooting us. And fortunately for us, we were wearing armors. Then we took some guns from the cars box and after minutes from warriors, we killed them and we got rid of their bodies. After, we back to this mans house, and we started searching there for THC's guns and the drugs who have been stolen. When we found it we took as fast as possible then we put it in our car and we back with it to The-Company base. They thanked me so much for helping and they gave me some guns and drugs as a reward, we shook hands and everyone went his way.::::::
hRL Posted February 16, 2020 Posted February 16, 2020 Me and Oleg started the day today by doing couple of VIPs around the SA and collecting them money.Meanwhile waiting for next VIP we saw that there appeared a Store Robbery in Las Venturas, so we took our cars and had a nice little trip towards the Store Robbery.After a few of Store Robberies around the San Andreas, we managed to get a helper with us, who gladly said yes to help us during our Store Robbery & VIP streak.Couple of minutes before the end of the Store Robbery our HC, Strong came ingame to do some Store Robberies with us.The next Store Robbery I decided to spawn a Picador, so our member LightSide could hang with us. Meanwhile LightSide jumped up on my car, there were others who also jumped up on the roof because they saw that we were just doing criminal stuffs!After a little trip in my Picador I managed to fish few more guys into my car, it was just like a snowball, more & more came, which we appreciate.Even tho there was this "unexpected" lag on SAES today we decided to pull out a Bankrob in Los Santos. All three crackers included defense got timed-out due to lag. But this would not stop our great crackers. A successfull Bankrob 8/8.To end the long day off we decided to do another Bankrob but this time in Tierra Robada, it ended up in the same way as the previous Bankrob, 8/8.
Oleg Posted February 17, 2020 Posted February 17, 2020 Las Venturas bank robbery 8/8Helping The Outfit in their bank robbery
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